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Comparison of Viola-Jones Haar Cascade Classifier and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for Face Detection
imas Rossiawan Hendra Putra S.Kom, Dr. Eng. Cahya Rahmad, ST ., MT, Dr. Eng. Rosa Andrie Asmara, ST., MT



Human face recognition is one of the most challenging topics in the areas of pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision. Before recognizing the human face, it is necessary to detect a face then extract the face features. Many methods have been created and developed in order to perform face detection and two of the most popular methods are Haar Cascade Classifiers and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), which have a very low rate of false negative. This paper presents a comparison of the two methods in terms of precision, recall, f-1 score and accuracy using confusion matrix

Keywords: Human Face Detection, Haar Cascade Classifier, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), confusion matrix, accuracy

Topic: Computer Science and Engineering


Conference: The 1st Annual Advanced Technology, Applied Science, and Engineering Conference (ATASEC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dimas Rossiawan Hendra Putra)

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