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Agricultural Land Conversion in Peri-urban of Cirebon Metropolitan Area and Its Relation to the Regional Food Security
Yanti Budiyantini, Fauziyyah Razanah Shabirah

Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung


According to the World Bank, in 2016 rural population in Indonesia was reported at 45.53%, and this share is continuing to decrease. This trend makes it difficult to achieve rural-urban resilience and sustainability. Food production on the peri-urban is under pressure due to competing for various land uses. Cirebon Metropolitan Area (CMA) is one of the three main growth centres in West Java Province. One of the CMA peri-urban areas, namely Cirebon Regency, experienced a significant land use change, reaching 300-400 hectares per year. At least 2,000 hectares of agricultural land in Cirebon Regency within the last ten years has shifted into built-up areas. The peri-urban area as the transition area of urban-rural is easy to switch their land uses. The aim of this study is to analyse peri-urban land use changes in relation to food production and food security. Through studies of peri-urban land in the CMA regions, recent developments are analysed and based on the CMA land use plan; the food security ratio can be compared. The study shows that the CMA will achieve a low regional food ratio or be in a condition of food insecurity, with a ratio of 0.150, which is too far from the ratio minimum of regional food security of ​​0.8. Therefore, at the end of the CMA land use planning year of 2040, the CMA will experience a food crisis and need to supply at least 606,645 tons of rice per year from other regions. This condition calls for strategies to increase production, productivity, and control agriculture land conversion.

Keywords: Peri-urban; Land Use Change; Food Security

Topic: Food Security


Conference: The 4th International Conference on Regional Development (ICRD 2019)

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