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Media and New Religious Reproduction in Indonesia: Culture-Pop, Capitalisme, and Shifting Authority
Moh Muhtador (a*)

a) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
Jalan Conge Ngembalrejo Po. Box 51 Kudus 59322


This paper examines the new religious models and colors in indonesia that grow along with technological developments. This phenomenon is part of pop-culture that its have purpose and purpose because encounter of media and religious had packed with pop culture as part of religious capitalism. Such phenomena have consequences for the shifting of religious authority. This paper aims to see the role of the media in producing new religious and its relationship with capitalism so that it has an impact on the transfer of religious authority. Pierre bourdieus theory of habitus, capital and arenas is used as an analytical tool for new religious phenomena. This paper is an analysis-critical study of the phenomenon of virtual ustad that appear on social media by reading and constructing media patterns in producing new religions, resulting in conclusions that the emergence of new cultures cannot be separated from the role of media that displays virtual clerics as capitalist agents, and use the religious arena with a modern touch, and its form new religious habitus that has an impact on shifting authority.

Keywords: culture-pop, media social, new religious, shifting authority

Topic: International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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