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The Effectiveness Of Natural Science Modules Based On Guided Inquiry Method In Elementary School Learning
Fitri Yani1, Nurdin Bukit2, Sondang R. Manurung3

1(Basic Education Program, Post Graduate, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia)
Email: fitriyani651[at]
2(Departement of Physics, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia)
3(Departement of Physics, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia)


This research is kind of development research (Research and Development) which aims to determine the effectiveness of natural science modules based on guided inquiry method that is developed. The development of natural science modules use ADDIE theory (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Analyzing data using descriptive qualitative technique that expressed in students score and score scale category. This development research produces products that meet the eligibility requirements with the results of the validation of the material declared very effectivity and the designer is effective and the linguist is declared suitable at this theory. The results are students give a good response of natural science module based on guided inquiry method while the teacher gives a good response on it and the method is effective.

Keywords: Module, Guided inkuiri, Model ADDIE

Topic: Multimedia and Technology Information


Conference: International Conference on Science and Technology Applications (ICOSTA 2019)

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