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Ilhamd Wahyudi

University of Lampung


The act of a mother who kills her child is a crime that needs serious attention, because if viewed from a legal standpoint it violates the law and is an act of violence, while in terms of religion and the norms that exist in the social order are also very conflicting, the focus of the study in this study related to the factors that cause the killing of children committed by biological mothers and how to deal with the crime of killing committed by biological mothers against biological children. The method used in this research is empirical juridical namely the results of this study ultimately provide an answer that there are two factors causing the killing of children committed by biological mothers namely first there are internal factors namely the causes of crime originating from within the perpetrators, one of which is a crime that more emphasis on psychological elements, this emphasizes psychological caused by mental disorders. The second factor that causes the crime of murder against biological children is external factors, namely factors originating from outside the perpetrator such as the environment around the perpetrator that causes the perpetrators to commit murder. In addition, efforts to tackle infanticide can start from ourselves, the family and the environment, holding fast to religious teachings is an absolute thing that must be taught to children even since they are still at a very young age. Prevention and prevention efforts against the crime of infanticide by biological mothers, is one of the best solutions to resolve these problems.

Keywords: Criminology, Crime, Murder, Children.

Topic: Criminal law


Conference: Riau Annual Meeting on Law and Social Sciences (RAMLAS 2019)

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