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Analysis of Utilization of Ubiklan Technology as Hybrid Advertising Innovation with Sharing Economy Concept
Oktavia Nurafifah (a*) Dinda Rakhma Fitriani (b)

a) Marketing Communication, Faculty of Communication Science, Gunadarma University
Margonda Raya Street 100, Depok 16424

b)Lecture of Communication Science Faculty, Gunadarma University
Margonda Raya Street 100, Depok 16424


A touch of new innovations in the world of advertising is hybrid advertising implemented by Ubiklan. This research aims to know how hybrid advertising innovation with the concept of sharing economy is accepted by companies and partners analyzed using Tecnology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT). This research is a qualitative design but researchers use purposive sampling techniques in determining the informant of the company and its partners Ubiklan around Jakarta. Primary data collection techniques through interview indepth and secondary data obtained by researchers from existing sources as supporters. For data validatation, researchers use source triangulation. The results of this research that for the partners, ease in operation of the Ubiklan application, and the profit of commissions from the sharing economi is the relative advantage of this technological innovation, and for the company the most powerful factor in the acceptance of this technology is the features of Ubiklan that is tracking system, impression calculator, and quality control is very effective to obtain mass product and branding awereness. The process of innovation adoption in this technology includes knowledge (level of knowledge), persuion (the level of persuitation), the decision (level of decision), the implementation (phase of implementation) and confirmation (level of preparedness). The adoption process goes well and corresponds to the stage.

Keywords: Ubiklan, innovation, adoption, hybrid advertising, sharing economy

Topic: Creative Industries


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Oktavia Nurafifah)

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