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Internationalization of higher education policy: happiness or not?
Noni Srijati Kusumawati (a)

(a) Post-graduate student of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia


Public policy should be about enhancing happiness or the welfare of the people, now and in the future. However, in reality, there are not many public policies that really think about the happiness of the target group. Though happiness has a positive impact on both individuals and social aspects. the trend in education policy that is currently developing is the internationalization policy of higher education. It is expected that international policy can improve the quality of education and the economic competitiveness of a country. To achieve this goal, many policies are made with specific targets. There is not a little compensation for the targets achieved. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify whether the internationalization policy provides happiness to the target group. Happiness in the education environment can create a good social environment for the next generation. In addition, happiness in the work environment can increase productivity and achieve outcomes. This indicates that happiness can support the objectives of the internationalization policy. This article uses the literature review. The results can be used as a reference for policymakers to pay attention to how the happiness factor of the target can be taken into consideration in making further policy.

Keywords: internationalization higher education, happiness, policy

Topic: Kebijakan Publik


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

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