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The Practice of Santet (Witchcraft) Business Through Internet in Indonesia
Kankan Kasmana

Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual
Universitas Komputer Indonesia


even though Indonesia has a law that prohibits witchcraft, its practice in Indonesia still continues today. The phenomenon of witchcraft service offers is done in various ways, including online. Hundreds of witchcraft services offer their services with confidence and even install Google Adsense. This peculiarity occurs in Indonesia as a multicultural country whose society is led to modernity, but on the other hand still has a primordial perspective, believing in the occult. This article discusses the witchcraft practice services that are present through internet media, 3 blogs chosen as case studies are the object of study. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the use of blog features in the practice of santet in Indonesia. Through research, it is known that internet sites are the initial medium of transactions. Practitioners (shamans) make the internet a medium for trapping consumers (as actors), especially middle, upper-middle and upper-middle class economies who are busy, reluctant to identify their identities, and need fast processing. In the site presented the types of witchcraft services with various levels, most of the sites straightforwardly load shamans contact numbers. The site platforms used are blogs. To convince consumers the site displays testimonials of dialogue, as well as proof of transactions regarding the practice of witchcraft that is carried out.

Keywords: Santet, witchcraft, Internet, Indonesia, shaman

Topic: Informatic and Information System


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

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