Added Value Analysis of Coconut Agroindustry in The Inter-Country Border Area in Bengkalis District Djaimi Bakce, Almasdi Syahza, Brilliant Asmit, Tia Sofiani Napitupulu
Institute of Research and Community Services Universitas Riau Kampus Bina Widya Jl. HR. Soebrantas Km. 12.5 Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
There are a number of potential agroindustry products to be developed in the border area between countries in Bengkalis Regency, one of which is coconut. The development of coconut agroindustry is important because most people depend their lives on coconut farming. In connection with efforts to increase community economic development, the problem faced is the suboptimal utilization of industrial technology in increasing added value, and the suboptimal role of economic facilities and infrastructure in supporting the production, processing and marketing processes in Bengkalis Regency. This study aims to analyze the added value of coconut agroindustry products. Value added analysis using the Hayami Method. There are three coconut agroindustry products developed, namely copra, dried grated coconut, and coconut shell charcoal. The highest added value of coconut agroindustry products is coconut shell charcoal for IDR. 3,165.79/kg, then dried grated coconut is IDR. 1,057.86/kg, and copra IDR. 243.36/kg. In order to increase the added value of coconut agroindustry products, technology transfer is needed to increase the quantity and quality, as well as variations in coconut agroindustry products. In the process of technology transfer, it is necessary to optimize industrial technology and supporting infrastructure for the economy.
Keywords: Coconut Agroindustry; Added Value; Inter-Country Border Area
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