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Using the Knowledge Management System to socialize natural disaster mitigation in Indonesia
Wahyu Sardjono (a*), Harisno (b), Karto Iskandar(c)

a*,b,c)Information Systems Management Department,
BINUS Graduate Program - Master of Information Systems Management, BINA NUSANTARA University, Jakarta, INDONESIA 11480


Indonesia is vulnerable to natural disasters such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides and droughts and forest fires. Geographically, Indonesia is also located on the equator, so this region has a tropical climate. During the rainy season when rainfall is high, this condition triggers tornadoes, floods and landslides. While in the dry season, and low rainfall occurs drought, forest and land fires. While in the transitional season, the natural phenomenon of tornadoes is a threat of disaster. In Law No. 24 of 2007 of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Disaster Management, it is stated that the central government and regional governments are responsible for implementing disaster management, with an emphasis on preparedness and mitigation in the face of natural disasters. However, socialization to the community regarding the two matters is not regulated in the existing law, so that the planning and implementation of the outreach and internalization program must be carried out to the wider community so that natural disaster preparedness and mitigation can be carried out to the maximum. In line with the development of information technology and systems that have entered the era of media convergence, namely the integration of various technology platforms on one media or equipment owned by all levels of society, the acceleration of the process of disseminating preparedness and mitigation can also be done by utilizing these equipment. Using the theory of SECI Model, the development of knowledge management can be implemented to optimize the dissemination and development of data and information about sustainable mitigation activities related to natural disasters. The results of the research are in the form of developing a Knowledge Management System (KMS) for natural disaster preparedness and mitigation that can be used to support the socialization and internalization of disaster preparedness and community-based disaster mitigation activities, including dissemination and measurement of community preparedness and mitigation performance in the face of natural disasters.

Keywords: natural disasters, knowledge management systems, SECI Model, mitigation activities, socialization

Topic: Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Earth Science, Mineral, and Energy (ICEMINE 2019)

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