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Evaluating stiffnes parameters of asphalt layers using field and laboratory light weight deflectometer
Lucky Caroles1, A. R. Djamaluddin2, A. Arwin Amiruddin2, Ardy Arsyad2

University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia


The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is a portable device that measures the onsite dynamic or resilient modulus (Evd) of subgrade soils and pavements. However, this method is time-consuming. A light-weight deflectometer (LWD) developed for evaluation of surface stiffness may be employed to estimate the degree of compaction. The application of LWD technology to compacted asphalt layers have been combined with nondestructive testing (NDT) devices to better characterize the stiffness parameters. The areas identified as less-compacted are common candidates for performing the NDT spot tests. In this study, the following tests were performed on a asphalt layer by field and laboratory LWD test. Correlation of stiffnes parameters of asphalt layer (deflection (D0), surface modulus (E) and stress (τ)) field and laboratory LWD was investigated. It was found that there are relevant correlations between the stiffnes parameters of field and laboratory LWD. When these correlations are known, laboratory LWD test can be an alternative for indirectly evaluating of stiffnes parametrs for asphalt layers. The proposed correlation was validated with independent data from other studies reported in the literature.

Keywords: stiffnes parameters, LWD, NDT

Topic: Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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