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Applying Literature Circle to teaching Critical Reading in the EFL University Student
Djoko Sutrisno, Dwi Rukmini, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, Sri Wuli Fitriati

Maarif Nahdlatul Ulama of Kebumen University, English Department, Indonesia.Jl Kusuma 75 Kebumen
Post Graduate Program Semarang State University, Indonesia. Jl Kelud Utara III, Semarang


This study explores and designed in accordance the effect of Literature Circle on EFL students critical reading skill. Thirty students out of a private university in Semarang, Indonesia, were involved in the study and it having been decided on based on their English talents of at least advanced level. These students were required to complete a studying in reading text analysis by using Watson Glaser in measuring score and questionnaires was also applied in labeling of critical language awareness. The findings of this study show that there is relationship effect between LC seeing as the main independent variable and CLA as moderator variables, this implies that the EFL University students with higher CLA comprehend texts better than those with lower CLA. Beside, findings show that Literature Circle is more effective than Technology Integrated Instructions in teaching Critical Thinking Skill at EFL University College students. The mean score of the students taught using Literature Circle 89 is higher than the one of those taught using Technology Integrated Instructions 72.

Keywords: Literature Circle, Critical Language Awareness, Critical Reading Skill, Critical Thinking, Text Analysis

Topic: Education


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

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