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Local Wisdom-Based Community Development as Tolerance Educational Tourism Village
Nur Chanifah, Mohamad Anas, Prisca Kiki Wulandari, Destriana Saraswati

Brawijaya University


Sukodadi is a village that has great potential of diversity, especially in religion and faith (Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism) which are embraced by its citizens, and even there are also local faiths that can coexist. The practice of tolerant life of Sukodani society can be used as a role model for the development of a harmonious life in Malang, but the great potential has not been realized by the village community. This condition is caused by several factors, including low human resources, especially related to potential tolerance, lack of encouragement from the government, and other public facilities. Based on those problems, Doktor Mengabdi Team efforts to empower and assist the community by two steps, namely: observation and focus group discussion by participatory action approach. The results show two things. Firstly, to realize an educational destination, the village youth (Karang Taruna) can make tolerance tourism packages to promote tolerance villages both conventionally and digitally. The realization is that the Doktor Mengabdi team collaborates with academics and practitioners to train them regularly and equip them with knowledge of tolerance, homestay management and tourism amenities, planning tourism promotions and tour packages, so that can benefit local residents. Secondly, the PKK members will be trained to make batik by collaboration with Celaket Written Batik (BTC) and Soendari batik gallery. This program can becomes a socio-cultural laboratory in tolerance learning from local wisdom with a more specific theme, namely the Development of Economic and Educational Tourism Areas.

Keywords: Local wisdom, Tourism, Education, Tolerance, and Sukodadi

Topic: Sosical Economic and Community Development


Conference: International Conference on Innovation and Technology (ICIT 2019)

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