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Eva Novianti, Endang Ayu Susilawati, Mira Febriana, Nur Syamsiyah, Eka Yuni Astuty

Darma Persada University


This research will provide wedding planner with time management and comparison budget with several Indonesian Traditional wedding package. The development of wedding planner will use extreme programming method and implement project management plan to arrange the wedding. The development of this application will use CodeIgniter as a framework which is easier to continue on the next development. The final result of this research is a wedding planner to help bride and groom to easily maintain their schedule with wedding organizer on their pre-wedding. Moreover, Indonesian bride and groom more into traditional ceremony and on the budget with tight schedule, this wedding planner will compare several package and flexibility with schedule and reminder to give alert in order to keep on the timeline.

Keywords: extreme programming, project management, wedding planner

Topic: Computer Engineering


Conference: Broad Exposure on Science and Technology (BEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Eva Novianti)

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