DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS BASED E-COMMERCE (a Case of PanenMart Makassar Company) Aulia Adisti Indah Sari (a*) , Muh Hatta Jamil (b), Musran Munizu (c)
Aulia Adisti Indah Sari (a*) , Muh Hatta Jamil (b), Musran Munizu (c) a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University b. Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University c. Departmen of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Makassar. adistiindah[at]
Marketing and communication are two inseparable things. Marketing activities can not work well without good communication within them. The development of agribusiness activities, in addition to the synergy between the actors of the company, also requires a marketing system. For example, collaborate on digital technologies via an e-commerce approach. E-commerce is a buying and selling mechanism using the Internet as a means of meeting buyers and sellers in cyberspace to analyze the determinants and inhibiting factors that can influence the development of online marketing strategies. in PanenMart companies, as well as to formulate and explain alternative strategies that can be applied in developing online marketing strategies at PanenMart Company. The determination of the sample is done intentionally. This research was conducted at PanenMart Makassar company using teleological informants. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the results show that the determinants of online marketing existing in PanenMart companies are (1) broader in scope, (2) online activities have tend to be more convenient, (3) Payment systems in Indonesia has evolved a lot, while the inhibiting factors are (1) the operation of the website often poses problem (2) the lack of understanding of the function of the site by the customer (3) the level of public trust in e-commerce remains low. The strategy used by crop harvesting companies is to use the business model business model for B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), C2B (Consumer to Business) and B2G (Business to Government).
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