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Android-based parking violation reporting application
Budi Yulianto and Setiono

Civil Engineering Department,
Engineering Faculty,
Sebelas Maret University,
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A,
Surakarta (57126),


Conditions in the field are often encountered by traffic violations caused by weak law enforcement with the limitations of law enforcement officers in its implementation in terms of human resources and the system. Vehicle drivers commit traffic violations, where they park their vehicles on pedestrian area, cyclist lane, roads that are prohibited for parking and others. In order to minimize traffic violations, a tool is needed to support law enforcement, especially in relation to the reporting system of traffic violations. The reporting tool must be effective, efficient and transparent in its reporting system. The purpose of the study is to conduct parking management and develop an Android-based parking violation reporting application called Buset Parking Law App. The results of the analysis parking characteristics in the study area indicate that vehicle parking violations are very significant. The implementation of the Buset Parking Law App shows that this application is easy to use, accurate, and transparent.

Keywords: Parking, Android, traffic violation,

Topic: International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Budi Yulianto)

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