Fair Value Adoption of Listed Companies On Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Period 2015-2018 Ulfa Puspa Wanti Widodo; Wahyudin Nor; Muhammad Hudaya
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin - South Borneo
Background— Adoption of fair value into Indonesian GAAP (PSAK No.13) offers an alternative method, apart from the existing one; historical cost. Companies then need to consider which method suitable with the nature of their respective entity as well as the determinants of fair value adoption itself. Review of literature shows that there are determinants of the adoption: are leverage, earnings volatility, size, ownership structure, transparency commitment, and asymmetric information. Purpose and Methodology— This study aims to examine and analyze factors influencing fair value adoption using a quantitative approach. There are 89 companies as samples of this study having properties investment selected from 630 companies listing on IDX period 2015-2018. All hypotheses are tested using logistic regression. Findings— The result shows that leverage, size, and transparency commitment affect fair value adoption, while earnings volatility, ownership structure, and asymmetric information show opposite results. Research Limitation— Not all data needed by this study are available at the companies- websites, including information of property investment. As a result a half of the population of this study is excluded. Originality/value— This study captures the latest development of determinants of fair value adoption in Indonesia, specifically on listed companies having property investment on the period 2015-2018.
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