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The Role of E-Commerce Technology in Advertising and Property Offering
A Selamet1, M Rizki2*

Departemen Manajemen, UniversitasKomputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan IlmuKomputer, UniversitasKomputer Indonesia, Indonesia


Abstrak-E-This study aims to find out, how the role of e-commerce technology in promotional activities in a business can make an added value. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The results of the research conducted are, identifying the role of e-commerce can affect the business activities carried out. then the benefits of e-commerce on the added value to business owners, as well as for customers, can feel comfortable on the security side because the transaction process is more transparent. Utilizing e-commerce technology can produce information that is fast, precise and reliable, as one of the factors of the success of business processes in the present era. by eliminating the boundary between space and time and the certainty of reliable information.

Keywords: E-commerce

Topic: Sciences


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muhammad Rizki)

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