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Finite Element Analysis of Miura Origami Structure under Uniaxial Compressive Load
Samuel Christian Hidajat (a), Mia Rismalia (a), I Gede Raditya Permana (a), Muslimin (b), Farid Triawan (a*)

a) Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University, Jakarta 12780, Indonesia
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Depok, Indonesia


This paper presents the finite element analysis (FEA) of Miura origami structure under the uniaxial compressive loading condition. The FEA model is developed under elastic-perfectly plastic material. Investigation on the compressive deformation characteristic and elastic modulus with three varied parameters, i.e. angle, thickness, and density of the Miura origami structure is conducted. The Abaqus software is used to conduct the simulation of compression test. The simulation result is then compared with and examined to the experimental data. The results of the analysis can be used for predicting the mechanical behavior of origami-shaped structure such as for designing an impact energy absorber and vibration damper.

Keywords: finite element analysis, Miura origami, uniaxial loading, deformation characteristic, material properties, elastic-perfectly plastic material.

Topic: Mechanical Engineering


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mia Rismalia)

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