Analysis of student-s mathematical problem solving ability materials linier programing reviewed based on adversity quotient (AQ) R Widiyasari1 E Nurlaelah2
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to determine student-s mathematical problem solving abilities reviewed based on adversity quotient in the materials linier programing. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Sources of data used in this research is a sixth semester students of Mathematics Education FIP UMJ. Technique of collecting data through written test and interview. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that First, Students with AQ quitters in solving problems are able to transform mathematical problems by writing what is known and what is asked and explaining problems with their own language, able to answer mathematical problems, able to interpret answers to mathematical problems, and able to verify answers. Second, AQ campers students in solving problems are able to transform mathematical problems, able to answer mathematical problems, able to interpret answers to mathematical problems, but are still unable to verify answers. Third, AQ climbers students in solving problems are able to transform mathematical problems, able to answer mathematical problems, but are still unable to interpret the answers to mathematical problems, and unable to verify answers mathematical problems.
Keywords: Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, Linier Programing, Adversity Quotient (AQ)
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