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Irfan Marwanza, Chairul Nas, Masagus Ahmad Azizi, Jansen Halomoan Simamora

Trisakti University, Jakarta.


In the calculation of coal resource estimation is generally done by a conventional and nonconventional method. This research uses a nonconventional method of Moving Windows Statistical (MWS) and Kriging, with 3 dimensions of calculation box area 100m x 100m, 200m x 200m, and 300m x 300m. which is processed using MWS and SGems software. The value to be gained is to compare the average yield of coal thickness with basic statistics, Inverse Distance Squared (IDS) and Kriging, and estimation of coal resources. By using MWS obtained an average value of coal thickness for area 100x100 equal to 6,40m, area 200x200 equal to 6,24m, and 300x300 equal to 6,03m. For the value of its ids in the area of 100x100 of 6.38m, 200x200 area of 6.16, and 300x300 of 5.94. As for the value of Kriging using Sgems with 100x100 area of 5.77m, 200x200 of 5.68m, and 300x300 area of 5.8m. For estimation of coal resource at area 100x100 equal to 943,480ton, area 200x200 equal to 526,460ton, and area 300x300 equal to 327,450 ton. In comparison, the average value of the average thickness by basic statistics, IDS¸, and Kriging on each area did not change significantly. But the value of the kriging method is the most accurate value because of the influence of spatial variation of data where one point with the other point influences each other.

Keywords: Geostatistics, moving windows statistical, kriging, coal, resources

Topic: Sample Topic


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

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