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Comparison of Copper Adsorption Effectivity In Acid Mine Drainage Using Natural Zeolite and Synthesized Zeolite
Efitriana Wulandari (a), Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik (a*), Amalia Ekaputri Hidayat (a)

a) Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia


Acid mine drainage (AMD) contains high concentration of various heavy metals and have low pH levels. In this study, the comparison between the use of natural zeolite and synthesized zeolite for Cu2+ removal in AMD was conducted. The adsorbent of natural zeolite was prepared through a chemical activating method by adding NaOH. While, synthesized zeolite was prepared from coal fly ash using a two-step method, fusion and hydrothermal process. The AMD used in this study was artificial designed with the concentration of Cu2+ 100 ppm and pH ± 3. The adsorption experiment was carried out using batch method to observe the influential parameters such as adsorbent dosage, contact time, adsorbent isotherms and kinetics. The result from this study is expected to provide better alternative adsorbent between natural zeolite and synthesized zeolite for heavy metal removal in waste water. Furthermore, both natural zeolite and synthesized zeolite have a great potential as a sustainable and economical material for heavy metal removal in waste water.

Keywords: Acid Mine Drainage; Copper removal; Fly ash; Natural Zeolite; Synthesized Zeolite

Topic: Renewable Energy


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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