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Rina Fitriana (a), Amrullah (b), Intan Suryani(c)

a) Lecturer of Trisakti School of Tourism, Jalan Komplek IKPN No. 1 Bintaro
b) Lecturer of Trisakti Schoolf of Tourism, Jalan Komplek IKPN No. 1 Bintaro
c) Student of Trisakti School of Tourism, Jalan Komplek IKPN No. 1 Bintaro


Online Review belongs to the Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), which means one-s direct opinion and it is not an advertisement. The society finds the reviews of Beauty Bloggers represent the popularity of a cosmetic product; in a positive sense, the beauty bloggers recommend the cosmetic products which are considered as having good quality. Therefore, a study on impacts of online reviews of beauty bloggers towards shopping tour interest of cosmetic products in Jakarta is considered necessary. This study is aimed at finding out the impacts of online reviews of beauty bloggers in encouraging women- interest to carry on shopping tours on cosmetic products in Jakarta. The study employed descriptive method by collecting data through observation and administering a questionnaire to 100 female respondents who carry on shopping tours on cosmetic products in Jakarta. The findings of the considered valid and reliable questionnaire data analysis revealed that the descriptive statistic test was categorized good for all variables of online reviews of beauty bloggers and the shopping tour interest. Besides, online reviews of beauty bloggers possessed a strong relationship as many as 0,682 towards the shopping tour interest of cosmetic products in Jakarta which as many as 46,5%. Beauty bloggers shared information and recommendations based on their own experiences by using blog with the contents in the forms of captions, photos, and videos about a certain cosmetic product so that it encouraged shopping tours on cosmetic products. Therefore, in the present study, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, in which t count was 9,235 > t table 1,984. Thus, it can be concluded that the impacts of online reviews of beauty blogger towards the shopping tour interest on cosmetic product in Jakarta indeed existed.

Keywords: Online reviews, purchase interest, shopping tourism, cosmetic products.

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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