Analysis of Interaction Design Patterns on M-commerce Applications for Housewives Septiana Putri(a), Veronikha Effendy (a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)
(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia (b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia veffendy[at] danangjunaedi[at]
Housewives as lay users who do not work outside the home at this time are considered not productive in financial terms because it only depends on the husbands income. This housewife needs activities that can increase income and productivity in financial terms. One effort that can be done is to sell products owned by housewives as lay users. Currently, the selling trend has shifted from offline stores to online stores, one of which is through the m-commerce application. However, due to the ability of housewives to operate m-commerce applications is not good so that housewives are less able to take advantage of existing m-commerce as a medium for selling online. This has led to the emergence of problems of interaction patterns that have not been able to communicate design well for housewives as lay users. So it takes an analysis of interaction patterns as a guide in designing the user interface. The User-Centered Design (UCD) approach is used to analyze interaction patterns so that it can help find better design solutions that can overcome the problems of lay users. Interaction design testing is done by Testing Based Usability Testing using a questionnaire Interaction design testing is done by Testing Based Usability Testing using a questionnaire. Where testing the measured factors that are useful, effective, learnable, Memorable, helpful, engaging are expected to get good grades. The results of this study are the Interaction Design Pattern in m-commerce that is suitable for housewives in a case study environment.
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