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THE ECONOMICS OF HOAX: A Game Theoretic Approach
Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu Abbas (a*), Andre Maytandi (b)

a) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia, * muhammad.hasyim.fe[at]

b) Pusat Pelaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), Jakarta, Indonesia


Internet technology as the basis of the 4.0 industrial revolution has made major changes for people in communicating and seeking information. Internet has made people easier to find information they need, even the smallest thing in their lives. Those easiness are often abused by irresponsible people by spreading false news, defamation, and hate speeches. Fake news, as known as Hoax, is a biggest problem that most often occurs in this digital era. With the increasing number of hoaxes spread, it raises the question of how someone actually considers making or spreading the news that false and tends to be slanderous. To answer the question, I, in this paper, use the economic approach. One of economic approaches which used to analyze criminal behavior is Game Theory. Using a game theoretic, this paper analyze the hoax from the economics perspective. The Inspection Game refined by Pradiptyo is the role model for the analysis. The game shows that any attempts to increase the severity of punishment will not certainly reduce the likelihood of the (potential) hoax creator to create hoax contents.

Keywords: Hoax; Game Theory; Inspection Game

Topic: Economics


Conference: International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science (ICEBEES 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu Abbas)

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