Spatial Interaction Pattern of Local Workers in Central Java Province by using the Euclidean Distance Approach Dr. E. Caroline, SE, MSi 1) Dr. Etty Puji Lestari, SE, MSi 2) Dr Ceacilia Srimindarti S.Pd, M.Si3) Dyah KuDr. E. Caroline, SE, MSi (a*), Dr. Etty Puji Lestari, SE, MSi (b), Dr Ceacilia Srimindarti S.Pd, M.Si (c), Dyah Kusumawati S.Sos, M.Si (d), Achmad Nuruddin Safriandono M.Kom (e)
a) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak b) Universitas Terbuka c) Universitas Stikubank d) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak e) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak
The Province of Central Java has a large population, making it a potential labor market for other areas that lack labor. spillover labor in a district / city in Central Java Province is the driving force for labor migrants from one area to another in the Central Java Province. Workers migrating to other regions aim to seek high wages from their home regions, and live a decent life to prosper. This study aims to analyze the patterns of spatial interaction of labor in Central Java Province. This study uses data from 2010 to 2017 or 8 years with research locations of 29 districts and 6 cities in Central Java Province. This research method uses a spatial weighting matrix approach with euclidean distance to calculate the Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA). Novelty this research is adopting a growth model from Mankiw, Romer (1992) then by developing a model using the Euclidean Distance approach to calculate the spatial weight matrix of LISA or Local Morans I. The conclusions of this study are: the spatial interaction pattern of Sukoharjo Regency has changed, initially the Sukoharjo City workforce in 2010 with the characteristics of low labor interacts spatially with other regencies / cities whose workforce is high, but in 2017 the Sukoharjo City workforce with karasteristics low labor interacts spatially with other districts / cities where labor is low. This was allegedly because the Regional Government of Sukoharjo Regency did the direction of the development policy and development of the Sukoharjo Urban area in the form of a modern trade corridor and a space for social interaction.
Keywords: Spatial Interaction Pattern, Spillover Local Workers, Local Morans I
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