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Hybrid Learning Development to Improve Teacher Learning Management: Education 4.0
Disa Hediansah (a*), Herman Dwi Surjono (b)

a) Postgraduate of Educational Technology, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281
b) Department of Enginnering, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281


Teacher learning management is an important part of achieving the process and results within the scope of Education. In addition, the development towards technology optimization is called era 4.0 as globalization which is part of the sustainability of innovation in 21st Century Education. The importance of conventional elements and the optimization of technological devices are combined to be part of the focus of research. Therefore this study aims to develop and investigate hybrid learning methods for teacher learning management. This research and development has passed the feasibility validity test with a score of 43,5 in the excellent category by media experts and 53,5 in the good category by material experts. This study involved 41 of them 9 teachers and 32 students at the Community Learning Center (PKBM Paket-C) in Ciamis District. The results showed a positive response to teacher learning management with a score of 125,0 in the good category. Limitation and future research are discussed.

Keywords: Hybrid Learning; Education 4.0; Learning Management; Sustainable Innovation Learning

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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