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Potential of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate as a Feedstock in the Synthesis of Ethyl Esters Using Solid Catalysts SO₄²ˉ/TiO₂-SiO₂
1) Joice Manga, 2) Ahyar Ahmad, Paulina Taba, and Firdaus

1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
2) Department of Chemistry, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Hasanuddin University


Utilization of by-products from the cooking oil industry, such as palm oil fatty acid distillates (PFAD) can reduce the cost of producing ethyl ester/biodiesel. This PFAD is processed into biodiesel using solid SO₄²ˉ/TiO₂-SiO₂ catalyst and ethanol reagent. The central composite design in Response Surface Methodology is applied in optimizing the effect of process variables such as the amount of catalyst, the molar ratio between ethanol / PFAD and reaction time. The results of the study recorded that the best-operating conditions with 98.89% ethyl ester conversion were achieved with a catalyst amount of 5% w, a molar ratio of 13 in a reaction time of 2.25 hours. The presence of SO₄²ˉ/TiO₂-SiO₂ catalyst components can be characterized using SEM-EDX. A functional group showing the presence of ethyl ester in biodiesel products has been identified using FTIR. Ethyl ester properties related to biodiesel properties can be shown as saponification value: 583.8446 mg/g, iodine value: 8.8714 mg/g and cetane value: 53.4.

Keywords: Biodiesel, Ethyl ester, Palm fatty acid distillate, Response surface methodology

Topic: Renewable Energy


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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