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Analysing Risk for Sustainable Construction Project Using Fuzzy Logic: A Concept
Sony Susanto1,[1], I Putu Artama Wiguna1, M. Arif Rohman1

1Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Civil Engineering, Surabaya, Indonesia


The use of natural resources is widely used in construction operations, as well as in the operation of a building resulting from a construction project there is still a lot of energy that cannot be maximally utilized to reduce energy use so that sustainable concepts can be implemented properly. In implementing sustainable construction there are still many risks faced by contractors, clients, and regulations. Therefore, a risk analysis of sustainable construction projects is needed to reduce negative impacts and improve the implementation of sustainable construction in reducing energy use, so that sustainable construction can be implemented smoothly in Indonesia. In assessing the risks to a sustainable construction project there are still few research done, it requires risk modeling that takes into account sustainable factors. Identification of risk for sustainable construction projects is obtained from the literature review. While the assessment model is determined by considering 3 sustainable aspects (economic, social, environmental) approach to probability and impact. With regard to probability and impact, the ambiguity of human judgment is assessed, using fuzzy. The results of the concept found in the formula for assessing the risk of sustainable construction projects are Rsp = (Rec + Rso + Ren) / 3.

Keywords: Sustainable Construction Projects, Fuzzy Logic, Sustainable construction project formulas

Topic: International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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