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Characteristics of Concrete with Alternative Fine Aggregate in Acid Curing
Desi Sandy(a); Lisa Febriani(a); Herman Parung(b)

(a) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar
(b) Departement Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University


One of the most widely used construction materials is concrete. Concrete technology is currently developing, one of which is looking for alternative materials concrete forming. This research focuses on the use of slag as a fine aggregate in concrete, especially in environments containing sulfuric and chloride acid. Observations were made by testing compressive strength, split strength, and flexural strength, with 171 cylindrical specimens and 27 sample beam specimens. The test results show that the relative percentage of compressive strength of normal concrete on H2SO4 curing against normal curing decreased 1.85% and 2.58% on HCL curing. The biggest reduction in the percentage of concrete compressive strength was found in 30% slag substitution with a value 8.42%, while the percentage reduction in the relative strength of the split strength concrete is found in concrete with a slag substitution of 35% with a value 9.26%. As well as the decrease in relative percentage of flexural strength was found in 35% slag substitution with a value 12.84%. Although there is a decrease in each characteristic of concrete, slag material can be used as a constituent for concrete under environmental conditions of sulfuric acid and chloride acid.

Keywords: Concrete, Characteristic, Slag, Sulfuric, Chloride

Topic: Renewable Energy


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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