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Process and Procedure of Provision Disciplinary Punishment and Placement Returning of Civil Servants Involved in Narcotics and Drugs Abuse Studies Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and Ministry of Law and Human Right
Yusti Fatmaningdyah; Lina Miftahul Jannah

Faculty of Administration, Universitas Indonesia


This research aims to describe the implementation of disciplinary punishment and placement returning of civil servants involved in narcotics and drug abuse and also the obstacles faced. The author takes the example of DKI Jakarta provincial civil servants and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Using a post-positivist approach, the author analyzes how the process and procedures are implemented in the provision of disciplinary penalties and placement returning of civil servants with drugs abuse cases. The results in the implementation of disciplinary punishment are carried out centrally. The absence of special legislation that underlies the civil servants involved in drugs causes many of the guesswork done by staffing official (in bahasa said PPK) and authorized official in Bahasa said PyB) with Indonesian Constitutions Number 5 of 2014, Government Regulation number 53 of 2010 and Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017. The results obtained are that both the process and procedure have not gone well, because the provision of disciplinary punishment that should have run parallel with the passage of criminal law in fact awaits a decision that has permanent legal force from the local district court. Placement returning for civil servants who have finished running legal sentences that remain under two years which are returned to the agency, do not yet have clear rules for what placement model to use. It is important for the government to make specific regulations for any violations of discipline, especially narcotics and drug abuse and re-placement if necessary.

Keywords: Diciplinary punishment, placement returning, procedure, process, civil servant, drug abuse.

Topic: Human Resource Management


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

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