The Perception of Yogyakarta citizens toward the policy of the Government in implementing a system of E-Tilang 2017-2018 Agasy Oktarizal, Erni Zuhriyati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
The implementation of the public service as a social rights basis of society in reality still many obstacles or irregularities. Often occur irregularities and even cases of maladministration, and corruption, which can be juridical in the imposition of criminal sanctions. Some of the results of a survey of the institution of an international survey show that public services in Indonesia is still the worst in Asia in terms of public services. The growth of vehicles each day is increasing where many users of motor vehicles that roams in every city all over the world including in Indonesia. Traffic is the most important thing for people who drive on the highway. This Program answers public complaints about the widespread practice of bribery and brokering in the management of SIM and STNK. The program e-Tilang is a form of the seriousness of the Police to execute the instruction of President Joko Widodo about the use of technology and answer program. This is a direct the President to utilize the technology. As well as answer program from the Chief of police. Then also to make the police more professional. Since Monday (13/3/2017), the Yogyakarta Police have implemented electronic traffic Tilang or e-Tilang. The purpose of the application of e-Tilang this is to facilitate the public when exposed to a speeding Tilang or breaking the traffic. The offenders did not need to undergo the court. there are as many as 250 number of speeding Tilang online, which have conducted the prosecution in the whole DIY. While, the offenders just stay pay at the ATM, or for those who have Mobile Banking can be paid directly online. And for those who do not have ATMS or mobile banking can directly pay to the counter BRI. Every speeding Tilang or better known as the e-Tilang that leads to perfection. There are 262 of regency/city are already using the system the table. more and more areas implement such a system, and then the use of the e-Tilang would be perfect. Moreover, the system table is already starting to look a result that is effective, quick and cheap if compared with a system of traffic Tilang manual.
Keywords: E-Tilang, Public Policy, E-government
Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies
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