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Hybrid Power Plant Model : Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell Micro Scale
Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang (a), Totok Prasetyo (b), Anis Roihatin (b*), Yanuar Mahfudz Safaruddin (b)

(a)Energy Conversion Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
(b)Energi Power Plant Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang


Hydrogen fuel cell is a fuel cell that uses a membrane as an electrolyte to exchange protons. The principle works is to convert electrochemical energy into electrical energy directly with hydrogen gas fuel. The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of hydrogen fuel cells against variations in fuel flow rate and concentration to get the optimum performance. First step is design a hydrogen fuel cell model, then simulated the cell performance of the hydrogen fuel flow rate of 6, 18, and 30 mL / min and the fuel concentration of 50 mol /m3 . Furthermore, the characteristics of the voltage-electric current and electric-current power per fuel cell stack are obtained. Hydrogen fuel cell research produces optimum power at 0.0471 mW / cm2 at a cell current 0135 mA /cm 2 and the cell voltage 0,35 V . The greater the load used, the time faster used by the battery to turn on the load. The highest time taken when a small load is 10 watts with a time of 240 hours and the fastest time taken when a large load is 400 watts with a time of 6 hours. Reduction of battery discharge time to the same load due to power losses in each equipment and circuit which results in the power generated by the battery not reaching the maximum load.

Keywords: photovoltaic, electrolyzer, PEM Fuel Cell, hydrogen flow rate

Topic: Mechanical Engineering


Conference: The 1st International Conference on Innovation in Science Technology (ICIST 2019)

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