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Development of Campus Model with Disaster Mitigation in the Framework of Disaster Mitigation Education at Indonesia University of Education
Iwan Setiawan, Dede Rohmat, Enok Maryani, Lies Wahyuni

Magister of Geography Education
School of Post Graduate Study
Indonesia University of Education (UPI Bandung)
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhy 229 Bandung


Campus has a strategic role in preparing the community to face possible disasters. To achieve this role, a commitment is needed to make the campus a disaster mitigation perspective, so that it becomes a medium for disaster mitigation education. The purpose of this study is to review the extent of campus commitment, especially the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) in making its campus disaster mitigation-minded. The research method used is a survey method for campus residents. The results of the study indicate that UPI has made a number of efforts to make its campus insight into disaster mitigation, but there is still a lot that needs to be improved. These efforts are generally still limited to the provision of physical facilities, not yet on the aspect of empowering campus residents. A number of weaknesses were identified in the form of the absence of a Disaster Risk Assessment Document, Campus Action Plan and Early Warning System, there were no massive socialization of disaster mitigation, and the absence of resource mobilization efforts.

Keywords: disaster mitigation, education, disaster risk, campus action plans, early warning systems, resource mobilization

Topic: Global Issues in Education and Research


Conference: The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)

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