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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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FinTech for Financial Inclusion in Muslim Community
Hanafi S Guciano

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Hanafi Guciano

UIN Syarif Hdayatullah

Finance is the weakest part of Muslim community since the financial sector is apparently dominated by non-Muslim. The sharia banking so far has not quite successful in helping Muslim-s to develop their businesses. Worse, for so many years, they have been trapped onto borrowing loan from loan sharks or depended on the middlemen who controls land, funding, logistic, transport, pricing, quality grading, fertilizers and seedling for rural farmers who becoming labor in producing commodities. Base on statistical data, most of the Muslim are poor and live in rural areas; isolated from economic activities and financial services, and therefore has limited power of influence. They depended on government grant aid, subsidy, and this condition has not been changed since colonial era. About 70 percent of Indonesian – mostly Muslim - still has no bank accounts, and the role of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) and rural bans (BPR) so far has been limited and therefore financial inclusion is a big issue. This situation needs to be addressed and Indonesian government established a Financial Inclusion Agency in 2017 with target to cover those 70 percent unbankable population by 2019. But, coordinating 10 government agencies was not easy and so far, no one is certain where the progress at. Telecommunication technology, on the other hand, expanding rapidly and covering wider areas, including those isolated rural areas - the home of farmers and women micro enterprises. They are now able to communicate with external parties, get the latest information and find out what the customer needs. They can now have access to financing (and to transport and logistics companies and the buyers/traders, SMEs and supermarket and hotel chain), increase certainty and reducing their dependency to the middlemen and loan sharks, as they are now able to contact finance services and customer directly. This is where FinTech becoming an important partner. The problem having to go to bank branches to apply for loan, leaving their family for a day trip to closest bank branch, and have to go through cumbersome documentation and time consuming with no guarantee they can get credit approval: is now solved by FinTech. With speedy process 24 hours 7 days per week, instant approval based on big-data and social-media profiling for KYC and credit scoring, and everything is now possible via mobile applications. It is very important for Muslim community to use this opportunity to participate in financial technology, cutting the banking back-log or middlemen charges, by direct access to funding source and their customers, with short period of time, wider access and lower cost. With FinTech crowdfunding or P2P lending and digital supply chain, hopefully they can be free from vicious cycle of finance. It will improve financial inclusivity and empowering women and Muslim communities enabling them to work collaboratively with better supply chain higher and value. Apart from that, digital finance can also be used for social and religious purpose, better access to health and educational services; but also to meet their obligation like paying zakat and shadaqa.

Islamic Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion, Social Finance

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Tyas Herlintang Prihatmanti (a), Dr. Senot Sangadji, ST.,MT. (b), Dr. Endah Safitri, S.T., M.T. (b)

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Tyas Herlintang Prihatmanti

(a) Student of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126
Email : tyasherlintangp[at]

(b) Lecturer of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126

One of the paramount criterion in designing a building is safety, including fire safety. Bank Jateng Pecangaan Jepara is a new building that was designed with limited consideration of fire safety, therefore requires some fire safety improvement. This paper evaluates and proposes fire safety retrofitting to the design of the building. At the first step, fire risk assessment analysis was carried out by using National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard. Some parameters would be used to measure the safety level such as the use of active protection systems which include fire alarm (NFPA 72), sprinkler (NFPA 13), portable fire extinguisher (NFPA 10), and hydrant (NFPA 10). Fire risk level is influenced by the initial point of the fire and its propagation. Therefore, at the second stage, a computer based simulation was performed to obtain an appropriate approach in reviewing the existing protection system. A 3D BIM model was built based on shop drawing and specification of the Building by means of Revit software. ProSym software is used to convert DWG BIM file into Fire Dynamics Simulator-s file. The parameters used include building geometry data, material specifications, ventilation and openings, initial of fire and time of evacuation. Ta the final stage, some scenarios of active fire protection were proposed and evaluated to measure its efficacy. It is expected from this ongoing research that fire safety will be increased and some insights on how prevent fire hazard will be gained.

Building Information Modeling, Fire Protection System, Fire Risk Assignment, Fire Dynamics Simulator

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas;Andrik Purwasito;Widodo Muktiyo; Andre Rahmanto

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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Digital has change in many sectors included in Education. The Digital Era has born digital native people and know they have entered the university. This research focuses on the first year student because there is a transformation with their previous study as the high school student. The Purpose of this research is to know the first impression of digital native students of thir lecturers personal branding through the instructional communication. This research used qualitative research with in depth interview and Focus Group Discussion. The research shows that the students is still comparing with the previous education system as high school student in the way of giving instructional communications.This condition becoming shock culture because of the transformation.The first impression of their lecturers come up with their opinion behind the lecturer. There will be a model of the process of the first year university student as digital native start from cognitive, affective and behavioural stage. The digital native students has imagine the personal branding of the lecturer based on the name of the university or the brand. The student shows their expectation of the lecturer. The way of giving instruction to their student is built personal branding of the lectures.

Personal Branding, Instructional Communication, Digital Native Students, Impression , Lecturer

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Kuntum Palupi Setyaningsih , Agus Wijayanto, Suparno

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kuntum palupi setyaningsih

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Abstract This research deals with the problems encountered by the students whose first language is Sundanese language in learning English as a Foreign Language. The focus of this study is to examine the errors made by the students who have a Sundanese cultural background in producing consonant sounds. The study used descriptive qualitative research. This study involved the first-grade students of Vocational High School. The data were collected through observations and recordings. The recordings of the students- English pronunciation were transcribed phonetically. The data were analyzed by using contrastive analysis techniques. The findings revealed that Sundanese students met problems in English consonant sounds while producing[θ], [ð], [v], [f], and [z]. Sundanese students tend to shift the English consonant sounds to Sundanese sound systems when they speak. The results indicate that the significant differences between English and Sundanese sound systems are the cause of interference. To reduce the first language interference, the teacher should learn something about phonetic features of the students- first language sound systems so she or he can predict the errors that students would probably make while producing English sounds. Moreover, the students must be familiarized to speak and to listen to English in the teaching learning process.

Keywords: first language, interference, Sundanese language, English Pronunciation, Consonant sounds

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Flavonoid in Bandotan Herbs as Breast Cancer Chemopreventive: Molecular Analysis
Aulia Rahma, Rifki Febriansah, Heni Ratnasari, Vidia Noviyanti,

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Aulia Rahma

Pharmacy, Medical Faculty and Health Science, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Therapy that used to cancer survivor are limited to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. In addition to the expensive drugs, the side effect is still fraught with several challenges by killed the normal cell. One of nature, potential to developed is Bandotan Herbs (Ageratum conyzoides L.) which proved has chemopreventive potency. Its nobiletin compound allegedly potential to be chemopreventive agents in breast cancer. This study aims to know the compound and potential binding between nobiletin with VEGF and COX-2 as protein targets compared to a chemotherapy drug, 5-FU. The method used computational analysis with molecular docking principle with Autodock Vina, Haematoxyllin-Eosin Staining and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The obtained results are nobiletins score docking against VEGF -7,6 kcal/mol and against COX-2 is -7,5 kcal/mol. While score docking for 5-FU against VEGF is -4,7 kcal/mol and against COX-2 is -5,2 kcal/mol. Based on TLC with BAW 3:1:1 as motion phase shows that Chloroform Fraction Bandotan Herbs have containing of flavonoid (Rf 0,73; 0,84; 0,9). Have different component in structural tissue of mammary gland with the sample of HE stains. It can be concluded that Chloroform Fraction Bandotan Herbs has the potential to be developed into chemopreventive agents in breast cancer

Bandotan, VEGF, TLC, docking, HE

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Flexural Behavior Investigation of Concrete Exposed to Marine Enviroment
Winda Nur Oktaviani (a*), Priyo Suprobo (a), Faimun (a)

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Winda Nur Oktaviani

a) Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Concrete is a popular material used in constructions such as building, bridge, harbor, etc. The microstructural state of concrete shows that the material has a lot of pores which allows the aggressive substances in the marine environment, such as chloride, infiltrate into the concrete and cause corrosion in the reinforcing steel. If cracks occur on reinforced concrete beams due to the overstress in concrete, it will increase the infiltration rate of aggressive substances and accelerate the corrosion. In the long term, it can reduce the load capacity, the resilience of the structure and lead to progressive damage even spalling on the concrete cover. This research focused on investigating the flexural capacity of the reinforced concrete beam. The beams were pre-cracked to produce cracks and the accelerated corrosion test was used to initiate the corrosion process. The accelerated corrosion test used a constant current of 0.1 A with 3.5% salt water to simulate the marine environment. Finally, the changes of flexural capacity were evaluated in this study to obtain the effect of marine exposure to the flexural behavior of the structure. From the results show that beam flexural capacity decreased by 23% with a corrosion rate of 14%.

Concrete; Corrosion; Flexural Capacity; Marine Enviroment

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Flood Analysis for Flood Risk Mapping in Kedurus River Basin
Sintya Maghfira Ismawati S.T (a*), Dr. techn. Umboro Lasminto S.T., M.Sc (b)

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Sintya Maghfira Ismawati

(a) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia.
(b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kedurus River serves to drain flood discharge originating from the upper reaches of Gresik City and empties into Kali Mas Surabaya. In the rainy season, the West Surabaya area is often flooded due to the Kedurus River runoff. This study aims to analysis and simulate flooding with numerical methods, so flood prone areas due to overflowing Kedurus River can obtained. Flood simulation was carried out with the HEC-RAS software that combines 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional flow. In flood simulation, Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is used as the boundary of upstream conditions and the Stage Hydrograph as the downstream condition boundary. To create a river model, DEM data and hydrograph-data are used with certain return periods. The results of the analysis and simulation obtained depth, speed, duration and extent of flooding so that it can be obtained flood risk map of West Surabaya area. This flood risk map can be used for planning control and early warning.

Flood; HEC-RAS 2D; Kedurus River; Risk Map

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction Dynamics on Vibration Case at Water Pump Station Building
Hendri Hermawan, Data Iranata

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Hendri Hermawan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

At the service stage of water pump stations, the evaluation of the pump vibration takes an important consideration. Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction is an effective analysis method for prediction of vibration and avoidance of resonance phenomena. At large-sized vertical pumps, stiffness of the foundation structure has a considerable effect on the natural frequencies since the unballance of the system were triggered by it. This paper review interactions which holds effects on the vibration, such as building rigidity, fluids flow and the pump-s structure itself into complex dynamic coupled analysis

vibration, interaction, rigidity, fluid, soil

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Foliar Application of Cattle Bone Ash in Increasing Growth and Production of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccharata L.)
Muyono, Taufiq Hidayat

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Mulyono Mulyono

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Cattle bone ash contain high calcium and phosphor that can be used as foliar fertilizer. The foliar application requires that the particle size must be smaller than the stomatal size. The study is expected that by applying cattle bone ash to sweet corn through foliar application can increase the growth and the production of sweet corn. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with five treatment there are without cattle bone ash application, 0.1 %, 0.2 %, 0.3%, and 0.4% of cattle bone ash concentration. Cattle bone ash dominated with particle smaller than stomatal size and contain high calcium, oxygen and phosphor with little of sodium and magnesium. The result showed that 0.3% application of resize cattle bone ash could enhance leaves area, root dry weight, ear weight, 100 kernels weight, and net assimilation rate

Phosphorus, Fertilizer, Resize Particle,

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Follicular Analysis De Graaf Due To Giving Red Fruit Oil Extract
Bahrah (a*), Suryono Suryono (b), Melyana Nurul Widyawati (a)

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a) Postgraduate Applied Midwifery Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Jl. Tirto Agung Pedalangan Banyumanik, Semarang 50268, Indonesia
b) Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang 1269, Indonesia

The occurrence of hormonal reproduction disorders in women is one of the risk factors for the occurrence of infertility which influences the process of folliculogenesis. Hormonal disorders need to be overcome through conventional medicine, one of which is FSH hormonal therapy as a follicular development therapy for triggering ovulation. But FSH therapy has the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation side effects, high maintenance costs, emotional burdens, and unsatisfactory results so that it requires other alternative ways which are more economical and have no side effects. Red fruit or Pandanus Conoideus is a typical Papuan plant that has many compounds, one of which has essential compounds needed for the female reproductive system. This study analyzed the amount, diameter, and area of de graaf follicles after being given red fruit oil extract in infertile female mice. The results showed that the red fruit oil extract had an effect on the number, diamater, and area of de graaf follicles with p value

Folliculogenesis process; Follicle de graaf; Red fruit

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Force Back-Calculation to Predict the Actual Dynamic Loads Acting on the Windmill Structure
Muhammad Ibnu Syamsi (ab), Chung-Yue Wang (a*)

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Muhammad Ibnu Syamsi

a) Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The importance of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is one of the keys to the sustainability of the structural system to be able to continue to provide services in accordance to its functions. The SHM process involves observation over the time to measure structural responses periodically. The aim of this study is to derive the governing equations to calculate the dynamic response of the structure including its natural and essential boundary conditions through the Hamilton Principle which involves kinetic and total potential energy of the system. Windmill structure as the object of this research is located in the middle of the sea. This offshore structure is idealized as a cantilever beam with lumped mass at the free end to represent the large fan installed there. Both waves and wind loads are considered in deriving the dynamics formulation. Deflection and external load functions inside the fourth order differential equation of the beam vibration are assumed to be known using the linear independent characteristics of polynomials. In order to establish the dynamics deflection response and the force acting on the structure, the strain data at different positions obtained from measurement of the structure are provided. Finally, matrix inverse formulation to estimate the actual force can be formed. By estimating the actual loads using this back-calculation, the structural response in various position at any time along the height of the system could be predict through forward analysis.

structural health monitoring, back-calculation, dynamics, force, deflection

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Forehead Flap Reconstruction for Eye Lid Tumor
Sagiran1, Ahmad Ikliluddin2

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Sagiran Kromo Sukardi

Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Eye lid malignant tumor requires extensive excision and reconstruction. Radicality is the most important operative treatment. The modality to restore the defect can be vary from simple skin graft, local flap, pedicle island flap or free vascularized flap. We reported a case of male 82 y.o. suffered from left upper and lower eye lid tumor. Wide excision was taken radically up to the periosteum of lateral eye socket. The eye ball was preserved since the visual acuity still normal. The defect wide was 10x15 cm. Lateral forehead flap reconstruction was done. Full thickness skin grafting was used to cover donor site in forehead region. The tumor was confirmed as squamous cell carcinoma, with free tumor margin incision. One month after procedure, the flap was viable, followed with eye lid reconstruction. Visual acuity function normally. Six months follow up, there is no local recurrence.

squamous cell carcinoma, eye lid tumor, fore head flap.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Andy Omara SH, MPub&IntLaw., Ph.D.

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Latifah Hanum Kusumastuti

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

The establishment of The Indonesian Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi-MK) in 2003 is often considered as one significant achievement of the most recent Constitutional amendment (1999-2002). This new Court has significant authorities in protecting the constitutional rights of the citizens and upholding the norms of the Constitution. MK has five constitutional authorities i.e. settling dispute in general election; settling the dispute competence among state institutions; conducting constitutional review, dissolving political parties and providing legal opinion in presidential impeachment process. As a newly established legal institution, MK needs all necessary laws and regulations to exercise its constitutional mandates. These include the Constitution and other relevant legislation such as the MK Law and the Judicial Powers Law. In general, the work of MK, both substantive (material) and procedural (formal) law, is regulated in specific law namely Law No 24 of 2003 on Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MK Law) which was then amended by Law 8/2011. The substantive law regulates things such as the authorities of the Court, the types of Court rulings, and the impact of the court rulings. Formal law regulates the procedures in upholding the substantive law. Procedural law explains about all necessary steps in cnducting litigation in the MK starting from submitting a petition to the Court, the preliminary examination, up to the court delivering its decisions. Besides Constitution, MK Law and other relevant laws such as the Law on Judicial Powers (kekuasaan kehakiman), the work of MK is also guided by the PMK, Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi (Constitutional Court Regulation). The PMK aims to further elaborate provisions stated in MK Law such as elaborating the MK authorities and explaining in detail the procedures to conduct litigation in MK. Even though the regulations related to MK and procedures to litigate in MK are somewhat many, in practice in conducting its responsibilities especially in dealing with cases before it, it is often that the existing regulations are insufficient. In such situation, it is not possible for MK to decline such cases on the ground that the existing legislation do not address such cases (Ius Curia Novit). The question then how will MK handle the case when the existing laws and regulations do not address such cases? Does MK refer to other sources in deciding the cases? Does foreign laws or treaties influence the decision of the Indonesian Constitutional Court? If so, how do foreign law and treaties influence the decision of the Indonesian Constitutional Court? This paper intends to answer the above questions. In addressing the questions, the paper will first briefly descript the background of the establishment of the MK and some influences from other countries experiences in regard to constitutional court. The paper then will examine the relevant regulations related to MK ranging from Constitution up to PMK (MK regulation). Next, the paper will analyse selected cases submitted to MK in order to answer whether in certain cases, in deciding novel cases MK consider the norms of foreign law and treaties. The paper will end with conclusion and recommendation.

Foreign Laws, Domestic Court, Constitutional Court

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Fresh Properties and Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete with Fines Aggregate Replacement using Red Brick Powder and Rice Husk Ash
Hakas Prayuda (a), Taufiq Ilham Maulana (a), Fadillawaty Saleh (a), and Fanny Monika (a)

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Hakas Prayuda

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183.
Email: hakasprayuda[at]

This study discusses the results of fresh properties and compressive strength of self-compacting concrete using ingredients added Red Brick powder as a fine aggregate substitute. The results of the study were compared with the properties of fresh properties and compressive strength with ingredients added by rice husk ash which is also a fine aggregate substitute. In addition, it was also examined the initial compressive strength of each of these variations in order to accelerate the completion time of construction projects using self-compacting concrete. Fresh properties testing is carried out in the form of V-Funnel, Flow Table, J-Ring and L-Box where all specimens produce quite varied flow rates. Compressive strength was carried out at ages 3, 7 14 and 28 days with cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm. the variation of fine aggregate substitutes used is 20%, 40%, and 60%. From the results of the compressive strength, it can be concluded that the added material is categorized as self-compacting concrete with high initial compressive strength, while at 28 days the compressive strength test results are categorized as high strength self-compacting concrete.

Self Compacting Concrete, Fresh Properties, Rice Husk Ash, Red Brick

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Full Day School As Character Education Strengthen in SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta
Lis Yulianti Syafrida Siregar, Usman Abu Bakar, Akif Khilmiyah

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Lis Siregar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This study aims to explore, examine, and describe on implementation full day school as a reinforcement of character education. This study is qualiatif research with using study casus approach. This research was conducted in SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta, with subject headmaster, deputy headmaster of the curriculum, deputy headmaster of the student school, deputy headmaster of infrastructure facilities, teachers, students, and parents. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity used is the technique of triangulation. The research shows that: (1) The implementation of the Full Day School began since the establishment of the school in 2002. The implementation uses five effective days of Monday to Friday school starting at 7:00 a.m. until 15:00 a.m. Saturday is used as a day for extracurricular activities. In the implementation of the learning carried out by the PAIKEM method; (2) Characteristics of full day school as strengthening character education at SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta apply the concept of integrated curriculum and integrated activity; (3) The psychological impact of full day school students has been good because the school has packaged learning in schools with pleasant things that do not exclude the psychological aspects of the child from the world of play; (4) The full day school program model that is able to strengthen childrens character education is a school program that is able to create positive schooling

full day school, strengthening character education, students

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Funeraria and Modern Funeral Homes: Change, Modernity and Sustainability
Rohane M. Derogongan, Ph.D and Arnann Jay M. Agosto

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Rohane M. Derogongan

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines

Some people make a living out of the dead as the case with workers and owners of funeral homes. Since the 1950-s, traditionally operated funeral homes or “funeraria” which are family-owned have been existing in Iligan City, Philippines. However, with the advent of technology and modernity, “funeraria” have to compete with modern funeral homes owned by corporations. The emergence of modern funeral homes created a competitive market on the business of dealing with the dead that includes funeral and burial services, wake preparations for the dead and the bereaved families. The collected narratives of “funeraria” owners revealed challenges on profitability of the business and sustainability of livelihood of families. Such challenges affect the city-s social system for political and economic growth since funeral homes bring in job opportunities, makes the community relations stronger and promote prominence of local politicians. To ensure the undying culture of “funeraria,” local government of Iligan must extend support in protecting the “funeraria” against corporate funeral homes, community must fight against excessive consumerism for small funeral businesses to continue and the academe to scholarly sustain the discussions on culture, identity and heritage preservation.

Funeraria, Corporate funeral homes, Iligan City, modernity,sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Funeraria and Modern Funeral Homes: Change, Modernity and Sustainability
Rohane Derogongan, Arnann Jay Agosto, Russel Barinan

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Rohane Marohomsalic Derogongan

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Some people make a living out of the dead as the case with workers and owners of funeral homes. Since the 1950s, traditionally operated funeral homes or funeraria which are family-owned have been existing in Iligan City, Philippines. However, with the advent of technology and modernity, funeraria have to compete with modern funeral homes owned by corporations. The emergence of modern funeral homes created a competitive market on the business of dealing with the dead that includes funeral and burial services, wake preparations for the dead and the bereaved families. The collected narratives of funeraria owners revealed challenges on profitability of the business and sustainability of livelihood of families. Such challenges affect the citys social system for political and economic growth since funeral homes bring in job opportunities, makes the community relations stronger and promote prominence of local politicians. To ensure the undying culture of funeraria, local government of Iligan must extend support in protecting the funeraria against corporate funeral homes, community must fight against excessive consumerism for small funeral businesses to continue and the academe to scholarly sustain the discussions on culture, identity and heritage preservation.

Funeraria, Corporate funeral homes, Iligan City, modernity,sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Future Transport System with Technology and its Chance for Indonesia : A Review
Muchammad Zaenal Muttaqin(a,b*);Ahmad Munawar(a), Danang Parikesit(a)

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Muchammad Zaenal Muttaqin

a) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika No. 2 Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

b) Universitas Islam Riau, Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113 Pekanbaru
28284, Indonesia


Transport sector was becoming important role for general nation development, including Indonesia. One of the increasing transport activity was due to technology used by people, like smartphone, online shop, etc, In this paper, we present an overview of transport development by time based on a comprehensive literature and practical report in the real world. This paper also discussed how chance Indonesia overcomes transport demand to reach sustainability in Indonesia. Based on this review, transport development from past, current and future built by smart mobility concept through technology. Many alternative concept related with technology has been implemented as the solution for transport problem in the current also predicting the future, like organizing about transport plan by GPS, monitoring transport activity by CCTV, using Artificial Intelligent (AI) system to improve comfortability, and safety in the public service and reach more about alternative energy source for future transport based from environmental friendly. Indonesia has a big chance to adopt them but also consider about existing condition in Indonesia, like heterogeneous cultural and economical reason. Implementation about future transport system supported by transport policies was becoming primary key to reach sustainability in Indonesia.

Sustainability; Future Transport; Technology; Indonesia; Adaptation;

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Genetically engineered cassava expressing Arabidopsis scopolin-beta-glucosidase for delayed postharvest physiological deterioration
Dr. Ahmad Fathoni

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Ahmad Fathoni

Research Centre for Biotechnology, LIPI Indonesia

Rapid postharvest deterioration of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) root also known as postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is a major problem to the utilisation and development of cassava as a food and commercial commodity. De-glucosylation of scopolin regulates the homeostasis of scopoletin in the cells by the action of scopolin-beta-glucosidase (scopolin-BG). This enzyme releases scopoletin, a major component that plays a central role in cassava root deterioration, under stress conditions. However, an understanding of how this pathway contributes to root deterioration development and the specific genes for this enzyme in cassava remains undefined. We first investigated the diversity of scopolin-BG in cassava and manipulated the de-glucosylation of scopolin pathway via over-expression of a scopolin-BG gene, BGLU23, from Arabidopsis. We found that cassava scopolin-BG is encoded by multiple genes, most of which belong to glycosyl hydrolase family-1 (GH1). Identified homologous cassava scopolin-BG genes shared low amino acid sequence similarity with the reference gene, BGLU23, between 34 and 46%, and the phylogenetic tree revealed that none of them were closely related to BGLU23. Scopoletin and scopolin were detected at low levels in fresh roots of transgenic cassava, but their accumulation was significantly increased at day 2, accompanied by the up-regulation of BGLU23. Although it appears that de-glucosylation of scopolin does not play a crucial role in the accumulation of scopoletin in cassava, some BLU23-expressing transgenic cassava showed significantly delayed PPD compared to wild type control. This study has improved our understanding of biochemical pathway involved in PPD and provided alternative way to tackle this problem.

Plant biotechnology, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), genetic engineering, postharvest deterioration, scopolin

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Geotechnics Analysis of Soil Stability on Davit Kecils Dam in Ulu Maras, Kepulauan Anambas, Kepulauan Riau
Miftahul Jannah [1*], Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra[1], Joni Tripardi[2], Nopiyanto[2]

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Corresponding Author

[1] Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau
Jalan Kaharuddin Nasution No. 113 Perhentian Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Riau 28284.
[2] Public Works Departement, Water Resources Departement, Kepulauan Anambas

Davit Kecils Dam is an irrigation area that located in Ulu Maras Village, East Jemaja District, Kepulauan Anambas Regency, Kepulauan Riau Province. The need of geotechnical study is important to determine the soil properties and soil stability of the study area. Methods used are field study by taking soil samples and laboratorium test such as atterberg limits analysis, sieve analysis and direct shear stress that useful for soil resistence identification. Based on laboratorium test result, the range of Wl value is 49,28 - 95,55%, range of Wp value is 26,19 - 33,79% and range of Ip value is 20,21 - 58,76%. in the other hand, Hb.2, Hb.3, Hb.6 and Hb.7 are non plastic soils. The range of direct shear stress (phi) obtained are 25,33 - 34,33. Soil grain size identified from sieve analysis is gravel - clay. Based on the analysis result, stability of davit kecils dam that was observed from normal water condition and flood water condition are categorized into strong-safe dam characterized by sufficient eccentricity an bearing capacity control. In addition, the dam is withstand rolling and sliding.

dam, soil stability, atterberg limit, sieve analysis, direct shear stress

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Gendroyono, M.Pd.

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The role of the information and communication technology (ICT) is very significant in the educational area and it has nowadays been admitted by the academicians in all levels. In recent years, the creation of web based interactive technology has broaden the opportunity for both teachers and students in utilizing it in the area of teaching and learning. It is necessary for both teachers and students (future teachers) to keep using this technology to improve representation, adaptation, presentation, and interaction with the subjects being discussed. The research is aimed at exploring the strengths of Prezi in creating the presentation slides for the purpose of teaching and learning process. Taking three students of a private university in Yogyakarta as the participants, the study is guided by a research question stating "how do the students perceive the strengths of Prezi in developing presentation slides?" The results were categoriezed into three; the making, the appearance, and the use. In the making, students find it a lot easier to create the presentation because it is accessible online at any time and any places. Inserting media is also easy. In terms of the appearance, students find it very interesting since it has unique templates availabe online and it can be zoomed in and out with the emerging path where the presenters can keep their position in the whole presentation. The last, in the term of the use, it is also easy because it can run on clicks and on automatization.

Information and communication technology, Prezi, Presentation

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


GFRP as an Alternative to Steel for Sustainable Reinforced Concrete
Rezky Aprilyanto Wibowo

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Rezky Aprilyanto Wibowo

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete (RC) can compromise the structural integrity and cost billions of dollars every year. To reduce these impacts, finding the new, sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-efficient construction materials has a significant impact in improving the sustainability of buildings and economic increase. To meet the above mentioned requirements, this literature review aims to examine the feasibility and sustainability of Glass Fiber Reinforcement Polymer (GFRP) bars as an alternative to steel in reinforced concrete. The method used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of 21 relevant international journals from 2011 to 2019. The results show that GFRP-RC can be used as cost-effective solution to steel corrosion and sustainable alternative to steel due to the least amount of CO2 production rather than other types of Fiber Reinforcement Polymer. But the strength and durability as a feasible option for RC structures still remain controversial. Recently, significant improvement found in the prediction of deflection and stiffness of the beams. GFRP bars used as longitudinal reinforcement can resist compressive stresses in excess of 700 MPa and GFRP lateral reinforcement can confine concrete core more effectively than steel. Recommendations for future implementation include establishing building codes, improving recyclability and lowering initial costs

Glass Fiber Reinforcement Polymer; Steel; Corrosion; Sustainability; Reinforced Concrete.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Globalization Perspective and Impact of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Diah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc. Ph.D (1), Dr. Chuanchen BI, M.Sc (2)

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Diah Setyawati Dewanti

1. Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2. Khon Kaen University International College
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

This study is to compare the the globalization perspective concerning ecology, economy and social structure among undergraduate students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Khon Kaen University International College (KKUIC). Three hundred sixty UMY students and one hundred sixty seven KKUIC were collected with self administered methods. This study focus on the comparison of two samples of students concerning their recent and future perspective on ecology, economy and social structure, therefore, T-test is applied to achieve the aim of this study. Crosstabulation is applied to describe further concerning the result of T-Test. Economics perspective has significantly different between UMY and KKUIC with future perspective concerning working in agriculture sector.

Globalization, Ecology, Economy, Social Structure

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


GOLDARHES As a Digitalization Blood Type Test Device Based on Light Sensors
Satriya Manggala Liastra, Aisyah Faadhilah Helmadevi, Angga Dimas Mahendra, Lina Nur Hidayahtur Rohma, M. Thoriq Satria Dinata

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Satriya Manggala Liastra

Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

According to the survey in 2016 the death rate caused by negligence reached 1.4 million people in Indonesia. One of the negligence was caused by a blood type checker which were still manually done and high risk in human error. Goldarhes is a device to determine blood type with a light sensor with LDR and LED components and an Arduino microcontroller, then it showed the results on LCD. This device has never been used in Indonesian healthcare facilities. The Casing which is enviromental friendly material is made of corn husk waste containing cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose. In addition, the energy power of the device itself uses a charging system so that it can reduce the amount of chemical waste that is difficult to decompose. The Methods of this research is True Experimental using 100 samples of participants. The results obtained will be displayed on the LCD which is processed in less than 10 seconds. The results of this research was faster than manually test, the mean of test period was take 5 seconds and the sensitivity of the tool is 95%. Thus “GOLDARHES” can be used as an effective, accurate, and fast medical device in determining blood type.

Blood Type, Rhesus, Medical Device, Light Sensor, Android

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Good Project Design Indicators for Educational Building in Surabaya
Laveda Nidya Irianti, Mohammad Arif Rohman, Farida Rachmawati

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Laveda Nidya Irianti

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

As design is an important part of the process to create a product, a good design concept is needed. Good design is a concept which is commonly used in the context of urban design. The aim of the urban design is to deliver social sustainability values to the community such as by improving economic life, social relations, and providing safe, comfortable and easily accessible public spaces for all people regardless of physical ability. The concept of good project design have been implemented in several fields, such as technology, architecture, and urban planning. However, still limited has been conducted in the area of construction management. This paper investigated several indicators of a good design in educational building. Research variables were identified through an extensive literature review. Preliminary survey and pilot test were performed before the questionnaire survey to verify the variable as well as to ensure that the questionnaire has been well understood by the potential respondent. Data were analysed using mean to rank the stakeholders- perceptions from the government, consultants and communities as the end users. The results showed five highest criteria to measure a good project design for educational building in Surabaya.

design, building, good project design.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Nur Kholik Afandi (a), Muh. Tajab (b), Wahyudi Setiawan (c)

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Wahyudi Setiawan

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

(b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

(c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

Gratitude is the parent of the character in Islamic education. As a parent character, gratitude contains the values of spirituality needed in Islamic education. Character values contained in the spirituality of gratitude, among others, amanah, qanaah, istiqamah, tawadu, tawakal, optimism, creative, hard work, and prosocial actions. These character values, in accordance with the four main pillars of character development in Islamic education, sidiq, tablig, amanah, and fatanah. Character values developed in Islamic education, aiming to create spiritual well-being in students. This well-being is oriented towards creating a harmonious relationship within students with God, themselves, others and the environment. Therefore, character development in Islamic education can be done by internalizing the values of gratitude spirituality in the lives of students.

Gratitude, Character, Islamic Education, Spiritual Well-Being

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


T. Listyani R.A.

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Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

The potential of groundwater is part of water resources that need to be studied to determine its feasibility for living needs. One of its potentials involves its hydrochemistry. This hydrochemical study of groundwater has been carried out in Panggang and surrounding areas, Gunungkidul on the Panggang Hydrogeology Sub-system. Field hydrogeological surveys and laboratory tests of two groundwater samples have been used for hydrochemical analysis. Surface water sometimes gathers in doline morphology to then infiltrate into the soil and rocks through fractures, cracks/fissures, and dissolution cavities/conduit. Groundwater is characterized by limestone aquifers with the inter-grain flow and secondary porosity channel/network flow through cavities. Aquifers are dominated by reef limestones, with secondary holes sometimes large enough to form caves. Karst springs are found as a permanent or seasonal source. Groundwater comes out of the karst aquifer, especially in caves resulting from dissolution on the surface and below the surface. Groundwater in the springs studied has Ca, Mg-bicarbonate and Ca-bicarbonate types. The bicarbonate facies shows fresh water characteristic, young age with the dominant hydrochemical processes include simple dissolution and ion exchange. Low TDS and Cl contents indicate that groundwater is in the recharge zone. Although it is carbonate, based on its hydrochemical, the groundwater is still suitable for use as drinking water.

groundwater, hydrochemical, hydrogeological process, feasibility

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium ascolanicum L.) by Application of Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer Leaves of Lamtoro
Wan Arfiani Barus ; Hadriman Khair ; Muhammad Wira Ifandi

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Wan Arfiani Barus

University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Support for sustainable agriculture is to utilize organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers which are currently widely used are organic fertilizers from organism faeces and plant materials as well as in this study. The aim of this research was to determine the response of the vermicompost organic fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer leaves of Lamtoro to the growth and production of Shallot. This research used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of two factors. The application of vermicompost (K) consisted of four levels, 100, 200 and 300 g/polybag. The second factor is the Application of Lamtoro leaf liquid organic fertilizer (P) consists of four dosage levels; 0, 100 200 and 300 ml/polybag. The results showed that the application of vermicompost organic fertilizer showed a significant effect on all parameters studied except for the parameters of the number of tillers. Whereas, the application of Lamtoro leaf Liquid Organic Fertilizer showed no significant effect on all parameters observed. Furthermore, there was no interaction of the application of vermicompost organic fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Lamtoro leaf on the growth and production of shallots.

Lamtoro, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Shallots, Vermicompost

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Growth and Yield of Various Local Rice Varieties with Irrigation System of Rice Intensification
Isnawan B.H. (a*), Samanhudi (b), Supriyono (b), and Supriyadi (b)

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Bambang Heri Isnawan

(a) Student Doctoral Program Agricultural Science Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo and Lecturer of Department Agrotecknology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
* bambang_hi[at]
(b) Lecturer Doctoral Program Agricultural Science Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo

An Intermittent irrigation in the SRI method of rice cultivation, among others, aims to reduce water requirements. In Indonesia it is well known and has been released by various rice varieties, both superior rice and local rice, but which local rice varieties have the potential to produce high-yielding rice with the SRI method to meet food needs in Indonesia have not been carried out much research. The study about Growth and Yield of Various Local Rice Varieties with Irrigation System of Rice Intensification aims to determine the suitability of intermittent and continuous flooding irrigation techniques on local rice variety and to study the response of various local rice varieties to the growth and yield of rice crop. Research has been conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, UMY, which aims to determine how the responses of various local rice varieties with intermittent irrigation. The method used was the experimental experimental method carried out with pot research with an 8 x 2 factorial design of the treatment arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The first Factor was Rice varieties consist of 8 varieties, i.e. Mentik Susu (V1), Pandanwangi (V2), Mentik Wangi (V3), Rojolele gepyok (V4), Rojolele genjah (V5), Sintanur (V6), IR-64 (V7) and Ciherang (V8). The second factor was the method of irrigation consisting of 2 levels, i.e. intermittent irrigation SRI (A1), and continuous flooding (A2). Data analysis was performed with analysis of variance at &

Intermittent irrigation, aromatic rice, convensional irrigation

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Titiek Widyastuti and Bambang Heri Isnawan

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Titiek Widyastuti

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

9 tidak ada pilihan untuk poster presntation)

Planting Medium, Sirih Merah, Cuttings

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


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