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Seminar Nasional (Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air dan Pengembangan Kawasan Berbasis Ekowisata Menuju Bali Era Baru) (SEMNAS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.12.13 for 1 days in Bali |

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Dr. I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya,SH.M.Hum. I Wayan Arthanaya,SH.MH. Luh Putu Suryani, SH.MH.

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Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa

This study aims to provide knowledge and understanding to the public related to the regulation of utilization of watersheds as a means of water tourism in the city center, namely the city of Denpasar. In the long term the management of the utilization of watersheds will have a very significant impact on the community by increasing water recreation facilities in the middle of the city that are cheap and affordable, in the future it is expected to find a management model for the management of watersheds in Tukad Badung, in this study will examine the legal aspects of regional government authority in managing watersheds in Tukad Badung in order to create a clean environment and have a value of benefits to the community as a whole, in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments by sharing the amendments it is stated that there is an authority mentioned in Article 11 concerning concurrent government affairs, namely: Obligatory Government Affairs as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of Government Affairs relating to Basic Services and Government Affairs not related to Basic Services. Article 12 of Law Number 23 Year 2014 concerning Regional Government explains that: 1. Obligatory government regulations relating to Basic Services as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (2) include: a) education, b) health, c) public works and spatial planning; In relation to basic services, there are obligations that the Regional Government has are public works and spatial planning, that is, arranging and utilizing one of them the watershed in Tukad Badung. A healthy, clean and safe environment is part of human rights, which is stipulated in the constitution, Article 28 (I) that every person has the right to obtain a healthy and clean environment is part of human rights. Thus the arrangement of the Tukad Badung watershed for water tourism for the people of Denpasar in particular and the general public outside the city of Denpasar, also plays a role in maintaining cleanliness, and preventing pollution in the watershed

Watersheds, Water tourism, Environment as human rights

Penataan Kawasan DAS


Warisan Budaya di Desa Pekraman Gelgel: dari Teks ke Konteks
I Made Mardika, Anak Agung Gede Raka, I Made Suwitra

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I Made Mardika

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Warmadewa

Penggambaran sejarah Gelgel yang menjadi pusat kerajaan pada abad XIV—XVI Masehi lebih didasarkan pada data tekstual babad sehingga bersifat pragmatis. Padahal Masa Kerajaan Gelgel meninggalkan jejak-jejak warisan budaya yang kaya dan beragam. Teks-teks warisan budaya tersebut sangat penting artinya dalam mengkonstruksi sejarah kebudayaan pada masanya. Oleh karena itu, pengkajian terhadap laskap warisan budaya dan teks-teks budaya terkait relevan dilakukan guna menyusun sejarah kebudayaan Gelgel secara menyeluruh. Ada dua target khusus penelitian ini. Pertama, melakukan inventarisasi & klasifikasi warisan budaya di Desa Pekraman Gelgel, sampai pada tahap digitalisasi (membuatan Web). Kedua, mengkonstruksi sejarah kebudayaan masa kerajaan Gelgel yang holistik, dengan bersandar pada beragam teks budaya untuk analisis secara kontekstual, sehingga dihasilkan gambaran sejarah yang penuh makna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian budaya yang memadukan tiga teori secara ekliktik yaitu teori arkeologi, semiotik dan hermeneutik. Data utama penelitian adalah data kualitatif terdiri atas data tekstual, berupa warisan budaya benda maupun tak benda (intangible) dan dikontekstualisasinya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa warisan budaya di Desa Pekraman Gelgel terdiri atas: warisan budaya tangible seperti situs pura, prasasti, tinggalan tradisi megalitik, seni arca, dan kesusastraan (lontar) serta warisan budaya intangible seperti praktik keagamaan, kebijakan publik (dalam pariagem), dan kesenian klasik. Sejarah kebudayaan Masa Gelgel berlangsung pada abad XIV—XVI M meliputi sejarah politik kerajaan, Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel dalam kaitannya dengan pura-pura lain di Gelgel, aspek keagamaan dan seni budaya pada masa Gelgel. Dua hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sumber informasi tentang warisan budaya dan sejarah kebudayaan Masa Gelgel, untuk selanjutnya dikemas menjadi Daya Tarik Wisata (DTW) menuju Gelgel sebagai Desa Wisata.

warisan budaya, teks, konteks, desa wisata

Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal


Warisan Budaya Di Desa Pekraman Gelgel: Dari Teks Ke Konteks
I Made Mardika, Anak Agung Gede Raka, I Made Suwitra

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Kadek Adi Indra Brata

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Warmadewa

Pengkajian terhadap laskap warisan budaya dan teks-teks budaya terkait sangat relevan dilakukan untuk menyusun kisah sejarah kebudayaan masa kerajaan Gelgel secara menyeluruh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan inventarisasi, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi warisan budaya yang ada di Desa Pekraman Gelgel, dan mengkonstruksi sejarah kebudayaan masa kerajaan Gelgel yang holistik, dengan bersandar pada beragam teks budaya, analisis kontekstual, sehingga dihasilkan gambaran sejarah yang penuh makna. Untuk mencapai target tersebut, digunakan tiga teori secara ekliktik yaitu teori arkeologi, semiotik dan hermeneutik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian budaya. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dengan alat bantu berupa pedoman wawancara, kartu pencatat data lapangan, kamera digital, drone dan handphone. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam kepada sejumlah informan, dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk warisan budaya dari masa kerajaan Gelgel abad XIV-XVI masehi menunjukan jenis yang kaya dan beragam. Jumlah keragaman bentuk warisan budaya di Desa Pekraman Gelgel dapat dikelompokan menjadi lima jenis, yaitu: prasasti 3 buah, pura sebanyak 45, seni arca yang bercorak tradisi megalitik hingga arca masa klasik, seni pertunjukan sebanyak 5 jenis, seni kerajinan 4 jenis, dan kebudayaan islam 3 jenis. Kontekstualisasi Warisan Budaya di Desa Pekraman Gelgel menjadi basis dalam mengkontruksi sejarah kebudayaan Masa Kerajaan Gelgel menyangkut dimensi struktur kota keraton terkait dengan kehidupan sosio religious. Kesimpulannya, inventori bentuk-bentuk warisan budaya yang diunggah dalam website, dan konstruksi sejarah kebudayaan masa Gelgel yang lengkap, untuk selanjutnya dapat dikemas sebagai daya Tarik wisata (desa wisata).

warisan budaya, teks, konteks, desa wisata

Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal


Nanang Sasmita (a*), Jhon Hardy Purba (b), Liris Lis Komara (c), Tomycho Olviana (d), I Made Kartika (e)

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Nanang Sasmita

a) Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University
b) Faculty of Agriculture, Panji Sakti University
c) East Kutai School of Agriculture
d) Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University
e) Ngurah Rai University, Denpasar Bali

Forests, traditional gardens and green spaces play an important role in regulating the water flow of an area. Along with the high demand for land in Bali for agriculture and tourism, many forest areas have been converted into hotels and settlements. Forest conversion has caused many problems such as erosion, soil fertility decreased, flora fauna extinction, floods, drought and global warming. So that disturbing watersheds, especially rivers for springs. The purpose of this study is the development of watershed conservation in Bali based on traditional agroforestry. The method that used is vegetation analysis. Calculation of the erosion amount using the USLE formula. Sampling was done by 10 plots. The results showed that traditional agroforestry vegetation consisted of vertical and horizontal structures. The characteristic of traditional agroforestry is that dominant plants are distributed irregularly, thus creating a miniature structure like a forest. The vertical structure consists of trees, horizontal structure filled with species of garden plants and agriculture. Trees have roots spread intensively in the soil and reduce nutrient leaching. Land cover by vegetation protects the soil and erosion. The agroforestry has a role as an act of soil and water conservation. Traditional agroforestry land cover has a relatively low C coefficient (0.05-0.25) compared to other lands. The level of erosion hazard is low and moderate. Average erosion value of 12.20 tons ha-1 year-1. This indicates that traditional agroforestry makes the soil have a higher ability to absorb water, thereby reducing surface runoff. Likewise, organic material that improves the water content capacity. In addition, water quality can be improved through the humus filter function. During a long dry season, there is a drought due to low rainfall, but rivers and springs were able to supply water for the peoples daily needs. This condition occurs because of the tree retentions in traditional gardens. Conservation actions need to be taken, namely maintaining trees vegetation, increasing reforestation, bench terraces use, mounds and mulch uses. This condition also places traditional agroforestry as a sustainable land management system

conservation, vegetation, watershed (DAS), traditional agroforestry

Penataan Kawasan DAS


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