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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 8 (data 211 to 240 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Enhancing Fuzzy Topsis to Improve Prediction Student On Selection Properly Majors at Vocational School
Agus Nursikuwagus, Lusi Melian, Tono Hartono

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Corresponding Author
Agus Nursikuwagus

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Speed in the fuzzy topsis process, to get the expected results, can be applied using mathematical functions that have been formulated. This research has aimed to predict ability student on every test as prerequisite to enter the major. fuzzy topsis, with the criteria and alternative approaches, can be determined according to the problems applied. Problem in fuzzy topsis is not provided classification in the last step when we obtain many predictions classification. fuzzy topsis was only executed to get rank in a case. In order to solve that problem, we have added a function in the last step fuzzy topsis like rule base. Rule base is divided into four majors such as software engineering, animation, networking, and multimedia. To completed the prediction, we are introduced some criterion that deployed some assessment such as final examine, competency test, report, physical test, interview, and psychological tests. The result obtained for the process precision was 59.2%, and recall was acquired 60%. The reason why the precision and recall were not got a high value because the dataset is very short (over fit) only 270 to process in extended fuzzy topsis. Another reason is preferences of function was not proper for dataset and imbalance data, and dataset has centred in one favourite major is network and S/W engineering

Fuzzy Topsis, Enhancing, Prediction, Membership Function, Majors

Informatic and Information System


Ensemble Undersampling to Handle Unbalanced Class on Cross-Project Defect Prediction
Aries Saifudin (a*, b), Yaya Heryadi (b), Lukas (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aries Saifudin

a) Informatics Engineering, Pamulang University
Jl. Puspitek Raya no. 46, buaran, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, banten, Indonesia
b) Computer Science Department, Graduate Program-Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27 Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

There has been much research which proposed for cross-project software defect prediction models but no models that perform very well with various datasets in general. Software defect dataset usually imbalanced because it contains far more the not defected modules than the defected modules. Class imbalances in the dataset can reduce the performance of classifiers in the software defect prediction model. In this study proposed a Random Undersampling algorithm to balance classes and ensemble techniques to reduce misclassification. The ensemble technique used is the AdaBoost and Bagging algorithm. The results showed that the software defect prediction model that integrates the Random Undersampling algorithm and AdaBoost provides better performance and can find more defects than other models.

Cross-project, Software Defect Prediction, Random Undersampling, Ensemble

Informatic and Information System


Enterprise Architecture for Higher Education using EAP based Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi
B Indrawan, I D Sumitra

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Corresponding Author
Berny Indrawan

Department of Magister Information System, Faculty of Post Graduate, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, 102-116 Dipatiukur Street, Indonesia

The university is an institution that has mandatory to contribute to higher education, research, and community service as known as Three Pillars of Higher Education; it also has a right to manage their institution. In order to improve their business process and Three Pillars of Higher Education, The university has to accomplish the planning of information technology (IT) infrastructure to support the alignment process between IT strategy and organization business strategy. Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) as a private university in Bandung City, already to implemented IT infrastructures and managed by appropriate division. However, IT management in UNIKOM more complicated and separate of IT management affects that IT Infrastructure was unable to adapt and response the rapid change of business needs. This research purpose to design an adaptive IT infrastructure based on Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) on UNIKOM. The framework in the EAP consisting of 4 stages, however only three stages are used namely Planning Initiation, Business Model, Current System and Technology, Data Architecture, Application, and Technology. By applying EAP based on Three Pillars of Higher Education can gain a number of benefits such as better decision making and alignment of business as well as IT in the future.

Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP), Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

Informatic and Information System


Enterprise Architecture Model Using Enterprise Architecture Planning for Services in National Land Agency
A Samsudin(1), A Hadiana(2)

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Corresponding Author

1) Master of Information System, Faculty Of Post Graduate Universitas Komputer Indonesia Jl. Dipati Ukur No.112-116 40132 Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Email : aangsamsudin93[at]
2) Lembaga Ilmu Pegetahuan Indonesia Jl. Sangkuriang Gd 20 Cisitu, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Email : anahadiana.p2i.lipi[at]

This research tries to make information system architecture modeling in the Office of the Land Agency. Information system modeling needs to be done to optimize the organization and create innovation in improving quality services for the community. Modeling that can be used is using the enterprise architecture planning method. Corporate architectural planning (EAP) is a business-oriented method that is useful for modeling information system architecture consisting of planning initialization, business modeling and technology used, architectural data, applications, and technology as well as architectural planning assistance programs created, so that blueprints (data, applications, and technology) that are made can be made the basis of improvement and development. The results of this study indicate that there are seven functional areas consisting of four supporting functionalities and three main functionalities within the organization. EAP modeling provides documentation for the National Land Agency with recapitulation consisting of data architecture models, architectural applications, functional businesses and technology architectures.

enterprise architecture, application architecture,Enterprise Architcture Planning, data architecture.

Informatic and Information System


Entrepreneurship Potential In Translation Learning
P Monica (a) Asih Prihandini (b)

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Corresponding Author
Puteri Monica

a) Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research is a deepening of entrepreneurial potential that can developed in Translation learning. This research method uses qualitative research with the aim to explain the potential entrepreneurship found in the course of Translation. Data collected with the course observation method. The specific target of this research is to provide students with knowledge about potential entrepreneurship and its long-term target is to provide a basis for Further research on Translation-based learning models entrepreneurship.


Informatic and Information System


Evaluating The Performance Employee of Bank BJB with Technique for Ordered Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
Maulana Lingga Saputra, Ana Hadiana

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Corresponding Author
Maulana Lingga Saputra


The aim of the study was to make a decision support system using the Technique for Ordered Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method for evaluating the performance employee of Bank BJB. The system was developed with the waterfall development model and the PHP programming language. The final results of the system in the form of an alternative sequence of data (ranking) of the best employees based on preference values obtained from the calculation results. This decision support system will be used by Bank BJB as a supporter in making decisions to determine the best employees in the office.

Performance Employee, TOPSIS, Evaluating

Informatic and Information System


Evaluating website repeat usage using webqual 4.0: a guide for e-commerce business
Mamun Sutisna (a*), Arifyan Dwi Prayogo (b), Ira Siti Sarah (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ira Siti Sarah

a) Business Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia
b) Partograf Digital, Bandung, Indonesia

The combination of Internet penetration and huge young and tech-savvy population support the rapid growth of the e-commerce sector in Indonesia. This growth has made online market extremely competitive. New businesses, platforms, and complimentary services are entering the market almost every day, but to sustain it as a profitable e-commerce business requires significant amounts of marketing experience and information system knowledge. This study tests e-commerce website repeat usage by analyzing the website quality using webqual 4.0, which consist of usability quality, information quality, and service interaction quality. A total of 200 respondents in Bandung, Indonesia was asked to fill in an online questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using regression analysis. Finding from this study imply a high influence of website quality to potential repeat usage. Therefore, this study urges the business owner to interact with visitors using website tools, besides improving usability and information quality of the website. Improving visitor interaction on a website will make the shopping experience more engaging. Engagement means the interest of the visitor is sustained by relevant and helpful content or interactions. The more engaged your visitor is, the better potential of conversion from website visitor to customer will be.

e-commerce, website repeat usage, webqual

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Evaluation Maturity Level IT Risk Management of Metatrader Software Using Risk IT Framework With Domain Risk Governance (RG)
Rani Puspita Dhaniawaty

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Corresponding Author
Rani Puspita Dhaniawaty

Department of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

To find out how far the company in anticipating and reducing information technology risks that will occur, it is necessary to evaluate information technology risk management. The method used in evaluating information technology risk management is the Domain Risk Governance (RG) contained in the Risk IT Framework. The evaluation process using this framework and domain is that it can measure the maturity level of the company in carrying out information technology risk management. The results of this research is a companies know maturity level in implementing IT risk management at level 2 (repeatable) and level 3 (defined), know the GAP between current maturity level with target maturity level and can improve the current maturity level to achieve the desired target using the recommendations given. So the company can compete with its competitors in providing services, ensure that IT risk management activities are aligned with the companys goals, reduce losses in the process of IT implementation, integrating IT risk strategies with business strategy risk decisions, and ensuring that decisions are made in accordance with company objectives based on opportunities and consequences that have been made.

Evaluation, IT Risk Management, Risk IT Framework, Maturity Level, Domain Risk Governance (RG)

Informatic and Information System


Dian Permata Sari 1), Pangaribuan, Imelda 2)

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Corresponding Author
Dian Permata Sari

1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Program Studi Pendidikan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi.
Jln. Veteran No 8, Purwakarta.
E-mail : dianpermatasari[at]
2) Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Program Studi Sistem Informasi
Jln. Dipati Ukur No 121, Bandung.
E-Mail : imelda[at]

Online payment website used as media between provider and agent to do business in transportation ticket sales such as airlines, train and bus. The website used to sell pulse and other payment also. Agent act as seller that selling the product to customer. There are many online payment website that already exist, to make the website could compete with other existeing website, need satisfied agent. Satisfaction could be reach with website quality. This research using webqual 4.0 as method to evaluate the online payment website. Sample taken are 30 sample from 147 population. The research result are : calculation t-statistic on usability value is -0,56. The value is smaller then the t-tabel at a significant level of 95%, so it is rejected. And than, variable usability is do not have a significant influence on customer satisfaction online payment website.

Agent satisfaction, webqual, online payment.

Informatic and Information System


Experience Quality and Value: An Assessment in the Creative Tourism Industry
Dwi Suhartanto, Nono Wibisono, Regina Agustina, Zefanya AC Loveldy, Laela Nabilah

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Suhartanto

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Recent development in tourism industry indicates that creative attraction, an attraction where tourists directly involve with the attraction, is promising in the future. In this industry, tourist experience with attraction has become a key factor in influencing tourist leisure decision making process. Although literature clearly highlights the important of experience quality in managing tourism attraction, lack of study has paid attention on the effect of customer experience quality on customer perceived value. This empirical study tries to evaluate the dimension of tourists experience gained from a creative attraction and its impact on perceived value in a creative tourism attraction context. The data is gathered from 260 respondents using questionnaire distributed to tourists who visited creative tourism attractions in Bandung, Indonesia. To assess the dimension of experience quality, exploratory factor analysis was applied. In addition, multiple regression was employed to examine the effect of experience quality on perceived value. The results demonstrate that experience quality consists of two dimensions, i.e. pleasure and learning and employee services. Further, the regression analyses reveal that both experience quality dimensions significantly impact the perceived value components of functional, social, emotional, and perceive sacrifice. The findings of this research contribute conceptually to extend our understanding on the quality and value relationships in creative tourism context. Further, from managerial practices, this study provides a guidance for creative attraction management to improve their customers experience quality as a strategy to develop their business competitive advantage.

experience quality, perceived value, creative tourism

Industrial Engineering


Facial Expressions Recognition Using Markov Stationary Feature - Vector Quantization And Support Vector Machine Method
Irfan Maliki, Fascal Sapty Jarockohir

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Corresponding Author
Irfan Maliki

UNIKOM Bandung

Facial Expression is one form of communication with humans. Every human being must have different forms of facial expressions, this causes difficulties for the computer to recognize it. In the process of introducing facial machine learning expressions do not recognize the expression directly, but the feature extraction process needs to be done first. One feature extraction method that can be used is Markov Stationary Feature - Vector Quantization (MSF-VQ). The MSF-VQ algorithm has been tested in the case of human face recognition and has an accuracy of 99.16%. In this study the MSF-VQ algorithm is used to recognize facial expressions. The total data used for training data and testing data was 1440. For training data 1170 facial photos were obtained from 15 people, with 6 types of facial expressions, and from one type of expression there were 13 facial photos per person. The test was carried out using 270 test data using the MSF-VQ algorithm using a Multiclass Support Vector Machine learning machine with a linear kernel. Based on the results of tests that have been conducted, the level of accuracy achieved using the MSF-VQ method reaches 97.14%. This shows that the MSF-VQ method can be recommended as a good method for facial expressions recognition.

Facial Expressions recognition, MSF-VQ method, SVM method

Informatic and Information System


Facilitate Accounting Science with Technological Development
H D Yulianto, O Pratiwi

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Corresponding Author
Wafaa Kamilah Maulani

Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departmen Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia.

Phenomenon that occurs from several cases companies or agencies often delay in the process of presenting financial statements every month and the end of the year, based on the case researchers assume that presenting financial statements carried out by accountants is so complicated. The purpose of this study is to identify the development of application technology in the field of accounting, and the benefits of using Accurate applications for users of accounting services. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to describe the events that are happening. The results of this study are to identify the extent to which the development of accounting-based application technology in the times, as well as the benefits provided by accurate applications in the field of accounting. This research was conducted to discuss how easy it is for Accurate application users to produce complicated accountancy activities. From the process of entering a purchase transaction and a sales transaction, recording the inventory, the journal process, the classification of records until the process of presenting the financial statements. The complexity of accounting activities carried out by an accountant and the length of time presenting financial statements can be done by anyone quickly without having to understand deep accounting knowledge.

application technology, Accounting, Financial report

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Family Satisfaction Measurement Based on Daily Activities and Travel Patterns of The Housewives in The Great Metropolitan Bandung
Amelia Hayati, Pradono Pradono, Heru Purboyo Hidayat Purbo, Sri Maryati

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Corresponding Author
Amelia Hayati Dayat

School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute Technology Bandung

This paper explains the measurement results of the families satisfaction on their housewives daily travel patterns to fulfill the daily needs of all family members. Millennial housewives now apply multi role in their households, all as mothers, wives, teachers, drivers, partners, and housekeepers. To meet the daily needs of all family members, including herself, a housewife must carry out activities and trips out of the house. It turns out that women travel patterns are very different from men. This applies in general, including in Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. Through the method of clustering approach based on the distance of the respondents residence to the city center of 0 Km in the Bandung Metropolitan Area, it can be concluded that the closer the distance to the center of the city, the activity and mobility of housewives travel patterns is getting denser.

Families Satisfaction, Housewives, Daily Needs, Activity Based, Travel Patterns

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Finding Comfortable Settings of Chinese Checkers
Yisi Wu(a*), Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid(a*), Hiroyuki Iida(a,b*)

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Corresponding Author
Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid

a) School of Information Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Nomi, 923-1211, Japan

b) Center for Entertainment Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Nomi, 923-1292, Japan


Game refinement theory has been used as a reliable tool for measuring attractiveness and entertainment in various games. This research aims to explore the entertainment of a multiplayer game-Chinese checkers. This study investigated the entertainment of Chinese checkers by creating different battle modes of Chinese checkers. The results show that the three players battle mode has the highest game refinement value among 4 battle modes and the recommended number of players is three people. It is recommended that more master level players participate in the game will make the game more interesting. Consider the impact of board size on game experience, the study compares the playability among three sizes board of Chinese checkers which are 6 pieces, 10 pieces, and 15 pieces. The results found a phenomenon that 6 pieces version provides more entertainments for players and a new question which is proposed at the end of this paper.

Chinese Checkers, Entertainment, Game Refinement Theory, Performance Level, Game Sophistication

Informatic and Information System


Fingerprint Identification using Bozorth and Boyer-Moore Algorithm
S Supatmi, ID Sumitra

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Corresponding Author
Sri Supatmi

Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Department of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China

Postgraduate of Information System Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Information Management Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The process of fingerprint identification in the form of a binary image can be performed with a variety of algorithms to matching fingerprint process. This paper contribution is to compare and analyze Bozorth and Boyer-Moore algorithms. The comparison is performed by Matlab simulation. The simulation results Boyer-Moore algorithm has faster identification process, while Bozort algorithm has advantage for identification of effect rotated or space translated fingerprints.

Image Processing, Fingerprint, Identification, Bozorth Algorithm, Boyer-Moore Algorithm.

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Fire Safety System Building
P K Mahbub (a), C Darmawan (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Dila Agustin

Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Departemen Desain Interior, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to provide information related to the importance of the use of the safety system of the building, so that building owners know the system and can apply it to a building he owned, and also can minimize the extent of damage and loss in the receive if disaster or a fire in the building. This study is a literature study about tools and equipment related to fire hazards that must be present in a building. There are three factors of fire handling, namely supervision, prevention and evacuation systems. This research discusses the tools of these three factors. This research used is descpritive method with data collection related data from the journal of the problems taken to support this theory, to present a complete picture of the issues involved, so that readers understand what the author meant. The resulf of this research is that fire safety system is one of the measures to minimize the loss in the received result of the fire received by the building. With the right equipment, the factors that can cause fires can be detected early with a surveillance system, and can be dealt with quickly and precisely, so that losses can be minimized.

Building, Safety System, fire saftey

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Flood Control Study Using 2D Numerical Model in Cipabuaran Channel, Kali Sabi Watershed, Tangerang City
V Pratiwi(1,2*), B P Yakti(3), A Rizaldi (3), I R Moe (4), D P Koesrindartono (5)

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Corresponding Author
Vitta Pratiwi

(1) Doctoral Program of Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia

(2) Civil Engineering Department, Computer Sciences and Engineering Faculty, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

(3) Center for Water Resources Development, Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia

(4) Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

(5) Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 96 Tangerang, Indonesia

The flood that has occurred in Tangerang City is a problem that has not yet been resolved. The flood originated from Bogor through the Cisadane River. Cipabuaran Channel is one of the channels in the Sabi River watershed that often overflows. Sabi River itself is a tributary of the Cisadane River. In this study the flood control simulation in Cipabuaran Channel was carried out using a 1D-2D numerical model. Simulation is carried out with 4 scenarios based on the design flow of the 10 year return period. for scenario 1, flood control is carried out using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel, scenario 2 is carried out by using two retention ponds in the upstream and downstream of Cipabuaran Channel, scenario 3 using retention ponds in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and bypass channel to Cisadane river, and scenario 4 performed by using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and normalization on the Channel. Simulation results show the effectiveness of flood reduction for each scenario, for scenario 1 flood can be reduced by 9%, scenario 2 flood can be reduced by 32.52%, scenario 3 flood can be reduced by 77.34% and for scenario 4 flood can be reduced by 95%. From these results it can be concluded that scenario 4 where flood control is carried out using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and normalizing the River can reduce flooding significantly.

Flood Reduction, Pond, Tangerang, Cipabuaran

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Forecasting hotel expenses using the Arima method
Tias Syahromi, I D Sumitra

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Corresponding Author
Tias Syahromi

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur No.112 116, Lebakgede, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

Forecasting the cost of spending in a hotel is one of the keys to the income management system, so far researchers have always tried to predict hotel revenues, and have never tried to forecast expenses. In this study, researchers tried to forecast expenditure costs on hotels that refer to inflation. This study aims to determine the forecasting of costs incurred in hotels with the ARIMA method . The data used in this study are data on expenditure cost from January 2014 to january 2019. Data obtained by means of the documentation method by collecting data and literature. this method was chosen because of the suitability of the number and pattern of existing data. according to preliminary research researchers ARIMA method is suitable for forcasting this data. that means using ARIMA method will bring a good data forcast that can make a good analysys for company.

forecasting, costs, expenses, hotels, ARIMA

Informatic and Information System


Forecasting Inflation Using Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Method For Estimates Decent Living Costs
Rifqi Fahrudin, Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra

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Corresponding Author
Rifqi Fahrudin

Postgraduate of Information System Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia.
Management Information Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia.

This research purpose to forecast inflation data, the forecasting results can be used as a reference for the determination of decent living costs for a single worker in one month. The method used in this study is the SARIMA method, in forecasting the inflation rate where the data is time series. SARIMA method can show forecasting results that are able to follow the movement of the actual data from the inflation rate. Based on the comparison of overall SARIMA model and with a value of MAD, MSE and MAPE smallest, show the results of forecasting the SARIMA method on inflation values are very feasible and accurate. The result KHL value with calculation results of inflation forecasting has a value close to actual data so that the value can be used as a reference for decision making a single worker in needing one month.

Inflation; KHL; Sarima

Informatic and Information System


Forecasting Paint Products Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm at PT. HIJ for Revenue Target
A Hadiansyah (a), I D Sumitra (b)

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Corresponding Author
Andri Hadiansyah

Postgraduate of Information System, Computer University of Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to make it easier to determine a target which is initially done manually, and the process is done so many stages that require much time. The forecasting process using revenue data exclude from discount or promo, and others type data for setting a target of revenue sales. Artificial Neural Network algorithm is research method to get a good prediction. Hopes this research can study the company and can grow better with greater income going forward with the help of artificial neural algorithms in determining an income target to be the correct prediction. This research for calculating data and used three-month transaction data pattern to get a revenue target. The conclusion from this research has histogram, training, and testing to node 4 with 6.672403 value and node 5 with 0.9987362 value. That last node is making predictive material data and used as a multiplier for more value to be the revenue target.

Artificial neural network, forecasting, prediction, revenue target

Informatic and Information System


Forecasting Product Selling Using Single Exponential Smoothing and Double Exponential Smoothing Methods (Case study: XYZ Store)
F Sidqi (abc), ID Sumitra (b)

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Corresponding Author
Fajar Sidqi

a) Master of Information System, Faculty Of Post Graduate
b) Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipati Ukur No.112-116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) fajar.sidqi[at]

The purpose of research is to observe forecasting product selling. The methods used are Single Exponential Smoothing and Double Exponential Smoothing. The result showed that MAPE of Single Exponential Smoothing is 20% and MAPE of Double Exponential Smoothing around 24%. The use of Single Exponential Smoothing method has a lower error. The finding shows that forecasting with single exponential smoothing is recommended to be used by XYZ store in this case. Therefore, the data proceed by those methods will be the beneficial outcome the issue of XYZ store in determining their product stock in the future time.

Forecasting;Product Sell;Single Exponential Smoothing;Double Exponential Smoothing

Informatic and Information System


Egi Abinowi, Muhammad Rozahi Istambul and Hari Supriadi

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Corresponding Author
Egi Abinowi

Engineering Faculty of Widyatama University

Strategic agricultural commodities such as chili have an important role in the Indonesian economy because it is the main consumption of the community which is used as a cooking spice. The need for large consumption of chili commodities is very influential. Unstable chili commodity market prices can harm farmers, traders and consumers. Then a method is needed to predict the price of red chili. Forecasting is the art and science of predicting events that will occur by using historical data and projecting it into the future with several forms of mathematical modeling. Forecasting, certain methods are needed and which method is used depends on the type of data to be predicted and the objectives to be achieved. This study uses the Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing forecasting method. The Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing method is a forecasting method with an exponential smoothing approach based on forecasting results in the previous period. This method also adds parameters to handle seasonal data patterns. This study uses Bandung City red pepper price data from 2016 to 2018. From the results of this study using the HOLT-WINTER MARKETING EXPONENTION method the additive model with a value of α,β, ? 0.1 resulted mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) error of 15.4% obtained from comparison of actual data and forecast on year 2018.

Forecasting; Data Mining; Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing

Informatic and Information System


Fostering Entrepreneurship Spirit and Role of Information Technology
S Ekawati 1, S Atin2*

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Corresponding Author
Sonni Utama

1Departemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis ,Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Teknik dan IlmuKomputer, UniversitasKomputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The development of entrepreneurship today can expand new jobs and sustain a economy country. Information needs and self-development will continue to increase along with the advancement of information technology. This study aims to foster an entrepreneur spirit in order to utilize information technology as a profitable business, and it was proposed that the main method to promote entrepreneurial growth through the use of technology. The method used in this research is descriptive method, which is a method that is carried out through consultation with experts, books, journals and magazines by searching for relevant data about entrepreneurship and the benefits of technology for business and using previous research related to the role of information technology and marketing on line. The results of this study indicate that information technology can foster an entrepreneurial spirit and the influence of technology in entrepreneurial success.


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Framework for Creating E-Commerce or E-Learning Websites
F G Ferdianato 1, D A Wahab 2*

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Corresponding Author
Ferry Gilang

1Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of a framework that contains general commands and basic functions, and the benefits for making e-commerce or e-learning websites in the world. The method used in this research is descriptive, to explain the circumstances related to several variables of the tested variables.The results of this study are to find out the uses and benefits of websites that are used for building e-commerce or e-learning websites that are used by private users and software developers in the world today, and also the benefits of using websites. More sophisticated for e-commerce or e-learning in todays world. And also this research is done by discussing about and working to create a website that has the type of function as e-commerce or e-learning. This is information that is very useful for users and software developers.


Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Furniture Online Shopping Using Augmented Reality
Bobi Kurniawan (a*), Erzy P F (b)

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Corresponding Author
M Alif Farhan

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to determine effectively or not buying a furniture product by online using augmented reality. The method used for this research is the descriptive method by conducting interviews with consumers and analysis. The results obtained based on the research method used is using augmented reality is very effective because the products that will be purchased can be tried by virtually, so that consumers do not need to come to the store to buy the product that they want.

Furniture; Augmented Reality, Virtual

Informatic and Information System


Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Method for Selecting Design Concepts of Corn Shelling Machine
Gabriel Sianturi, Tijar Wijaya

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Corresponding Author
Gabriel Sianturi

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The main objective of this paper is to select the best design concept of a corn shelling machine in the early phase of product development process and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method is proposed for the selection of the best concept. Three alternative design concepts of a corn shelling machine which are C1, C2 and C3, had been generated and evaluated for identifying the most promising design concept. The judgment and decision during concepts evaluation are made with respect to a set of criteria which has been defined based on customer needs and designers intentions. The selection criteria are ease of use, ease of maintain, capacity, safety, ease of manufacture and cost of manufacture. Through the application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, the result shows design concept C3 has the highest total score and is ranked first, design concept C2 is ranked second, and design concept C1 has the lowest rank. According to the result, design concept C3 is chosen as the best concept of a corn shelling machine.

concept selection, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, corn shelling machine

Industrial Engineering


Fuzzy Logic Control Application: Design and Simulation for Washing Machine
Gilbert Gutabaga Hungilo, Gahizi Emmanuel, Jaouja Maiga, Albertus Joko Santoso

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Gilbert Gutabaga Hungilo


This paper aims to create washing machine model and simulate based on user expert knowledge using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic inference process to control washing machine in this study use Mamdani method. The method has four steps Fuzzification of linguistic variable, rule evaluation (based on expert experience), aggregation of the rules outputs and final defuzzification. Input linguistic variable used are dirtiness of the clothes, type of fabric, type of dirt and amount of the clothes and the output variable is washing time, washing speed, water intake and water temperature. The system is designed and simulated using Fuzzy logic toolbox on MATLAB. Result show that the washing machine inference relate to user expert perception. The main advantage of using fuzzy logic in washing machine is that it reduce water and electricity consumption also good time management

Fuzzy Logic, System Control, Fuzzification, Defuzzification, Washing Machine.

Informatic and Information System


Geo-Business Intelligence A Literature Review on Framework and Practice
Mouli De Rizka Dewantoro(a*), Agus Achmad Suhendra(b), Anton Abdulbasah Kamil(b)

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Mouli De Rizka Dewantoro

a) Master Program on Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
b) Faculty of Industrial Engineering Telkom University

This research has the purpose to examine how implementation of the geo-business intelligence has ever done. The development of the geo-business intelligence happens, and where business geo-business intelligence is currently based on the study of literature. GEO business intelligence be one of BI an exciting future for BI Provider can be offered. The description is taken from a few examples of the application of the geo-business intelligence showed how the geo-business intelligence research be very interesting to offer and a very potential as business data analysis. The results of this research is one example of the application of the geo-business intelligence behind the success of the worlds largest coffee shop. The use of geo-business intelligence for the determination of the location of the new store so it doesnt turn off the stalls have been opened previously and determines new menu according to the characteristics of the existing demographics. Another advantage of geo-business intelligence is the integration between the sales transactions data and data.

Geo-business intelligence, business intelligence, coffee store, location

Industrial Engineering


Geographic Information System for Mapping New Entrepreneurs in West Java
Dewi Kurniasih and Angga Setiyadi

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Dewi Kurniasih

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur 102-116 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40132

The purpose of this study is to build interactive digital maps as a system to add data on new entrepreneurs in West Java Province. The research method used is descriptive analysis method. This method describe how researchers finding of facts and information in situations or present events systematically, factually and accurately. This research has two stages, namely the stage of data collection and the software development stage. The results of the study indicate that: (1) Availability of an integrated database for new entrepreneurial members, and (2) Availability of digital maps as a media for monitoring the spread of new entrepreneurs in West Java. Data collection on new entrepreneurial members who still use manual methods, where entrepreneurs who will register as training members are required to write personal data on a piece of form provided by the committee at the training center and cooperative. And now a digital map has been created as a media for monitoring the spread of new entrepreneurs in West Java. The impact of this research is that it can facilitate the top level management in monitoring the distribution of new entrepreneurial information in each city / district and providing an integrated data collection system in West Java.

Geography, Information, Systems, Entrepreneur, maps, digital

Informatic and Information System


Government Program Entrepreneurship Socialization through the Website
Syahrul Mauluddin (a*) , Adinda R A Manzilah (b)

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Adinda Manzilah

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b)Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study aims to determine the role of the website in helping the government socialize the program. One of them is about entrepreneurship programs. This study uses descriptive methods to describe the problems faced by the government in socializing the program to increase beginner entrepreneurs. The results of this study indicate that the website is one of the media used by the government in socializing its programs, one of which is a beginner entrepreneurship program. This program can certainly grow entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs to support job creation and poverty reduction.

Website, Socialization, Government Program

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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