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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 13 (data 361 to 390 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Poverty Management Information System Application And Implementation
Rita Komalasari

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Rita Komalasari

Polytechnic LP3I Bandung
Jalan Pahlawan 59, Bandung 40123, Indonesia

Poverty is one of the development challenges faced by almost all areas in Indonesia and became the main concern of national and Regional development, to poverty reduction programs and objectives can be implemented effectively then required the use of technology in an effort to improve services for the poor population in Padang City. Through the development of management information system of poverty in Padang city, integrated data can be obtained from the poor population. The Application needed, at least has 3 main functions of processing, namely: the filtering Function based variables with specific criteria either singly or combination. The output of this function is the overall number of aggregate or per group of deciles and area based distribution (districts and subdistricts) needed to stage the analysis of socio-economic conditions as well as the list of household names and addresses or/and individual to the targets of the program, The function to add the recipients programs and program data from either the central or regional data into households or/and individual. The output of this function is any household or/and individual who became the recipient of the program will have a program of historical data has been received and the function to update the data of household variables or/and individual. In the end the Bappeda Padang city can carry out the application that will optimize the management of the database of poverty in innovative and integrated and can be operated by the users particularly executives simply and easily. The application is web and mobile-based to be accessible via the internet so that it can support the concept whenever and wherever.

Poverty; Information System; Database

Informatic and Information System


Pre-fabricated Material for Modular House
C Dharmawan (a), M Alviano (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Ayu Novitasyari

Departemen Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research identify pre-fabricated materials which aims to save time and cost of making a modular house. Modular housing have a unique system and are certainly fast in the development process, usually a technology that is paid at a high price but an innovation is not always expensive. There are various types of modular home systems, but not all systems are compatible or compatible with climate conditions in Indonesia, but most modular systems are widely used in Indonesia.This research using descriptive analysis methods to explain the people growth in Indonesia, that increasingly very fast so they need more house very fast too, and the next stage is to explain the pre fabrication of materials that are appropriate to the climate in Indonesia. Besides of that this study aims to obtain information on the types of pre-fabricated materials that can be used in the manufacture of modular houses and specifications from pre-fabricated . The results of this study explain that there is a prefabricated material module system in the form of single and double modules which are used in making modular houses, depending on the size and type of house. Therefore this research is useful for architect and developer in choosing modular materials.

industrial modular, housing development, building quality

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Predicting Student Interests Against Laptop Specifications Through Application of Data Mining Using C4.5 Algorithms
Y R Pratama1, Sufaatin 2*, I Afrianto 2

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Corresponding Author
Agnes Wina Goran

1 Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Departemen Teknik Informatika, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research was to provide information about the prediction of student interest in the laptop specifications through the application of data mining using the c4.5 algorithm. The method used in this research is a survey method by conducting interview. This research was conducted by conducting interviews with several students. The results of this research was a decision tree that describes the laptop specifications that is most in demand by students, so students who want to have a laptop can easily determine laptop specifications based on the number of enthusiasts on certain laptop specifications. The technique used in the application of data mining in this research is a classification technique. The conclusion in this research is that by implementing data mining, students didn-t need to look for various sources to find laptop specifications that are needed by students in meeting their college needs in long time.


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Prediction scoring in exergames for Rehabilitation Patients using K-Means Clustering
Nurezayana Zainal1, M Faeid M Zabid1 , Seyed M.M. Kahaki2, Hafez Hussain3, Waidah Ismail1

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Corresponding Author
Waidah Ismail

1Faculty of Science and Technology, University Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
2Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
3PERKESO Rehabilitation Centre, Malacca, Malaysia
3Center for Holistic Intelligence, Institut Sains Islam, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia

This paper highlighted prediction of difficulty in exergames in Rehabilitation Patients. The case study uses 19 rehabilitation patients with lower limb disability. The data set that used are from MIRA Application which the games based on Kinect-based Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS). In the each of MIRA exergames consists of three difficulty modes which are easy, medium and hard. Currently, in exergames to move the difficulty level of games determined by the physiotherapy based on the improvement of the patents. But in this paper, it will suggest the difficulty level of games based on the history of the patients. The methodology that used is a K-Mean Clustering in finding the benchmarks of the individual patients. In producing the weight of the patients in determine difficulty level or exergames.

Rehabilitation, Kinect-based rehabilitation game system, machine learning

Informatic and Information System


Prioritization Development Model Comparison with AHP and ANP at Local Government in Indonesia
Rita Sari, Tony Dwi Susanto

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Rita Sari

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Rapid technological development can be used to meet the increasing demand for a project, especially in various general government organizations such as E-Government (electronic-based information technology services used by the government) to deal with various resource constraints and therefore have to make choices. In general, in terms of choosing between dozens and hundreds of alternatives for projects, organizational portfolios and priorities are complex multi-criteria decision making problems with solutions that require clear techniques, types of methods, and factor definitions for decision making and decision making prioritization. A literature review is conducted to identify the characteristics of public organizations proposed to begin research on the application of portfolio management prioritization, as well as the methodology and practices used and other relevant aspects of the topic. This study explores the use and portfolio management techniques of several previous studies that have been tested in project priority practices and methodologies in application services in a successful city government level environment. This will be further developed regarding the development of generic prioritization models using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and ANP (Analytical Network Process) approaches. The results of this study are used as a comparison of previous prioritization models and contribute to enriching theories about techniques, methods, especially the priority of portfolio project management in the case of government.

E-Government; Decision-making; Prioritization; AHP; ANP

Informatic and Information System


Products Branding and Online Shopping Sites Branding on Internet by Online Media Broadcasters
I Rahmadi (a*), T Fidowati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Sani Hendriansyah

Department of Communication Studies, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Department of Social and Political Sciences, Univeristas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to find out the branding carried out by online media broadcasters between online shopping sites and products, and thus to find out the benefits of using online media broadcasting services. The method used in this writing is descriptive method, namely by presenting a complete picture of the situation related to some of the situation variables being studied. The results obtained from this study are that many publishers who do branding are broadcasters who already have many viewers, and the purpose of this branding is to increase product sales and increase online shopping site visitors. From these results it was found that online shopping products and sites are products and online shopping sites for teens to adults. This is because online media broadcasters are young and mature, and thus the audience is still young. besides that the contents and web design are the main attraction for site visitors or buyers. But more important is the design and benefits of the product. The use of so many social media is also one of the factors that makes online sales grow rapidly. In conclusion, branding can influence product buying interest and interest in visiting online shopping sites.

internet, online shopping

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Promoting Bandung Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development through E-Commerce
Prayoga (a*) , Sylvia Octa Putri (b)

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Corresponding Author
Prayoga Prayoga

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to identify the development of E-Commerce technology in Bandung Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and the benefits of E-Commerce applications in SMEs. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The results of this study is Little Bandung is one of the support programs of the city government of Bandung to strengthen the competitiveness of Bandung Products, to encourage the participation of SMEs in the global value chain so that they can be active in international business and contribute to the countrys economy. These programs are made in the form of promoting Bandung products to domestic and international markets. However, the use of ICT is only limited to the promotion and display of information on the products of some SMEs in Bandung, not directly selling through the internet. Bandung Cooperative and SME Office also need to continue to encourage existing SMEs to be able to use the facilities available to market and display their products.

E-Commerce, SMEs, ICT

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Prosthetic Arm Controller Based on Brainwaves Spectrum EEG Sensor
Jana Utama*, Galih Palada

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Corresponding Author
Jana Utama

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 102-116, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.

This research discusses the brain wave system can move a prosthetic arm moving based on brain wave activity. The sensor used to detect EEG brain wave activity is using the mobile mindwave sensor. Movement and brain wave signal detection process is performed in the application program LabVIEW. Plan these robots can perform movement based on brain wave activity, utilizing the flicker and attention. This process must be carried out to control the prosthetic arm. Where there are 2 modes, the first mode for selection of movements with the blink of an eye, and the second mode of attention to move the prosthetic arm. Prosthetic arm can perform movements designed ektension, flexion, supination or pronation and elevation or depression. Prosthetic arm can perform movements based on the command of the subject by utilizing brainwave activity. With a speed response time of 9.54 seconds to do all movements. Besides this excess prosthetic arm, can hold objects with a diameter of 2.2 cm to 6 cm. With the average percentage of success of the 6 experiments conducted at 86.67%. With the results of the breakdown of 80% success percentage for flexion, extension, pronation and elevation movements. And the percentage of success is 100% for movement of supination and depression.

Prosthetic Robotic Arm, Brainwaves, EEG Sensor

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Salmon Martana (a)

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Salmon Priaji Martana

(a) Department of Architecture, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Several researchers believe that Pura- a Hindu temple- in Bali is not just merely a place of worship. In Sanskrit that word means a fortress, while several early investigation shows that the pura is sharing several same characteristics with the fortress by design. High fences, small entrance, limited access and also the existence of observation tower was among the characteristics. The aim of this study is to proof that the pura architecture was not something brought from Majapahit, but on the contrary is an architecture built in the land of Bali by the Majapahit priest Danghyang Nirartha, after the fall of Majapahit to be a fortress, to avoid any acts and values came from outside to infiltrate the Hindu culture in Bali. The descriptive analytical method is chosen to bring about any knowledge regarding this issue, while as samples several pura around Denpasar was chosen to represent the pura of southern part of Bali where the architecture is developed in the past. The result of this paper is a description of how the now place of worship can be developed from some thought as a result of political event in the past.

pura, temple, balinese architecture

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Quality Analysis of Mobile Web Server
Eko Budi Setiawan, Angga Setiyadi

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Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The page displayed in a website on the internet is the output of the results of processing carried out by the web server. Initially, the web browser requests web pages for the web server, then the web server serves by providing web pages to display in the web browser. If there is no web server, the website cannot be displayed. Many web servers can be used on a server. But of course, we have to choose which web server to use. Web servers are generally run on a server computer so that they can serve many requests. However, there is also a web server that can be implemented on Android-based smartphone devices, with quality that is certainly different from that implemented on computer devices. This research aims to analyze the quality of several mobile web servers so that it can be known which mobile web server is recommended for use. This research uses several application tools to measure the quality value of several web servers. The results of the quality comparison assessment of each mobile web server will depend on the smartphone used in the implementation so that the quality value will be different if implemented on a different smartphone.

Mobile, Web Server, Quality, Analysis

Informatic and Information System


Real-Time 2D Mapping and Localization Algorithms for Mobile Robot Applications
M Aria

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Muhammad Aria

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The self-localization of mobile robots in unknown environments is one of the most fundamental problems in robotics navigation. This is a complex problem because of the strict requirements on mobile robots, especially regarding to algorithm accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a real time 2D mapping and localization approach for robotic application based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Particle Filter and Iterative Closest Point (ICP). The loop closure method is added and shows satisfactory 2D mapping and localization results. We test our approach on large building simulations with large odometry positioning errors. A two-wheel differential drive mobile robot equipped with a 0.02 m resolution Laser Range Finder is used for testing. Simulation results show that accurate maps of large, cyclic environments can be generated even if there are no odometric data. Real time mapping can reach a resolution of 5 cm. This work can help in developing real-time mapping for robotic applications that process 2D cloud points in real time.

2D Mapping, EKF, ICP, Particle Filter, Mobile Robot

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Reality Role of Language Improving E-commerce
S M Setiana (a*), D Maysarah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dina Maysarah

a) Departemen Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The Goals of this research is for knowing that language has an important role to attract the attention of customers in improving e-commerce. This research used descriptive analysis method. The instrument used is a study of documentation. The research subject is a customer who often using e-commerce either for services or goods. The result of this research showed that a customer choose e-commerce because it saves their time. They interested with a service or item on web online site because the display look nice and customers will be more attractive to buy when reading descriptions of goods or services using interesting and polite language. The result of the research showed that language has a very important role for attract customers attention to buy a product. The Admin is required to have good language skills in promoting and informing their products, as well as in answering and responding to questions or complaints from contumers.

Entrepreneurship; e-Commerce; Technopreneurs; Language

Informatic and Information System


Relation of Accounting Information System to Coorperation Employee Performance
Indah Hoerul Nisa (a*) , Mari (b)

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Corresponding Author
indah khoerul nisa

c) Departemen Akutansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia


b) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between accounting information systems and individual performance through the application of accounting information systems. This research method uses quantitative methods, using data obtained from the performance of individuals in services that utilize information systems in carrying out tasks. The result of this research was to determine the technical capabilities of the users of accounting information systems related to individual performance, as well as the benefits provided by data processing programs on information and communication technology at service cooperative. So this result is to measure the ability and to know the effect of the information system technology sophistication in the ability of the user to use accounting information systems for individual performance. It can be concluded that more use of data processing systems, so that performance technology is increasingly fast.

Accounting, Information System, Employment

Informatic and Information System


Relationship between Development and Quality of Video Games
Sri Supatmi (a*) Nikita Muhammad Ritzki (b)

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a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

In this paper the author will try to review whether the development process of a video game relates to its quality. The worldwide video game industry had its ups and downs from their beginning in the 1950s until the present, with many video games released to success, but there are many which fails. To find the relationship between the development process of a video game and its quality, the author tries to study the development of 20 video games from a multitude of genres by AAA developers and publishers in the last 10 years and comparing their respective critical reception and sales. This paper tries to answer the question on whether a video game will be successful or failed in the commercial market based on its development process, marketing and life cycle. From the recent trends, the result is most likely inconclusive or varied depending on the video game in question. The author expects that this paper will give an insight about the development of video games to the readers and act as a basis to decide whether a video game can be considered a success or a failure in the market.

Development Process; Video Games; Quality

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Relationship between Enterprise Architectures Planning and Information System
Andi Harapan (a*), Syafwan Iqbal Fauzi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Syafwan Iqbal Fauzi

a) Departemen Teknik Arsitektur, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Enterprise architecture planning is a process that defines architectural planning to use information in supporting a business and plans to implement the architecture. The main purpose of this research are to define the benefits of business architectural planning and its relationship with the development of information systems. The method used in this research is descriptive method, descriptive mode is chosen to present accurate subjective or objective views from the situation related. The results of this study explain to us that there is a positive relationship between enterprise architectures planning and information system. This research was completed by discussing it and also by observing that journals that relate enterprise architecture planning with information systems. The conclusion of this study is that enterprise architecture planning is very useful for information systems, especially in terms of developing information systems in the future.

Architecture Planning; Business; Information System

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Relationship Between Online Shopping Site Ads with Buying and Selling Interests on Online Shopping Sites
Mari Maryati (a*), Mega Erika (b)

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Corresponding Author
Mega Erika

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out whether advertising influences the interest of buying and selling people on online shopping sites. To support our research, we use the observation method, which is by looking at how often the advert on television and on the internet are displayed. The results of this research show that there is a relationship between online shopping site advertising and buying and selling on online shopping sites and the relationship is directly proportional. The best strategy on advertising online shopping sites do, can help the seller to promote their product and buyer can have proper information about product they search.

relationship,online shopping, site

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Reporting Information System of School Data from Regional Coordinator with TOGAF ADM for Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (DISDIKPORA) Karawang
R A Hermawan (a*), I D Sumitra, Ph.D (b)

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Corresponding Author
Razvi Astio Hermawan

a) Postgraduate of Information System, Computer University of Indonesia
Jl.Dipatiukur No 112-114. Bandung, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate of Information System, Computer University of Indonesia
Jl.Dipatiukur No 112-114. Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of designing Enterprise Architecture is to developing an existing information system by designing a school data reporting system from the regional coordinator for further processing in the Sub Division of Programs and Reporting at Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda Dan Olahraga Karawang. The method used for designing Enterprise Architecture is the open group architecture framework Architecture Development Method (TOGAF ADM). The steps applied in this design is TOGAF ADM, among other Preparation, Architectural Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, Technology Architecture. This research produces a blueprint that will be used to support information business processes. The output of this stage will produce an enterprise architecture which can later be used by organizations to support business processes and achieve their strategic goals. the conclusion of this study is that using the TOGAF-ADM methodology as a tool used in designing this information system enterprise architecture, it can produce a design architectural models in general that are in accordance with the organizations vision and mission and can be applied in other organizations that have similarities in business processes. the impact of this research is a solution to the problem of data loss and damage during the reporting process in the form of manual.

Enterprise Architecture (EA), framework TOGAF ADM

Informatic and Information System


Reverse Engineering in Student Mark Recapitulation Application
Syahrul Mauluddin, Rangga Sidik

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Corresponding Author
Syahrul Mauluddin

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.

This study intends to conduct reverse engineering at mark recapitulation application at the Information Systems Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM). This research is the first step of the reengineering process in the mark recapitulation application. Reengineering needed because the application of the mark recapitulation that is currently running does not meet user needs and there is no documentation of application development. This study used the big bang approach, the reverse engineering stage follows the stages of general software reengineering model by analyzing three things, analysis of application functions, analysis of user activities with applications and database analysis. The results of this research are documentation of application function requirements, documentation of user activities with application and database documentation

Reverse Engineering, Big bang, Re-engineering

Informatic and Information System


Review the JIT (Just-In-Time) software risk management model in an effort to improve the software risk management model
Yasmi Afrizal (a*), Sabrina Ahmad(b), Mohd Sanusi Azmi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yasmi Afrizal

a) Faculty of engineering and computer science, UNIKOM, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia

The JIT software risk management model is a model for managing all risks in a software project. There are 3 (three) risk elements that most often appear in software projects in the risk management model of JIT software, namely technology, scheduling and costs and 10 (ten) risk factors in the form of Organization, Estimation, Monitoring, Development Methodology, Tools, Risk Culture, Usability, Correctness, Reliability and Personnel. The process of evaluating the overall risk in the model involves questionnaires with 81 questions, where assessment is carried out in the SERIM metrics (Software Engineering Risk Index Model). Based on the analysis conducted by the risk management model, JIT software has several limitations. First, the number of risk factors specified in the model is static. The number of risk factors cannot be limited or static. Risks will always appear during software building activities and influence the decision-making process. Limiting the number of risks that arise results in limiting stakeholders in the risk identification process so as to influence the analysis produced. Second, the assessment process is carried out using 81 lists of questions given by stakeholders. The number of questions will affect the actual project situation. The incidence of risks and impacts of risk events cannot be predicted if the project situation is not recognized. The process of the risk assessment carried out inappropriately causes failure to prioritize risks to be controlled in an effort to reduce risk. This limitation suggests that the JIT software risk management model must be used with caution in efforts to improve the model

The JIT software risk management model, risk, assessment process, SERIM metrics

Informatic and Information System


Risk Analysis of Dutch Healthcare Company Information System using ISO 27001:2017, NEN:7510-2 and COBIT 5
Ridwan Fadjar Septian (a) Geraldi Catur Pamuji (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ridwan Fadjar Septian

(a) Master of Information System Faculty
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
(b) Master of Information System Faculty
Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to assure the performance and quality of healthcare information system security from Dutch Company which is located in Rotterdam, Netherland. The research apply COBIT 5 to audit the existing information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO 27001 and NEN 7510-2 2017 toolkit to audit the information system security for healthcare-specific issue. The audit is applied in order to identify any risk that might come during the ISMS implementation. On the other hand the result will be used as an improvement for the successor version of ISMS which compatible to the ISO 27001 and NEN 7510-2. The research is composed by applying qualitative method that consist of observation to the activity of the company and review the existing ISMS-related documents. The observation utilize selected COBIT 5 process form and selected NEN 7510-2 toolkit based on scope of vision and mission of the company. After scoping the research, the audit process for NEN 7510-2 2017 is applied to the security management aspect. For the COBIT 5-based audit, the audit focus on three kind of process that consist of APO 13, DSS 05 and MEA 02. As a result of this audit, the company ISMS has an achievement from NEN 7510-2:2017 audit result that has a score for 92.86 % on security management section. For the COBIT 5 result, the audit yield a result that consist of two “Established Process” level on APO13 and MEA02 and “Predictable Process” level on DSS 05. The result indicate a good result and encourage the company to improve their ISMS for next periode

Information Security, IT Governance, General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), ISO 27001, NEN 7510-2-2017, COBIT 5

Informatic and Information System


Road Traffic Violations based on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Arman Syah Putra (a*), Safrizal (b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program - Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara university
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 *arman.putra[at]
b) Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program - Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara university
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 *safrizal001[at]

Current traffic conditions, can not be predicted anymore, from natural conditions and accidents on the road, all conditions that occur every day on the highway, accidents increase every year, with conditions like this the government is directly involved in decision makers, many make regulations in dealing with traffic violations, but still many violations occur and accidents continue to occur on the road. This study uses data mining methods, with a very deep data search, will be able to find the source of the problem and can provide proposals that can be applied in the future, with various proposals expected to produce regulations that can make people aware of traffic regulations so that awareness will be traffic security for ones own safety. The end of the purpose of this study, will provide suggestions that violations on the road can be reduced, especially accidents, after searching for in-depth data will produce a framework with maximum results. The conclusion of this paper explains that the habits of motorists can be changed, with the human side being lifted into government regulations that will make regulations will be able to make people feel reluctant but not feared, and his proposal can make people aware of orderly traffic.

Traffic Violations, Accidents, Data Mining

Informatic and Information System


RoboTherapist: A Sustainable Approach to Teach Basic Expressions for Special Needs Children in Malaysia
[1] Norshuhani Zamin, [2] Norita Md. Norwawi, [3] Muhammad Zharif Amin, [4] Manisah Mohd Ali

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Corresponding Author
Norshuhani Zamin

[1] Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
[2] Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
[3] University Malaysia of Computer Science and Engineering
[4] Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

— Social interaction is an essential component for development of both normal and special needs children. However, many special needs children suffer from a lack of social interaction because they are unable to interpret social cues as well as a failure in social gaze when communicating. One of the ways to cope with these problems is to improve their social cognitive skill by teaching basic emotions through facial expressions. This paper describes the development of a new and sustainable teaching and learning approach using robotics to promote social interaction among special needs children of aged 4-6 years old. The robotic tool can teach basic facial expressions such as happy, sad and angry to increase emotion recognition skill among special needs children. The growing demand for technological innovation to enable empowerment of developing communities requires new and creative educational initiatives. Malaysia has also address it concerns on sustainable education for all spectrum of communities. RoboTherapist is a new teaching and learning method in Malaysia-s special education which targeting the special needs children. The special needs children are children with Autism, children with Down Syndrome, children with ADHD and slow learners. The aim of this research is to make teaching and learning more attentive for special needs children and hence to improve their social interaction in daily-s life and gain confidence to communicate with the people around them.

Robotics, Special Needs, Sustainable, Emotions

Informatic and Information System


Role Brand Ambassador in increase Brand Image Product
A Rachmawati (a*) , Sastria Indra Praja (b)

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Corresponding Author
Asri Rachmawati

a) Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia.
b) Departemen Desan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia .

This paper aims to try to discuss how much the role of brand ambassadors in increasing brand image products And the benefits of having a brand ambassador. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to show detailed and clear picture and understanding. The results of this study are to identify how the influence of the ambasador brand in creating and enhancing the brand image product, and the advantage with the ambasador brand in increasing product brand image through the consumers purchase value. This research was conducted by discussing how the sales system, and the purchasing value of consumers towards the product, and how strong the ambassadors brand is in attracting interest in buying products. Because the right and convincing brand ambassadors can improve good brand image products

Role, Brand Ambassador, Brand Image

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Role of Communication Strategies on Social Media in Maintaining Company Service Quality
R Rivanto 1, W Novianti 2

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Corresponding Author
Rivanto Rivanto

1Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out how communication, especially communication carried out on social media can affect the companys image. This research method used descriptive method which describes how corporate the communication in social media can conducted by business actors and how corporate the communication can influence the business being built. Communication done by companies in social media as role of improving business image. The results of this study is that the communication strategies undertaken by business actors in social media affect the companys image and how important communication is with the aim of facilitating and providing information. The conclusion is that with a good communication strategy the company can build or maintain the image more easily as it can greatly benefit of the company.


Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Role of Financial Application in Supporting Business
L Warlina (a*) , A Alkhadad (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ario Adjie Panangsang

a) Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this paper is to see how much influence financial applications have in developing business and the benefits of financial applications in managing business opportunities. The method used in this study is to use a survey method for several business people, to present a complete picture of the situation related to several situations examined. The results of this study indicate that financial applications play an important role in supporting business activities. This is due to the use of financial applications that can accelerate the process of working employees in inputting transaction data and making financial statements. This research was conducted to discuss the management of goods and services, simple and fast transactions, transaction and profit reports, purchase receipts, monitor transaction reports per day and monthly conducted by business people in using financial applications.

Financial application, business opportunities, software

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Role of Information Systems in Accreditation
Bobi Kurniawan (a*), Reny Sastianengsih (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rio Ricardo

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the effectiveness of the use of information systems in the accreditation process. The information system in document management for accreditation is a tool in the search process for supporting accreditation regulatory documents. Using the development method. It is expected to provide convenience in the implementation of accreditation in accordance with the applicable regulations, so as to facilitate the search process for supporting accreditation regulatory documents. The contribution of this research can improve efficiency and effectiveness in the accreditation being carried out.

Information Systems; Accreditation; Regulatory

Informatic and Information System


L Warlina (a*), N H Sofviani (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nada Helfika Sofviani

a. Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota,Universitas Komputer Indonesia, indonesia
b. Departemen Ekonomi Dan Bisnis,Universitas Komputer Indonesia,indonesia

This study aims to find out the most profitable market for sales. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to present complete information about encouragement and also to make observations and interviews from several distributions. The results of this study indicate that the results of sales have a larger market with sales results without using the market. Also known are products manufactured by distribution, as well as larger products. This research resulted in the sale of apparel products using the market. besides it can be concluded that using the distribution industry market can increase sales in the current era because it is more practical and easy for buyers and sellers.

role, market

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Role of Online Business Technology in Mindset of Students
A R Wulandari, A P Purfini

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Corresponding Author
Rizqy Dyah Utami

Departmen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departmen Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research was to determine the role of online business technology in the mindset of students, especially for students who will conduct business researh and analyze the extent to which the role of online business impact on the student mindset. The focus of this research is to explain the role of online business technology so that the students can think about utilizing technology in business. The research method used in this researh is a qualitative method with literature study, where the results of the research are through by reading & studying books or internet articles about information on the role of online business technology in the mindset of students. The conclusion of this study is the role of online business technology has a positive and negative impact on student mindset. The positive impact is that students have the mindset of being entrepreneurial. The negative impact of student mindset becomes more consumptive.

Online business technology, E-commerce, business

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Role of Social Media in Sale of Jersey
Rahma Wahdiniwaty (a), Prayoga Putra Ananta (b)*

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Corresponding Author
Dhea Nadia

a. Departemen Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to find out about jersey sales in the Social Media Group. The method used in this study is observation, to obtain data by making observations. In this case I made direct observations in the Social Media Group. The results of this study were to identify how far the development of soccer clothes sales on social media through Facebook, and also the benefits of social media in selling soccer clothes. This research also discusses the system of selling, ordering, and jersey payment transactions using social media.

social media, sale

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


RVM optimization in automatic text summarization
K E Dewi, E Rainarli

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Corresponding Author

Informatic Engineering Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

This study aims to optimize the RVM algorithm in automatic text summarization. This research began by studying various studies on automatic text summarization to find out what features are commonly used in the automatic text summarization process. Each feature value will be calculated as a correlation with the target. The composition of features is determined by the correlation value obtained, the greater the correlation value between features and targets, the feature will take precedence. The results in this study were obtained by using 4 or 6 features obtained the highest accuracy, which is 55.84%. This result is better than previous research. The conclusion of this study, accuracy can be improved by using the feature, where each feature is calculated correlation with the target.

optimization; RVM; correlation; extraction features; automatic text summarization

Electrical and Computer Engineering


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