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Animal welfare assessment of dairy cows in Indonesia
Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning*, Siska Aditya†

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Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning Daning

*Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang. Jl. Dr. Cipto 144 a Bedali, Lawang, 65200, Indonesia
†Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University, Puncak Dieng Eksklusif, Malang 65151, East Java, Indonesia

The managements of animal production, including animal transport and slaughtering, are the essential parameters of animal welfare. Nevertheless, the differences of region, cultural, social, religion, and political dimensions could might affect the animal welfare assessment. Nowadays, animal welfare system is getting more pay attention and has been an important priority of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) for over a decade. For example, developing country such as Indonesia, has been applied the animal welfare standard for dairy cows, in order to standardize the assessment for animal health and good quality of the milk. Furthermore, the measurement to achieve the representative welfare assessment are scored according to a three–point scale, ranging from 0 – 2 for each animals. More details, 0 means good welfare, 1 is awarded for some compromise on welfare, and 2 is poor and unacceptable welfare. Hereinafter, these assessments of animal welfare standard are importantly used to support the appropriate feeding, good health, standardized housing, and fine behavior for dairy cow farms. Our data concluded that, Indonesia farmers who had the small total number of animals, around 3-5 dairy cows, having score 1 of the animal welfare assessments.

dairy farm, good feeding, good health, good housing, appropriate behavior



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