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Nur Wulan Agustina, Sri Handayani, Lutfi Nurjanah

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Nur Wulan Agustina

Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

Many elderly experience anxiety because of something that is not clear. Anxiety can be overcome by dhikr therapy Asmaul Husna Ya Rahman and Ya Rahim. The research design is quasi-experimental. A population of 59 elderly with a sampling technique using purposive sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data analysis using a paired t-test and Mann Whitney test. The result is a difference in the level of anxiety before and after the intervention in the intervention group with an average decrease of -4.067 (pValue = 0.000). In the control group with an average decrease of -1.333 (pValue = 0.001). Also, there was a difference in the level of anxiety reduction between the intervention group and the control group (pValue = 0,000). The conclusion is there is the effect of reading the dhikr of Asmaul Husna Ya Rahman and Ya Rahim to reduce the level of anxiety in the elderly.

elderly, dhikr, anxiety

Health Science


The Effect Of The Use Of Diabetes Audio Visual Visual Visual Learning Method For Improving Medical Skills Of Surgical Nursing In Surgical Medical Students Of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang
Robiul Fitri Masithoh*, Estrin Handayani

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: An interactive video tutorial guiding students to understand a material through visualization. students can interactively participate in practicum activities in accordance with what is taught in the videos . Research methodology: This research is an experimental study using pre-test and post-test control groups. This study used 60 respondents who came from nursing students. Analysis of the data to test pre and post in the treatment group and pre and post in the control group is the Dependent t test if the data are normally distributed, if not normally use Wilcoxon. Analysis of the data to test the post in the treatment and control group is the Independent t test if the data is normally distributed, if not normally using Mann Whitney. Data normality test uses Kolmogor Smirnov. The results of the study p value of the control group and the treatment after and before the intervention are both 0.000 this means that the p value <0.05 This means that the use of instructional media with audio visual has a better influence on the ability of students to do diabetes foot exercises compared to using learning media using audi visual.

Audio visual, Practicum, diabetes foot exercises

Health Science


The Impact of Stress Reduction Strategy on Hemodialysis Patients as an Effort to Improve Quality of Service
Anita Shinta Kusuma(a), Berlian Nurtyashesti Kusumadewi(b)

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Anita Shinta Kusuma

Ngesti Waluyo Nursing Academy

Most hemodialysis patients experience moderate to high level of anxiety& stress. This requires coping skills&techniques that can be used to effectively reduce stress level,&increase the participation of hospitals to improve service quality. This study aims to determine the impact of Meridian Tapping Point combined with Breathing Exercise Technique to the stress level, BP&pulse rate of hemodialysis patients at Christian Hospital Ngesti Waluyo. A quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design was conducted. The study was conducted on June 26 to July 15, 2019, with total respondent 46 hemodyalisis patients. With variables stress level, BP, pulse rate. Data were analzed using paired sample t-test. The results showed that a decrease in PSS score, blood pressure and pulse in the post test. The difference of score between pre-test and post-test was 0.000. Meanwhile, the difference of systolic blood pressure between pre and post-test was 0.001, for diastolic, the difference of score was 0.03, and for pulse the difference score was 0.043 (p<0.05). Thus, there is a significant difference in the stress level, blood pressure and pulse rate before&after the intervention. Meridian Tapping Point combined with breathing exercise technique & verbal persuasion can reduce the stress levels, BP&pulse rate

Hemodialysis; tapping-point; Stress-reduction; Quality of service

Health Science


Athia Fidian(a*), Fitriana Yuliastuti(b)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

(a)Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
(b)Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
*Corresponding author Email: athiafidian[at]

Hand-washing is a process of removing the dirt and debris from skin of both hands mechanically by using soap and running water. The purpose of hand-washing is removing the dirt and organisms from the skin and reducing the microbes. The study was conducted to describe the knowledge level of health students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang on hand-washing tool according WHO. The method used was descriptive analytic research by distributing a questionnaire to respondents revealing the knowledge level of health students about hand-washing. The samples were 124 health students taken by total sampling technique. The data were presented as percentage of frequency distribution. The Analysis using chi-square test, the result between the knowledge level and age (p=0,000), the knowledge level and gender (p=0,359) , the knowledge level and study program (p=0,965) , the knowledge level and year (p= 0,148). This study showed that there was a positive relationship between the knowledge level and age, but there was no relationship between the knowledge level and gender, year or study program. The students in aged 17-20 have a good level of hand-washing knowledge with a percentage of 51.6%.

knowledge level; hand washing; hand washing tool

Health Science


The Relationship Between Frequency Of Gadget Use And The Aggressiveness In Adolescent Age In SMP 13 Magelang
Yolanda Suciati Kurnia, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih, Retna Tri Astuti

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Yolanda Suciati Kurnia

University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: The phenomenon of gadgets among adolescents is already familiar and has been crowded talked about, teenagers tend not to notice even unconscious with the use of excessive gadgets will cause side effects. In addition, excessive frequency of consumption leads to the onset of aggressive behavior that is watched by the teenagers from gadgets, the phenomenon that is common is the example of physical violence. Teenagers tend to have aggressive properties because adolescents concontent condition that is still lability and in the transition from children to adulthood. Objectives: This study was conducted to know the relationship between the frequency of use of gadgets against aggressiveness at the age of teenagers in SMP N 13 Magelang. Method: This study used Cross-Sectional design method, using the Random Sampling technique. The data was collected through the spread of questionnaires, using samples of 194 respondents in accordance with inclusion criteria. The test used was Spearmans Rank Correlation. Results: Statistical test results showed that there was a link between the frequency of using the gadget against aggressiveness gained the compatibility of P value = 0.002 and r =-0.224. The direction of the correlation showed positive and the strength of the correlate was lacking. Conclusion: There is a significant link between the frequency of use of gadgets to Agrsivitas in the age of teenagers in SMP N 13 Magelang. Sugeestion: From this research the need for parents to control adolescents in the use of gadgets and give little time to interact with the youth and listen to the problems faced at school.

Frequency Of Use Gadget, Aggressiveness, Adolescents

Health Science


The Relationship Between Ritual Activities And Tendency To Depression Of Elderly At “Posyandu Lansia Ngudi Rahayu” Gelangan Magelang City In The Year Of 2019
Diah Septiani (a)*, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih(b), Retna Tri Astuti (c)

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Diah Septiani

a)Faculty Of Health Science, University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang, diiah.septianny[at]*
b)Faculty Of Health Science, University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang,
c) Faculty Of Health Science, University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang,

Background: A depression in elderly was known as a life-threatening health problem in Indonesia, particular in Magelang City. The initial study at Gelangan Village documented that depression is currently being a concern in elderly population. Although a number of studies were undertaken to overcome depression, however, a relevant study that conducted in Gelangan Village has received little attention from the local nursing researcher. Therefore, this study was initiated to describe the relationship between ritual activities and tendency of depression among elderly. Purpose: The study aimed at investigating the relationship between ritual activities and the tendency of depression in the elderly at the Ngudi Rahayu Elderly Integrated Health Service Center (Posyandu) in Gelangan Village, Magelang City in 2019. Method: Correlational design that combined with the cross-sectional method was thoughtfully chosen to answer the research question of the study. A total of 40 respondents were involved. In this study, two variables were selected as follows ritual activities (variable one) and the tendency of depression (variable two). The Spearmans rank correlation was taken into consideration to measures the strength and direction of the relationship between variables. The significance level was considered at 0.05 for hypothesis testing. Results: The finding of the study showed that relationship between ritual activities and tendency of depression is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Moreover, the level of correlation is fair as expected by the researcher (-0.448). The negative correlation was also obtained from the study that is to say when the variable one increases, the other decreases. Conclusion: The relationship between ritual activities and tendency of depression is statistically significant (p < 0.05) which can be justified that when the variable one increases, the other decreases. Suggestion: With the result of this study, it is expected that this ritual activity can be applied to nursing care especially on mental health.

Ritual activities, Tendency of depression, elderly

Health Science


Isma Yuniar (1), Sita Rusmindarti (2), Sarwono (3)

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isma yuniar

Muhammadiyah Gombong Health Science Institute

Pulmonary TB was the highest infectious disease in the world. TB eradication is the main focus of the government. Many factors can be affected the occurrence of pulmonary TB one of them is the condition of the home including lighting and ventilation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of lighting and ventilation on the incidence rate of pulmonary TB. The type of this research was correlational analytic with a case-control approach. Case samples are 40 patients with pulmonary TB, and control samples are 40 respondents who have not been exposed to pulmonary TB. The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between lighting at home with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, with the value of the statistical test results p = 0.036. From the analysis results obtained OR value = 0.265. While the measurement of the relationship of ventilation with the occurrence of pulmonary TB mentioned no relationship with the value of the statistical test results p = 0.309 and OR value = 0.519. The conclusion is that lighting factors are a risk factor for TB incidents, so the community needs to arrange their homes to get adequate lighting.

lighting, ventilation, Pulmonary TB

Health Science


The relationship of social Media use to Stress levels in teenagers at State Junior High School 2 Dukun Magelang District in the year of 2019
Restiawati Ningsih, Retna Tri Astuti, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih

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Restiawati Ningsih

University of Muhammadiyah Magelang

The Internet is a stream of communication and technology developments are rapidly evolving annually. Internet is used as information media and media communication that provides much convenience to its users. One of the media communication through the Internet that is liked by the community is social media. Based on the press release No 53 Kominfo year 2018 social media users based on age indicated by the community who are 19-34 years old is 49.52% and the community 13-18 year is 75.50%. Social media usage of course has a positive and negative impact, the positive impact among others makes it easier for one to interact, expand associations and facilitate the dissemination of information, while the negative impact can lead to cyberbulliying, eye disorders, stress even depression. Objectives : This research aims to see the relationship between the use of social media to the level of stress in teenagers in State Junior High School 2 Dukun Magelang District 2019. Method: The method used in this study is to use Cross-Sectional design, using the Random Sampling technique. Data is collected through the spread of questionnaires, using samples of 120 respondents in accordance with inclusion criteria. The test used was Spearmans Rank Correlation. Results: Statistical test results showed that there was a significant link between the use of social media with the level of stress on teenagers in State Junior High School 2 Dukun Magelang District 2019 with a value of P value: 0.002 < 0.05. The strength of the correlate indicates a very weak level (0.276). The direction of the coordinates is positive, meaning that the higher the use of social media, the higher the stress level that teenagers experience. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the use of social media with the level of stress in teenagers in State Junior High School 2 Dukun Magelang District 2019. Advice : Parents are expected to restrict or control adolescents in the use of social media, giving free time to interact more with adolescents and listen to the problem.

Social Media, Stress, teen

Health Science


Work Fatigue in the Informal Sector Women Workers in Magelang
H S E Rahayu(1)*; R Rusdjijati(2); K Wijayanti(1)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

1) Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
2) Faculty of Techology Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

email: henisetyowati[at]

Work fatigue is a phenomenon that is often experienced by workers. If left untreated, ongoing work fatigue can reduce worker productivity. Informal workers are the type of workers whose numbers dominate in Indonesia, one of which is workers in micro and small industries which involve many women. Women who work have a dual role, as workers, wives, and mothers of their children. If women workers experience continuous work fatigue, they are not able to play a role in other tasks. This study aims to identify the work fatigue of women workers in the informal sector as a basis for developing interventions to overcome work fatigue. This research is a descriptive study with a sample of 38 people who were taken purposively, a measuring tool to determine fatigue with the Fatigue Measurement Feeling Questionnaire (KAUPK2) and Nordic Body Map. Results: 11 respondents (28.9%) experienced fatigue. With the Nordic Body map, 39% revealed pain in the right shoulder, 36.8% pain in the right hand, and 34.2% pain in the left hand. Suggestion: interventions need to be developed to overcome fatigue so that work productivity is more optimal.

fatigue, informal sector workers

Health Science


Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position on reducing high blood pressure in the elderly
Nurmai Lindasari, Enik Suhariyanti, Sri Margowati

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Enik Suhariyanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The deterioration of the function of organs especially in the elderly causes the elderly to be prone to attacks by various chronic diseases, including Hypertension. Non-pharmacological therapies that are used include yoga . The study aimed to determine the effect of Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position on hypertension in the elderly. The research design used was Quasy Experiment, with a non-randomized design control group pretest posttest design that was a design consisting of a control group and an experimental group. The results of the Wilcoxon test in the intervention group got the results of p = 0.014 (α <0.05) and in the control group the results of p = 0.317 (α> 0.05), so it was concluded that there were significant influences between before and after doing the Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam action with Sukhasana Position. The difference to the 2 groups indicated by the results of the average decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure, the mean value is 10.68 and 6.9 with a significant value p = (α<0.05). It was concluded that Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position has an effect on reducing high blood pressure in the elderly. It was suggested with the results of this study, it is expected that the elderly can do Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with the Sukhasana position in reducing high blood pressure.

Yoga, Pranayama Dhiirgaswasam, Sukhasana, Elderly, Hypertension

Health Science


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