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Abstract Topic: Human Capital Development Strategies

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Amaliyah Asad

University of Trilogi

The purpose of this study is to formulate a development strategy to become a technosociopreneur for the Halal Travel Agency in order to increase tourism rates in Indonesia. The research was done using qualitative method with secondary data obtained from literature studies. The data is then analysed using qualitative descriptive techniques through three stages of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that in order to become a technopreneur, Halal Travel Agency must develop expertise and application in technology and improve its social orientation based on the role of the human resources, as well as integrate all parties involved in forming a halal tourism system. The technology that must be mastered and applied primarily is technology to help customers to access information easier, make choices on tourist destinations and packages, and make reservations. The social orientation that must be improved is mainly in terms of efforts to promote domestic halal tourist destinations which subsequently increases the socio-economic impact of the wider community.

Technosociopreneur, Creative Economy, Halal Travel

Human Capital Development Strategies


Does the implementation of the Inflation Targeting Framework can be a stimulant for increasing global trade, economic growth, and Human Development Index? Case Study in Indonesia
Radite Teguh Handalani

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Radite Teguh Handalani

Human Resource Development Agency of DKI Jakarta Province

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Inflation Targeting Framework to global trade, economic growth, and human development index. The implementation of the flexible Inflation Targeting Framework policy by Bank Indonesia since 2005 aims to improve macroeconomic stability. It is also conceptually intended as an instrument to respond to changes in economic conditions in a flexible and responsive instrument to minimize the impact of economic crisis. However, in every economic concept and model, it certainly contains weaknesses, so it needs to be anticipated. To be able to conduct a study according to its purpose, this study tries to analyze the determinant of Inflation Targeting Framework to variables of economic growth, global trade, and human development index. It is expected that using data and information as well as the econometric approach of research can find a model that illustrates the interrelationship between variables in the study so that it can be useful as a means of establishing effective economic policies in order to improve the public welfare.

Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework, Econometrics, Human Development Index, Global Trade

Human Capital Development Strategies


Franchise Business Empower Informal Workers Sector in Indonesia
Vera Bararah Barid

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Vera Bararah Barid

Indonesian Institute of Sciences

The development of Franchise business in Indonesia have positive impacts, especially followed by many employment opportunities. Although economic growth tends slowly, as well as fluctuations exchange rate, but it does not have an impact for franchise business because this business can continue until now and encourage informal workers and franchisee to improve their life. The growth of franchise business averages 12-16 percent per year and foreign franchise dominates in Indonesia. Many types of franchise in Indonesia ranging from small to large capital, but the small franchise which can absorb more informal workers than the big one. This franchise business is expected to increase human capital productivity both formal workers and informal workers, whereas the number of unemployed growing gradually. This article uses descriptive analysis methods with secondary data which see further the impact of development franchise in the absorption of informal workers. The result is franchise business give the good impacts especially for informal workers in Indonesia and it can help them to survive their life.

Franchise, Empower, Informal Workers

Human Capital Development Strategies


Household Characteristics of Eco-tourism and Impact on Poverty Alleviation (study in Lubuk Beringin Village, Bungo District)
Aminah(a*), Khusnul Ashar(b), Susilo(b), and Putu Mahardika Adi S.(b)

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Aminah Aminah

a) Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya
b) Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of household characteristics on ecotourism and its impact on poverty alleviation in Lubuk Beringin Village. Ecotourism development is one of the keys to economic improvement towards poverty alleviation. The methodology used in this study is descriptive quantitative with a survey method approach. The characteristics of households have a large impact on the development of ecotourism and poverty alleviation. Gender of the head of the household is an important aspect of the development of ecotourism and poverty alleviation.The average of the asset, health, and education of household members become the assets for the ecotourism development, however, the household size, dependency ratio, and employer also provides an important influence on the development. The research hypothesis are 1. There is a significant influence of household characteristics on ecotourism; 2. There is a significant influence of household characteristics on poverty alleviation; 3. There is a significant influence of household characteristics through ecotourism on poverty alleviation. The implications of this study can be used as a basic consideration for local government or private sector for the ecotourism development as one of the programs on poverty alleviation in Lubuk Beringin Village.

Eco-tourism, regional characteristic, poverty alleviation

Human Capital Development Strategies


Improvement of Employees Psychological Capital Resources Through The Im Superhero In The Workplace Program for Optimalization Of Employee Innovative Work Behavior
Nina Amelia Sasmita (a*) Martina Dwi Mustika S.Psi., M.O.P., Ph.D.(b)

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Nina Amelia Sasmita

(a) Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia & BMKG
Jl. Angkasa I No. 2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat
(b) Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat

Revolution industry 4.0 changing the way people live and work. The organization has to do innovation to keep them competitive advantage. The process of innovation in organizations cannot be separated from the role of employees. Innovation arises when an employee develops, promotes, and implements new ideas which are key components of employees innovative work behavior (IWB). IWB is influenced by many factors, one of them is psychological capital (PsyCap). This study aims to look at the relationship between employees IWB and PsyCap and figure out the impact of the PsyCap intervention program in increasing employees IWB. The research was conducted in one of the government agencies, using quantitative and correlational methods. The study took 424 sample data and seek the relationship between PsyCap and IWB, and also took 18 random samples of employees for intervention program. Based on the regression analysis, it was found that PsyCap was positively related to IWB and the intervention result in the form of the Im Superhero in the workplace program show a significant change in the mean of PsyCap and IWB before and after the program. These results imply that organizations can improve their employees IWB by having PsyCap intervention. However, as the data was collected from the same source, the common method variance is a potential issue. The findings suggest that the organization can developing employees PsyCap, given its unique effect on the outcome variables of IWB. Originality/value from this study identified the broad and unique effect of PsyCap intervention in government institution.

Psychological capital, innovative work behavior, intervension

Human Capital Development Strategies



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Ngadi Ngadi

Research Center for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

The use of internet has expanded widely in Indonesia, including Micro Small and Medium Enterprices (MSMEs). The remote areas that initially experienced barriers to marketing of their products and services could be helped by digital technology. This paper aims to discuss the internet marketing challenges of MSMEs in Yogyakarta. The data for the analysis is the result of research in Yogyakarta Province, 2017. Data collection was done by interview, FGD and literature review. The results show that internet has been used in most of MSMEs in Yogyakarta. Internet has expanded the market network so as to increase the demand of product. Increased demand of product have implications for the increase in income and welfare of workers in MSMEs. Some policies have been implemented by the government and the private sector in improving internet capabilities among prospective entrepreneurs such as Yogya creative homes, integrated business service centers, movements of 1000 startups and digital kampong.

Internet marketing, MSMEs, and Yogyakarta

Human Capital Development Strategies


Key Success Factors in Succession: Family Business in Global Value Chain
Nyayu Lathifah Tirdasari, Wawan Dhewanto, Raden Isma Anggraini

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Nyayu Lathifah Tirdasari

School of Business IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, Indonesia, 16128

School of Business and Management ITB, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia 40132

Despite the importance of business succession in a family business, the study with regards its key success factors is often neglected. Moreover, the key success factor before and after entering the global value chain might be different for a family business. The key success factors in succession with regards to the family business in Indonesia were explored to provide lessons that ease the succession process to be more effective in order to participate in a global value chain. This study employed a qualitative study approach with a structured interview to three family businesses involved in the food industry in Bogor, Indonesia. The results clustered key success of business succession into three factors, namely organization, successor, and predecessor. Each key success factor of business succession was associated with different attributes. The attributes of the organization were existence, development, family unity, and sustainability. The attributes of a successor were the commitment, leadership, communication skills, and persistence manner as well. The attributes of a predecessor were commitment, mentoring, persistence, and communication skill. This study found that the important attributes of key success factors were the commitment, leadership and mentoring process. This implies the successor was the main key success factor in business succession for a family business to compete in the global value chain.

family business, succession, key success factor, business continuance, global value chain

Human Capital Development Strategies


Long-Term Sustainable Strategy: Mapping Prospects for Labor Based on Specialization and Competitive Advantage
Dede Yoga Paramartha (a*), Anisa Muna Majidah (b)

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Dede Yoga Paramartha

(a) STIS Statistics Polytechnic, Jalan Otista Raya 64C, Jakarta Timur 13330, Indonesia
(b) STIS Statistics Polytechnic, Jalan Otista Raya 64C, Jakarta Timur 13330, Indonesia

Building good human capital can be based on how the Education scheme and sustainable Long-term programs are built. In entering current market share, business organizations face a diverse work environment with sustainable change and development and with the speed to respond to change effectively. In addition, for Indonesia with its diversity, it has a duty to create competitive advantage based on the existence of quality human resources that contribute to the creation of organizational sustainability in the trade sector. The emergence of a series of challenges in the knowledge economy has had a clear reflection on business organizations that have begun to look for new mechanisms to compete and ensure their existence in the business world. Therefore, the importance of the concept of competitive advantage, based on human resources, is a requirement needed to face challenges faced by local, regional or international organizations (Global Institute, 2011). competitive advantage based on human resources is the main producer of new ideas, development of old ideas, and contributions to help in the ability of organizations to expand their current market share and maximize value. On the other hand, placing someone in the right position is also an optimization in productivity. This study aims to see the impact of competitive advantage through investment in intellectual capital and regional specificity as one of the elements in the creation of sustainable organizations in the export sector. Simple and multiple regression is used for data analysis and testing the hypothesis of this study. This research has achieved a series of results reinforced by previous studies in this field such as: Competitive advantage based on different capital is the optimal method that must be used because it contributes to the optimal investment of human resources. This leads to optimal organizational sustainability for companies in various fields and also contributes to the achievement of the companys mission and vision in the future.

Competitive Advantage, Human Capital, Labor, Sustainable

Human Capital Development Strategies


Djoko Pitoyo

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Djoko Pitoyo

Universitas Sangga Buana

This study aims to determine the relationship of performance improvement through employee empowerment that is influenced by leadership factor and organizational culture in PT PLN Unit Induk Pembangunan(UIP) Jawa Bagian Barat, which move in the field of development project Transmission and Substation network of Banten, DKI Jakarta and West Java provinces . This research used questionnaire method with 47 respondents. The data collected were analyzed by using path analysis, in order to know the relationship between variables. From the results of this study found that leadership has no direct or indirect effect through employee empowerment variables significantly to the performance of PLN UIP JBB employees. This may be due to lack of leadership to communicate well to subordinates vice versa, in terms of solving a problem does not involve subordinates and how to find the best solution, and lack of employees who are experts in each field placement in relation to external parties PLN. Organization culture has a direct influence significantly on employee performance of 0.339, and organizational culture has a significant indirect influence on employee performance through employee empowerment 0.657577. This means that if there is an increase in the quality of organizational culture through employee empowerment then the performance of PLN UIP JBB employees will increase by 0.657577. Employee empowerment can significantly be influenced directly by the organizational culture variable of 0.641. This means that if there is an increase in the quality of organizational culture then the empowerment of PLN UIP JBB employees will increase by 0.641. Employee performance can be affected directly by employee empowerment variable of 0.497. This means that if there is an increase in employee empowerment quality then the performance of PLN UIP JBB employees will increase by 0.497.

employee performance, empowerment, leadership, organizational culture.

Human Capital Development Strategies


Hindun, Nur aini, Erisa Kurniati

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Hindun Hindun

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Universitas Batanghari, Jambi

As a nation that has a variety of regional languages, the local wisdom contained in each culture can be manifested in cultural products. "Jogist Store Yogyakarta" is one of the home industries that produce T-shirts that are designed with images and writings that elevate local wisdom. This study aims to find out the text messages as outlined in the form of drawings and writings contained in Jogist t-shirts in upholding local culture. The random sampling technique used in this study focuses on seventeen t-shirts that will be reviewed by text messages so as to facilitate researchers in revealing the results of their descriptions. Mix methods are directed at quantitative techniques (not all data, only 17 T-shirts) and descriptive research results as qualitative research. Interviews with Jogist store founders were also conducted by researchers to strengthen this research. The results showed that there was an outer code-mixing in English with ten data numbers, and inner code-mixing in the Javanese language with a total of seven data. Text message in T-shirts Jogist Store Yogyakarta with the theme Love Jogja, Javanese Jokes, Entrepreneur Jokes, and the latest are Hijrah themed t-shirts.

Jogist T-Shirt, Product Commodity, Local Wisdom

Human Capital Development Strategies


The Effect of Human Capital and Trade on The Convergence of Indonesian Labor Productivity
Krismanti Tri Wahyuni

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Krismanti Tri Wahyuni

Politeknik Statistika STIS

Trade is the most important sector that provides the largest contribution in the services sector in Indonesia. This sector has grown rapidly in the past decade with the modern way of trading because of the influence of online systems. This study aims to determine the influence of trade and human capital in this digital era on the Indonesian economy and to find out whether labor productivity convergence occurs in Indonesia, and to find out factors that accelerate convergence. The analytical method used is dynamic panel data with the GMM First Different approach. This study shows that sigma convergence occurs in Indonesia based on the variation coefficient of the dependent variable. Absolute beta convergence and conditional beta convergence also occur during the study period, indicated by the dependent variable lag coefficient that is significant and less than one. Exports and imports between countries and between regions are proxy trade variables, while internet use and long school expectations are proxy variables for human capital. Physical capital (proxied by using district/city and provincial capital expenditures) and human capital, overseas exports, inter-regional exports and inter-regional imports have a positive effect on labor productivity in Indonesia, and increase the convergence rate so that the time needed to cover the gap will be more short.

human capital, trade, convergence, labor productivity, dynamic panel data

Human Capital Development Strategies


The Effects of Observational Learning in Industrial Work Practice on Soft Skills
Subkhan Rojuli, Sulaeni

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Subkhan Rojuli

Center for Research and Development of Educators and Education Personnel Education Citizenship and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia

The purpose of the research is to gain a description and explanation of the causal relationship between observational learning in industrial work practice and soft skills, specifically the communication skill and problem-solving skill. Based on the purpose, the research employed the explanatory survey method. To test the hypotheses in this research, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used. The research sample consisted of 423 twelfth grade Accounting Department students of state vocational high schools in Tangerang Regency who have completed their industrial work practice or internship. The sample was taken with random sampling technique. The instrument used to gather data was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested using SPSS. The results of the research proved that observational learning has a direct effect on communication skill, and communication skill has a direct effect on problem-solving skill. Observational learning has an indirect effect on problem-solving skill, particularly because of its relation to communication skill. An important new finding of the research is the correlation between observational learning and communication skill and problem-solving skill. The new finding becomes a reflection for students regarding the weaknesses and strengths of observational learning modality that they have so that they can quickly adapt to the learning models in the industrial work practice

observational learning, industrial work practice, soft skills, communication skill, problem-solving skill

Human Capital Development Strategies


The Relationship of Tourism and International Trade of Indonesian Cultural Products
(a) Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari (b) Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti

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Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari

Economics and Business Faculty of Udayana University

The role of the national tourism sector is increasingly important in line with developments and contributions given the tourism sector through the acceptance of foreign exchange, regional revenue, the development of the region, as well as in the absorption of investment and labor as well as business development in various parts of the region in Indonesia. The tourism sector contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 has reached 6.0%, or IDR 890.43 trillion (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2019). While foreign exchange from tourism in 2018 reached IDR 220.93 billion and contributed to employment for 12,966 million, or approximately 10.3% of the total workforce in Indonesia. The impact of tourism sector development in fact not only in the form of foreign exchange due to increasing number of foreign tourists who come and absorb labor in sectors related to the tourism development. Studies by Chaisumpunsakul and Pholphirul (2017) showed a positive correlation between degrees of economic openness to the demand of foreign tourists in Thailand. Moreover, Thailand tend to experience a high level of trade with the countries of origin of tourists coming. Therefore, tourism is becoming an own international trade promotion path and vice versa merchandise trade flows can encourage foreign tourist arrivals. This shows the significance of the relationship that supports business opportunities due to the complementary relationship between the two (Santana Gallego, Ledesma Rodriguez, & amp; Perez Rodriguez, 2011). However, focus on those two relationship is still gets little attention, especially in the case of Indonesia. Hence the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of tourism on the international trade in Indonesia, especially for the category of cultural products. Tourism experienced a significant growth from year to year, supported by a rich cultural heritage so as to facilitate an increase in creative industries such as fashion, culinary, arts, crafts, and entertainment. This is because the creative industry is predicted to become a new economic power in the coming years.

tourism, internationa trade, cultural product, creative industry

Human Capital Development Strategies


Understanding NTMs between Indonesia and India for Development Strategies of Trade
Kumara Jati (a). Arie Mardiansyah (b). Leo Mualdy Christoffel (c). Endah Ayu Ningsih (d). Steven Raja Ingot (e).

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Kumara Jati

(a)Indonesian Trade Promotion Center-Chennai-India, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia.

(b)Trade Analysis and Development Agency,
Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Indonesia,

(c)Trade Analysis and Development Agency,
Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Indonesia,

(d)Trade Analysis and Development Agency,
Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Indonesia,

(e)Trade Analysis and Development Agency,
Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Indonesia,

Understanding Non Tariff Measures (NTMs) can help to see any form of policy other than import tariffs. NTMs are generally enforced to protect domestic producers and consumers. Indonesia and India are the 4th and 2nd most populous country in the world. Therefore, these countries can be an interesting subject to see how NTMs are implemented. The Normative Juridical Analysis of NTMs found that India has applied more Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) policy to other countries, but Indonesia has applied more Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) policy to other countries. Although for bilateral trade, India has applied more Contingent Trade Protective Measures (CTPM) to Indonesia, but Indonesia has applied more Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) to India. The conceptual analysis of NTMs can help to understand how the bilateral trade between Indonesia and India can be increased. The relevant authorities should make specific trade development strategies and streamlining NTMs to give better ease of doing business between two countries.

Bilateral Indonesia and India, Development Strategies of Trade, Normative Juridical Analysis, Conceptual Analysis of NTMs

Human Capital Development Strategies


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