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Corresponding Author
maghfira julietta
Airlangga University
This writing aims to explain how the role of Jatropha cultivation in a sustainable economy. The background of this writing is because the fuel that we use so far comes from fossil energy sources, fossil energy has a limited nature. With the increasing need for motorized vehicles every year, the increasing need for fossil fuels is needed. Of course, this can lead to a significant imbalance between the number of motorized vehicle users and the number of available energy reserves, besides that it can affect how the air quality in the country and the city. This writing uses using qualitative literature study methods. The author collects data with observation techniques. The results of this paper concluded that the Jatropha plant has a role in a sustainable economy. This is because fence distance has properties as renewable energy, jatropha also has several other economic benefits. As we know sustainable economies in the development of the use of natural resources today to meet the needs of not having to sacrifice the needs or rights of future generations. Also, Jatropha has several advantages when compared to oil palm.
Fossil resources, sustainable economics, vegetable resources.
Renewable Energy Economics
Corresponding Author
Dhany Damayanti
1S1 Environmental Engineering Student, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Advisor, teaching staff of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract. This research aims to estimate the emission of CH4 gas from the utilization of biogas technology as a source of alternative fuels and biogas has an influence on the economic condition of the society of Ploso Ngamban Village, Kendal, Ngawi East Java who has been utilizing biogas. Ploso Ngamban Village, Kendal, Ngawi East Java is one of the villages with the most populations as cattle ranchers and has been utilizing cow dung as a biogas. In cow dung, there is a CH4 gas that contributes 3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. There are 32 cows that have been utilized to 18 units of biogas, if used maximally, it is able to reduce the emission of CH4 gas by 1,952 kg or it helps to reduce the CO2e gas emissions by 48,800 kg/year of emissions for the district of Kendal, Ngawi East Java. So if the use of cow dung into biogas is done to the fullest, it will get the efficiency of lowering the cost of CO2e gas emissions processing in Ploso Ngamban Village, Kendal, Ngawi East Java by Rp 23.424.000/year. Calculation method is based on the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, using the formula quoted from the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia, namely GHG emissions = Ai x EFi.
biogas, CH4 gas, greenhouse gas
Renewable Energy Economics
Corresponding Author
Ida Wijayanti
Magister of Islamic Economic Science, Economic and Business Faculty, Universitas Airlangga
The purpose of this research is to provide an idea about source of investment fund in Indonesia-s renewable energy through Islamic crowdfunding mechanism. The method used is qualitative explanatory analysis with a literature study strategy. Seeing the challenges and opportunities of renewable industry investment, Islamic crowdfunding is said to be solution of renewable energy development in Indonesia. This research produced some Islamic crowdfunding mechanism to fulfil renewable energy investment in Indonesia. The Islamic crowdfunding mechanisms are included a donation based (hibah and qardh), equity and loan based (syirkah: mudharabah and musyarakah), also debt based (murabahah and ijarah). This donation, equity, loan, and debt based crowdfunding are form of proposed solution to answer the challenge of renewable energy investment in Indonesia
Islamic Crowdfunding Mechanism, Renewable Energy, Investment
Renewable Energy Economics
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