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Comparison Diversity of The Dragonfly (Odonata) at Lake Saat and Lake Warna Nature Park, West Java
Sri Supardi Wibowo (a*) Adi Basukriadi (b), Nurul Laksmi Winarni (c)

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Sri Supardi Wibowo

a) Graduate Program in Community Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok
b) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok
c) Research Center for Climate Change, Universitas Indonesia, Depok

Diversity Odonata in the highland of tropical still lack of information with high diversity aquatic habitats in the tropical rain forest. The order Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies very dependent on freshwater habitat for sustainability of life cycle. They are often used as indicators for water health, environmental health and conservation management. The purpose of this research to compare diversity Odonata at lake Saat with lake Warna Nature Park, West Java. We collected the data of diversity Odonata using fixed point count method. Diversity analysis used Shannon and Margalef indices with PAST software. Diversity Odonata in lake Saat is more higher than lake Warna Nature Park. Both, diversity indices Odonata are categorized medium and low. There is no difference distribution species of Odonata in both locations.

Diversity, Odonata, West Java



Contamination of shrimp pond waste: The impact on macrozoobenthos diversity
Wahyu Prihanta, Facischa Ayu Irviandari, Elly Purwanti, Abdulkadir Rahardjanto, Fuad Jaya Miharja(*)

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Facischa Ayu Irviandari

Biology Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
(*) fuad.jayamiharja[at]

The existence of organic waste is believed to be the cause of changes in the physical and chemical parameters of the river environment, which have an impact on the diversity of macrozoobenthos in it. However, not many studies have revealed what variables are highly correlated with macrozoobenthos diversity. This study aims to determine the impact of shrimp pond waste inputs and the variables that most correlate with macrozoobenthos diversity. This quantitative descriptive study uses purposive random sampling technique. Sampling was carried out at five stations along the Kali Jeruk - Trenggalek, East Java stream with three repetitions. The identification of macrozoobenthos was carried out in the Fisheries Laboratory while testing physical and chemical parameters was carried out in the laboratory of Perum Jasa Tirta - Malang, East Java. The diversity of macrozoobenthos was analyzed using test principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that macrozoobenthos were found in ten species from three classes, seven families, and nine genera. Meanwhile, the parameters that correlate most strongly with macrozoobenthos diversity are dissolved oxygen (DO).

Macrozoobenthos diversity; organic waste; Litopenaeus vannamei



Determination of Total Phenol and Flavonoid Levels, and Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic and Ethanolic Extract Zingiber officinale Rosc var. Rubrum Rhizome
Betty Lukiati (a*), Sulisetijono (a), Nugrahaningsih (a), Rahmi Masita (a)

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Betty Lukiati

a)Departemet of Biology Universitas Negeri Malang
Jalan Semarang 5 Malang

Extract of Zingiber officinale var. rubrum for therapy has been widely investigated, including for kidney disease, lung disease, and diarrhea. The solvent used for extraction determines content of the bioactive compounds, and antioxidant level. This study aims to determine total phenols and flavonoids levels, as well as antioxidant activity of the ethanolic and methanolic extract of Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum rhizome. Total phenol level determined using spectrophotometer at 765 nm, with gallic acid as a standard, while the total flavonoids at 431 nm with quercetin as standard. Antioxidant activity determined by DPPH assay. The strength of antioxidant activity is expressed in IC50 extract values. The results showed total phenol content of Zingiber officinale var rubrum ethanolic extract 155.78 mg GAE/g, while methanolic extract 132.54 mg GAE/g. Total flavonoid content of ethanol fraction 609.66 mg QE/g, methanolic extract 563.10 mg QE/g. Based on DPPH assay, antioxidant activity was very strong with IC50 of ethanolic extract 44.06 µg/mL, and IC50 of methanol extract 30.11 µg/mL

Antioxidant Activity, methanolic and ethanolic extract, total Flavonoid, total Phenol, , Zingiber officinale Rosc. Var. rubrum rhizoma extract



Diversity of mollusks in the Mangrove Forest area of Cengkrong Beach Trenggalek
Abdulkadir Rahardjanto (a), Husamah (a*), Veti Rizki Tosiyana (a), Fuad Jaya Miharja (a)

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Veti Rizky Tosiyana

a. Biology Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

*Corresponding author: usya_bio[at]

Research on the study of the diversity of mollusks in the mangrove forest area of Cengkrong Beach – Trenggalek has an important role in knowing the decline in the ecological function of mangrove forests due to exploitation. Exploitation that occurs is illegal logging of mangrove trees. The purpose of this study was to analyze environmental conditions through physico-chemical parameters, analyze the diversity of mollusks, and analyze the relationship between environmental conditions and the diversity of mollusks in the mangrove forest of Cengkrong Beach - Trenggalek. Sampling was carried out at three stations with 27 plots. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with the belt transect method then measures environmental conditions. Data analysis using regression test. The results showed that the conditions of pH, temperature, salinity were normal. The diversity of mollusks found was 13 species consisting of 11 species from the Gastropoda class and 2 species from the Bivalvia class. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between environmental conditions and the diversity of mollusks.

Diversity; mangrove forest; mollusks



Drosophila melanogaster Larvas and Adults Behavior Study: Do strains affect behavior?
1Ahmad Fauzi, 2Siti Zubaidah, 2Hendra Susanto

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Ahmad Fauzi

1Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, 2Universitas Negeri Malang

Drosophilas behavioral studies can facilitate investigations related to human disease as well as various questions about behavioral neuroscience. The aimed of this study was to examine the effect of strains on various Drosophila behavior parameters. The strains used were wildtype, white eyes, and vestigial wings. Larval Crawling Assay, Larval Climbing Assay, Locomotor Assay, and Adult Negative Geotaxis Assay were used as procedures for data collection. Then, the research data were analyzed using a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results showed that differences in strains were able to cause differences in Drosophila behavior, especially during the imago phase. The use of wild-type strains is recommended for use as a behavioral study on Drosophila, given the differences in wildtype and mutant behavior recorded in this study. This research is expected to be the basis of Drosophilas behavior study, which is still rarely conducted in Indonesia.

Adult Negative Geotaxis Assay, Drosophila-s behavioral studies, Larval Crawling Assay, Larval Climbing Assay, Locomotor Assay



Morphological and Genetic Diversity of Wild Type Lates calcarifer (Family: Latidae)
Irmawati Irmawati (a*), Aidah Ambo Ala Husain (a), Asmi Citra Malina A.R. Tassakka (a), Nadiarti Nurdin Kadir (a), Moh. Tauhid Umar (a), Alimuddin Alimuddin (b)

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Irmawati Irmawati

a) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
* trif.ahwa[at]
b) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Asian sebass, barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Perciformes, Latidae) was first described in 1790 by the name of Holocentrus calcarifer by Bloch. The name of genus Lates by Cuvier & Valenciennes (1828) was given to comprise other species, including Nile perch (L. niloticus). Lates calcarifer is a type of fresh-seawater fish that has high economic value comparable to salmon and tuna. The population of Asian seabass in Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Japan was reported in different types. Lates lacdiva from Sri Lanka had a lower height than L. uwisara (Myanmar) and L. calcarifer (Australia). However, the attempt to describe and assess the diversity of Lates in Indonesia, including in the Bone Bay and Makassar Strait have never been done. This study analyzed the morphology and genetic diversity of barramundi caught in the Bone Bay and Makassar Strait waters as an effort to document and map species richness. Both morphological and genetic diversity of barramundi caught in both sites were low. The body was elongated with black caudal-fin. Barramundi from Bone Bay had a white-silver color, while those from the Makassar Strait were greenish in color. Dorsal-fin was divided in two parts with base of second dorsal fin less than that of first dorsal-fin. Third dorsal-fin spine longest. Dorsal-fin spines of Asian seabass from the Makassar Strait were more varied than that Bone Bay. Anal-fin spines of Asian Seabass from Bone Bay were varied than that Makassar strait with third anal-fin spine longest (III>II>I). The pectoral-fin was shorter than the pelvic-fin. The pelvic-fin did not reach the anus and generally separate, but in some specimens are fused by a thin membrane. Caudal-fin was rounded and consisted of 15-18 weak spines. Body height was 29.30- 33.35% to standard length (SL), with certain specimen was found with height up to 37.50% from SL. One small spine in the operculum with a position above the lateral line, and 4-5 small spines at the bottom of the pre-operculum. The highest genetic distance was 0.16% while the number of haplotypes was two with 0.00045 nucleotide diversity.

Asian seabass, barramundi, Lates calcariver, morphological and genetic diversity, Bone Bay, Makassar Strait



Potential Mixed Purple Sweet Potato Extract (Ipomea batatas (L.)) and Black Soybean Tempe (Glycine soja (L.)) Against Levels of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transminase (SGOT) and Liver Cell Necrosis in Wistar Strain (Rattus norvegicus) Model Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Esha Ardiansyah, Clara Kartika Aprilia, Dr. H. Abdul Gofur, M.Si., Agung Witjoro, S.Pd., M.Kes, Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si.

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Esha Ardiansyah

Faculty of Math and Science, Univesitas Negeri Malang

Diabetes Type 2 caused by insulin resistance. The majority of insulin resistance is characterized by hyperglycemia and obesity. Obesity is caused by high fat diet and causes side effects of fatty liver. Fatty liver will cause toxic lipid metabolites to increase, causing liver mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance. Liver mitochondrial dysfunction results in fibrosis, cirrhosis, and SGOT enzymes will be released into the bloodstream, which results in increased SGOT in the blood. The purpose of this study was to study the combination of purple sweet potato extract and black soybean tempeh on liver cell necrosis and level SGOT. Rats made Type 2 DM with permeate High Fat Diet (HFD), 10% sucrose and Streptozotocin (STZ) injection intraperitoneally Multiple Low Doses. The treatment was carried out for 30 days with 8 treatment groups. Surgery is take blood samples and liver organ to be prepared. Blood is centrifuged to get blood serum. The serum was mixed with SGOT reagents and measured the absorbance using spectrophotometric methods. Preparations were stained using the Hematoxylin-Eosin method to see the percentage of liver cell necrosis. The results of the study after analyzing one-way ANOVA showed that purple sweet potato extract and black soybean tempeh had a significant effect on reduced the SGOT levels was 168 U/L and percentage of necrotic cells was 32,4%. In the future, it is expected that black soybean plants can be used to be processed into large-scale tempeh and marketed to surrounding communities and the rate of diabetes can be prevented.

Purple sweet potato extract, Black soybean tempe extract, SGOT levels, Liver cell necrosis, DM Type 2.



Prevalence of Intestinal Nematode Eggs in Elementary School Students in Tulungagung Regency
Sofia Ery Rahayu (*), Agung Witjoro, Dinari Pribawastuti

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Sofia Ery Rahayu

Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang 5 Malang
* sofia.ery.fmipa[at]

Elementary school students have a tendency to become infected with intestinal nematode worms. Research on the prevalence of nematode eggs in elementary school students in Tulungagung Regency has not been done much. The aim of the study was to find out the species of intestinal nematode worms and their prevalence in elementary school students in Tulungagung Regency. The research sample was in the form of intestinal Nematode eggs found in the fingernails of Pagerwojo and Ketanon elementary school students of Tulungagung. The students nail clippings were drained by a 15% NaOH solution and then centrifuged. The sediments obtained were observed with a microscope 40x10 magnification. Worm eggs found were identified. The results of the study found worm eggs Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The highest worm egg prevalence (32.9%) in Pagerwojo students compared with Ketanon studensts (14.68%). The prevalence of A. lumbricoides worm eggs in Pagerwojo students was higher than Ketanon students. T. trichiura worm eggs were only found in Pagerwojo students. Based on the results, the intestinal nematode eggs found in the nails of elementary school students in Tulungagung. Monitoring the personal hygiene of elementary school students needs to be done regularly to prevent infection with helminthiasis.

Nematode, worm eggs, elementary school



Study of Morphological Variations of Gekko gecko (Linnaeus 1758) population in Indonesias Islands
Shohib Manzili (1), Ibrohim (1,*), Amir Hamidy (2,**)

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Wira Eka Putra

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang Malang.
2) Laboratory of herpetology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bogor.


Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko, Linnaeus 1758) is a small country lizard animal that has a diverse skin color that is decorated with red spots to orange on its back. The study of variations in morphology is very important in various aspects, especially in describing the definition of a species. This study aims to determine the morphological variations based on morphometry and meristic of Gekko gecko in each population. In this study PCA and UPGMA analysis were carried out. The design in the study begins with the measurement phase of 24 morphological characters. The results displayed will be eigenvalue tables, scatter plot graphs and dendograms. The results obtained were then analyzed descriptively. A total of 122 samples of Gekko gecko (male = 81; female = 41) originating from various populations showed a number of character variations between individuals and populations. On certain islands have dominant characters in each population even though these characters are also found in other populations with relatively small values. Gekko gecko in the six populations illustrates overlapping groupings and no significant or dominant character has been seen so that no special character can be found that can be used as a diagnostic character in the Gekko gecko population in a particular population.

Tokay gecko, population, morphological variations



The Active Compounds Composition and Antifeedant Activity of Leaf Extract of Two Cultivar Carica papaya L. on Spodoptera litura F. Larvae
Sofia Ery Rahayu1,a), Amin Setyo Leksono2), Zulfaidah Penata Gama2), and Hagus Tarno3)

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Sofia Ery Rahayu

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 05 Malang 65145, Indonesia
a) Corresponding author: sofia.ery.fmipa[at]
2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
3) Department of Pest and Disease Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia

Thailand and Ungu cultivars are two of the many cultivated papaya cultivars in East Java. In addition to fruit, papaya leaves are also widely used as a traditional insecticides. The purpose of the study was to determine the active compounds, total phenols, total flavonoid, and antifeedant activity of papaya leaf extract of those cultivars against Spodoptera litura F. larvae. Papaya leaves were macerated with methanol. Phytochemical of leaf extract determined using LCMS. Total phenol and total flavonoids were measured based on the spectrophotometric method. Antifeedant activity was tested on instar 3 phase larvae with choice method. Feed leaves sprayed with different concentration of papaya leaves extract and repeated 10 times. The screening result showed that there are 62 compounds detected in Ungu extract and 60 compounds in Thailand extract. The highest total phenol content was found in Ungu extract. Meanwhile the highest total flavonoid content was detected in Thailand extract. The treatment of 40% and 50% of both extracts significantly inhibited eating activity to 100%. Statistically, the combination between the type of extract and concentration showed significant antifeedant activity. According to the result, the different of antifeedant activity of exctract caused by the difference of the phytochemicals content . The extracts of Thailand and Ungu papaya leaf had the potential to be antifeedant for S. litura larvae.

papaya leaf extract, phytochemical screening, antifeedant activity, Spodoptera litura larvae



The Activity Budget of Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis, de Blainville 1822) in Savana Bekol, Baluran National Park, Situbondo, East Java
Achmad Fawzy (a*), Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi (b), Hadi Sukadi Alikodra (c)

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a) Graduate Program in Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. Jl. Lingkar UI, Depok 16424, West Java, Indonesia.
b) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. Jl. Lingkar UI, Depok 16424, West Java, Indonesia.
c) Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University. Jl. Dramaga Raya IPB, Bogor 16680, West Java, Indonesia.

The timor deer (Cervus timorensis) is deer that natively distributed within Jawa and Bali, and has been introduced to other regions and other countries. The aim of this study is to observe the daily behavior of timor deer that inhabited Savana Bekol, Baluran National Park. We collected the data of timor deer behavior using continuous focal animal sampling method (Altmann 1974). Results showed that in general females spent most of their activities during the day (from high to low) on feeding, resting, moving, other activities, and anti-predator. While males spent most of their activities on resting, feeding, moving, other activities, and anti-predator.

Cervus timorensis, timor deer, behavior, Baluran National Park



The Basic Profile of Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) in Lettuce Vegetables (Lactuca sativa) in Traditional Markets in Malang City, Indonesia
Randa Ersapta1,2), Sofia Ery Rahayu1), Hendra Susanto1 a), Agung Witjoro1) , Sinta Dewi Misbahol Kurnia, Dymas Ambarwati, and Affan Wudy Alifianto

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Hendra Susanto

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Malang, Indonesia
2Public Health Center Slawe-Trenggalek, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Land-transmitted worm infections (STH) are a health problem which is prone to occur in children in Indonesia. This worm infection is also one the causes of the high prevalence of stunting in infants in Malang city with an incidence of 3,029 cases. It is assumed that consumption of raw vegetables without proper washing facilitates has been the spread of worm eggs in populations in Malang City. This study was designed to determine the rate of contamination of Soil-transmitted Helminths (STH) Worms in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in the traditional market of Malang City. A total of 17 vegetable samples from vegetable traders from several markets in Malang were collected for laboratory tests. These samples were tested by microscopic examination to detect the presence of parasites. The results of this study indicated that Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were more dominant in vegetables (82.5%) compared to Ancylostoma duodenale eggs (17.5%). The prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides worm eggs in Blimbing Market and Big Market in Malang city is higher than the prevalence of hookworm eggs. This study concluded that lettuce vegetables in the traditional market of Malang city were potential for parasitic infections transmission, especially Ascaris lumbricoides worms. Thus, early prevention is needed for these spreading parasites with intensification of hand washing and vegetable washing processes with standardized methods.

Soil Transmitted Helinths, Lettuce, Malang Traditional market, spreading parasites



The Effect Of Red Betel Leaf Extract On Number Of CD4 + Cells Rheumatoid Arthritis Mice
PPutri Diyah Anggraini1, Susilowati2, dan Nuning Wulandari2

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putri diyah anggraini

1 Magister Program of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang No. 5
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang No. 5

Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) is one of autoimmune disease because of oxidative stress that would increase the number of CD4+ cells. It will cause inflammatory and damage in synovial membrane and joints. Conventional therapy which used to overcome inflammatory by administering non-steroid anti-inflammation drugs (NSAID) are able to make bleeding and damage gastrointestinal tract and liver. Red betel (Piper crocatum) content flavonoid which has oxidant activity. This research was conducted to determine the effect of red betel leaf extract on the number of CD4 + cells and to find dose are able to reduce number CD4 + cells in RA mice. The animal used were eight weeks of male balb C strain mice were eight weeks with ranged of weight from 28-30 grams. Mice will divide into six groups (normal, RA without therapy, aspirin therapy, therapy by red betel leaf extract dose 100 mg/g, 200 mg/g and 400 mg/g). Each treatment was delivered by gavage with 0.5 ml for 21 days. At the end of treatment, The mice were sectioned and lymphocytes were isolated to count the number of CD4 + cells using flowcytometry. The results showed leaf extract of red betel has an effect to decrease the number of CD4 + cells on RA mice, whereas leaf extract of red betel optimal dose is 200 mg/g and has a tendency to decrease the number of CD4 + cells.

red betel leaf extract, rheumatoid arthritis, CD4+



The Morphological Profiling of Indonesian Frizzle Chicken: A Preliminary Study of Javanese Gallus gallus domesticus
Hendra Susanto, Moch. Sholeh, Fatma Yuni Reformawati, Nadilah Nur Anggraeni, Fitriana Hadayani, Farida Ariyani, Bay Ummu Sakinatuz Zakiah, Annisah Rachmawati Ariyadi, Sayli Salsabila, Wulan Dwi Saputri, Lutfiyah Maghfiroh Azis, Sa-diyatul Rizqie Amaliyah Firdaus, Nicholas Gerry Andreanto, and Kona-ah Ajeng Widowati

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Corresponding Author
Hendra Susanto

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Indonesian Frizzle Chicken Research Center, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Indonesia possesses abundant biodiversity and endemic if compared to biological wealth in other regions in Asia. One form of animal biodiversity in Indonesia is characterized by various types of complex morphological forms, for example in poultry groups. Frizzle chicken is one of the poultry species that have unique morphological characteristics. However, the characterization of morphology and molecular physiology in chicken frizzle in Indonesia is rarely explored until now. This study was conducted to characterize the specific characteristics of Indonesian chicken frizzle by analyzing several parameters such as feathers, scales on the feet and head morphology between local Javanese frizzle chicken and wild-type types. Based on the comparison of the morphology through the parameters above, it was found that there were significant differences between chicken and wild-type frizzle, including curvature, weight, length of fur, and morphology of the head and foot scales. Interestingly, Indonesian frizzle chicken has a more colorful variety of feathers compared to other areas. Thus, the results of this preliminary study are worth-using as the basic frameworks for genetic mapping of species of chicken frizzle in Indonesia. Further research is needed at the molecular level to obtain a comprehensive database of Indonesian frizzle chicken.

Frizzle chicken, Indonesia, Morphological analysis, biodiversity



The Role of High Fat Diet in Hyperlipidemia Mice Model
Windaniyah Sri Rahayu1, b) Abdul Ghofur2, Sri Rahayu Lestari2, a)

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Magister Program of Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Many peoples having an unhealthy lifestyle, like consuming fast food which has a high-fat content. There are many types of research using HFD (High Fat Diet) woof. HFD composition consists of many various contents. Consuming a HFD can cause several negatives health consequences, including metabolic dysfunction and obesity. The purpose of this study is to know the role of HFD which used our composition in the hyperlipidemic-mice model. Eight weeks old balb-C mice divided into two groups, normal and high-fat diet. Both groups received treatment for four weeks. The proximate test was carried out on both HFD and normal woof. Bodyweight and energy intake were measured at the end of the study. The result shows that the HFD group had a bigger body weight and energy intake. The proximate test showed that HFD contained lipid, protein, saccharide higher than normal woof. These are supported by the proximate test of HFD woof that contains protein and lipid higher than normal woof. The conclusion is HFD increasing body weight and energy intake higher than normal.

High Fat Diet, Body weight, Energy Intake



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