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How Netizen Perceived Javanese Local Wisdom; A Netnography Study to Culture Perception
Herda Prabadipta (a), Reny Yuliati (b)

(a) Communication Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya IV, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
(b) Lecturer of Communication Management, Universitas Indonesia,
Jl. Salemba Raya IV, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia


Twitter creates opportunities for researcher to get to know a person thoughts and idea through digital data. It is a perfect place to studying on how users perceive a culture. In this study, researchers felt the urgency to examine how users capture Javanese culture and represent it in social media because researchers are Javanese. Netnography has been applied to various study regarding virtual communities phenomena. This method approached as qualitative by studying on 412 post on Twitter that captured in terms of Javanese wisdoms. These tweets are captured from two years period, from March 2017 to February 2019. The result will present different types of netizens perception on which Javanese local wisdom that most acknowledge or used by user, also to understand their habit for using the terms in which conditions or circumstances. The result can be recommended as preliminary research to understand how people perceived and use Javanese local wisdoms on social media, which can be a basis for social research about Javanese identity and characteristics. Academically, the result can be used to design a research to deeply understanding about modern Javanese culture or the result can be also practically suggested for communication programs that targeting Javanese people.

Keywords: Culture Studies; Netnography; Digital Communication; Javanese Local Wisdom; Social Media

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

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