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Analysis of Tourism Village as Attraction for Visitors and Community Empowerment in Surrounding Areas: Case Study of Pasar Slumpring, Bumijawa Cempaka ,Tegal Regency, Central Java
Dian Filianti, Indah Puspita Sari

Universitas Airlangga


The objective of this study was to describe and analyze natural resources in one area of Tegal, precisely in Cempaka Village. How the people there manage and make the wealth of natural resources in their area become one of tourist destinations that will attract visitors and can increase the income of the people around the village, especially the merchant of Pasar Slumpring. By using bamboo or traditional tools that are friendly to environment. This study used a qualitative approach. With the technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. This research has strategic values and also objectives for the government and wider community about the importance of maintaning and supporting every effort to improve the community economy through the development of natural resources in the area around them.

Keywords: Tourism Village, Natural Resources, Community Empowerment

Topic: Cultural Heritage and Ecotourism


Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Development and Economical Growth (ISEDEG 2019)

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