The Principals Policy in Developing Relegious Culture at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Muntilan Subdistrict Sri Badriyati, Suliswiyadi, Nurodin Usman
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
The purpose of this study is to describe: 1. The form of religious culture in Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools in the district of Muntilan, 2. the principals policy in developing religious culture, 3. The impact of success after developing religious culture. This study uses qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques. Data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusion making. The forms of religious culture in Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools in Muntilan Subdistrict are divided into 3 categories, namely: 1. The form of activities: 5S (salam, senyum, sapa, sopan, santun) or (greetings, smiles and politeness), wearing muslim clothing, greeting in the morning while shakehand. 2. The practice of worship manifests its activities such as duha prayer, dhuhur prayer and asr in congregation, memorization of choice letters and asmaul husna. 3. Social, a manifestation of its activities: distributing qurban meat and fitrah tax to communities who are entitled to receive. The principal makes decisions and policies in developing religious culture by describing starting from the vision, mission, plans and then developed into a program that is realized in the form of activities. Activities carried out have a positive impact on success both for students, teachers, employees and schools. The implication of this research: the planned habituation in elementary schools to be implemented will form a positive religious culture and expected to be a provision of life in everyday life in the future.
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