Hasanuddin University1, faculty of marine science and fisheries2, faculty of economics3
Algae is an important product for the Indonesian economy. The development of seaweed cultivation in South Sulawesi offers promising prospects. The length of the coast reaches 1,937 km. The area of marine cultivation in South Sulawesi is 193,700 ha and about 10% is used for algae development. Takalar Regency has the potential of the natural resources of sea fishing. One of the potential marine resources that can improve the well-being of the Takalar district community is seaweed cultivation. The purpose of this study is to determine aquaculture revenues, marketing includes (costs, margins, efficiency) and development strategies for algae growing activities. The determination of the sample is done intentionally. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the benefits of algae cultivation activity of Rp. 56,932,800 per year and Rp. 9,488,000 per cycle. The marketing institute consists of only 3 institutions, namely Seaweed Farmers. at). Collection of traders and wholesalers, b). Marketing costs incurred in the amount of Rp. 210, -/ Kg for collection traders and for large traders in the amount of Rp. 270, - kg, c). The highest marketing margin received by traders is Rp. 1750 / kg and for large traders Rp. 2000, -/ Kg. d). Marketing effectiveness is considered effective for recovery traders, at 0.97%, while for large recovery traders, it is considered ineffective at 1.08%. 3. Based on the results of a strong, probable and very feasible SWOT analysis, in order to obtain the maximum progress. The conclusion of this research is that the cultivation of algae Kappaphycus alvarezii in the sub-districts of Manggara Bombang and Sanrobone promises great opportunities given the vastness of the land and that market demand continues to increase. Marketing channels have also found that there is only one channel, so marketing costs are not too high And revenues are very profitable.
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