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Effect Of Counseling Guidance In Improving Process Of Student Learning Achievement In MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro
Asrori, Moch. Charis Hidayat, Ika Puspitasari, Rusman

Islamic Education Department, Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah Surabaya University, Indonesia


Quality education is one that integrates several fields of activity in synergy namely administrative, instructional and guidance and counseling. This research aimed to transform the knowledge into the education system integrally. The type of research used is field research (field resources) with a quantitative approach. In this research, there were two variables, namely Guidance and Counseling as independent variables, and student achievement as a dependent variable. The researcher conducted a study in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro and the researchers selected grade 7 students as population, and assigned 10% of them as samples. Techniques in sampling in the form of random samplin. The source of this research data obtained by the method of observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The results of this research showed that counseling and guidance services affect the process of improving student achievement. This is based on the questionnaire score data that has been calculated with the product moment formula that results in a correlation index value (rxy) of 0.681. This result proved larger than the value at the significance level of 5% of 0.361 and 1% of 0.463. The results of this study indicate that there is influence between Counseling Guidance on the process of improving student achievement in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro.

Keywords: Counseling Guidance; Learning Achievement; Student

Topic: Psychology


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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