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Bai al-Najsy on Instagram Endorsement
Nor Fathin Fahimah

Airlangga University


This paper aims to describe and analyze the law of using bot followers to increase endorsement rates through Instagram according to qiyas method in ushul al-fiqh. This paper provides a critical analysis of the use of bot followers to increase endorsement rates through Instagram whether or not in accordance with Islamic law. The analysis is based on the qiyas method for bai al-najsy, which is seen whether the use of bot followers on Instagram endorsement has same illat to bai al-nasjy. If it has the same illat, then it is categorized as bai al-nasjy. The results of the research showed that there were similarities in the endorsement of Instagram that used bot followers with bai al-najsy, ie there were fraudsters (al-naajisy) who served as pretenders to raise prices, in this case bot followers. So that using bot followers to increase endorse Instagram rates is categorized as bai al-najsy.

Keywords: Bot Followers; Endorsement; Instagram; Qiyas, Ushul al-Fiqh

Topic: Social and Economic Issues


Conference: International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga (ICPS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nor Fathin Fahimah)

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