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Factors Influencing Customer-s Continued Mobile Apps Use Intention in The Broadband Internet Access Industry.
Yustine Pitasari, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, SE, MSi, Ph.D

University of Indonesia


Indonesia is a developing country market with the fastest growth of mobile applications at 17.6% at the end of 2018. With the rapid advancement of cellular technology and the innovations of service providers have led to an evolution in customer behavior in terms of how consumers interact with service providers service through the service delivery channel that can be utilized anytime and anywhere. Almost all broadband internet access service providers have branded mobile applications as part of the companys CRM. The challenge faced by service providers is how to maintain their cellular applications that can continue to be used daily by their users because the problems that occur are high mobile apps uninstall rate and low adoption rates of mobile applications use. This study takes the information adoption model (IAM) to examine the dual-routes of communication for continued use behaviors mobile apps user from internet access service providers, and investigate the relationship between argument quality, source credibility, perceive of usefulness, parasocial interaction, attitude certainty and continued use intention mobile applications from broadband internet service providers.

Keywords: Information Adoption Model, Continued Use Intention, Mobile Application, Internet Service Provider.

Topic: Marketing


Conference: The 3rd International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2019)

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